View Full Version : Glitch on FFVI rom

08-17-2003, 06:27 AM
I don't know if anyone else has experienced this, but in the WoR, when I was in Narshe trying to get Mog, (I don't know if this did anything or not) I had Gogo equipped with the throw command,and I threw a dirk at one of the monsters in town. After the battle i checked my inventory screen and i had three or four slots with: Illumina x75, and three more with dirk x0. I don't know how I did this, but the rest of the game was much easier because of this.

08-18-2003, 10:51 AM
Interesting. Usually that sort of stuff happens with the Relm glitch where you sketch something invisible or someone on your Party or Gau on the Veldt or something :p

The Man
08-19-2003, 01:51 AM
Odds are he did the Sketch glitch and didn't notice it until he threw the dirk. But I dunno, that does seem rather unlikely. Who knows. :o

08-19-2003, 06:04 AM
That could be it, although i never use Relm. My team is almost always Terra, Sabin, Edgar, and Either Gogo or Shadow. Plus I don't think its the sketch glitch, because doesn't that screw up the game? I actually beat it after this.

The Man
08-19-2003, 08:54 AM
The Sketch glitch doesn't always screw up the game, apparently; it seems to depend on what you've Sketched. I don't have any personal experience with it, myself; I've just heard various people's tales of what they've Sketched (including my best friend who must've played this game a hundred times, and I'm not even remotely exaggerating)

08-29-2003, 07:36 AM
I discovered the sketch glitch myself :p I even did it like 15 times, and it never erased my game (good thing too because I didn't know the glitch was so dangerous :eek:). All it ever did for me was give me a bunch of cheap weapons to sell, nothing good :cry: