View Full Version : Spira's death theory *SPOILERS!*

08-23-2003, 08:22 PM
didnt really know how else to name the topic, but i hope you know what i mean.. as mentioned in the title, there are *SPOILERS* about.. hope i got the SPOILERS message across :P

if im correct, then in spira when you die, if your not sent then you become a fiend or you just remain undead. always wondered a few things. first, if seymour, maester mika, auron, etc. were dead, why didnt they become fiends? or is it because that they had such strong ties to spira that they couldnt become fiends.

also.. if auron was lethally injured by yunalesca after braska recieves the final aeon at zanarkand dome, how come he aged 10 years? i dont see how its possible to age even though you are dead. i guess square didnt want the group to be suspicious of auron not aging at all.. or maybe stress of taking care of both yuna and tidus wore him down :rolleyes2

i honestly dont know what to do.. these thoughts have been driving me nuts!

09-14-2003, 09:44 PM
Seymour DID turn into a feind when he died, didn't he? Auron didn't go bad because he was still furfilling his promise to Jecht to bring Tidus back and I think there was something to do with his going to Zanarkand in there, too. On Maester Mika........ HES SO OLD, HE LOOKS LIKE A FEIND TO ME! He turned into a feind, but in human form, I think- he was evil, wasn't he, so....

So, I guess if you die in Spira you do become a feind, but Aurons was a special case.

10-09-2003, 01:50 AM
Didn't Lulu say in Kilika during the sending that if you are not sent then you become a fiend because of your hate for the living. In Aurons case he was fulfilling a promise. Maester Mika was a wise leader and existed only to guide spira using outdated methods (ie; the final summoning) so he was basicaly a good guy. Semour was insane and under the alusion he would heal spira by killing them, a twisted sort of love for the people. Also Semours father Jyscal was trying to warn of semours plan. and as for Auron aging that was probably just to keep people from wandering why he hadn't aged.

10-09-2003, 08:11 PM
Now I think about it the aging thing is one of the best things that could have happend to FF X. Cause no one expected him to be dead.

My theroy on that is when he travaled on Sin to go get Tidus and watch over him. The time that he spent in Zanarken actually aged him. I feel that he would only age there and you will not age while in spira.

Lulu did say that is how there are fiends. The Dead grow to resent the living and resentment turned to Anger.

Seymore was messed up when his mother started giving him power and it wen t to his head. I mean come on he killed his own father.

Just my theroys.

Big D
11-07-2003, 02:28 AM
[q=jpiceman]My theroy on that is when he travaled on Sin to go get Tidus and watch over him. The time that he spent in Zanarken actually aged him. I feel that he would only age there and you will not age while in spira.
[/quote]That sounds about right. In the 'dream world' of Zanarkand, Auron was free to live a real life, different from his 'unsent' form in the real world.

There's a profound difference between being unsent and being undead, in my opinion. If someone dies and can't accept it - for example, they're killed by Sin, or they have a really important task to do - then their souls don't leave for the Farplane by themselves. Their souls aren't fully attached to their bodies, either - notice how Mika was able to make his 'pyreflies' float around his body? However, if an unsent has a lot of determination adn purpose, that binds their soul to them just enough to keep them 'alive' and functioning. Seymour, Auron and Mika are examples. Mika disappeared - perhaps to the Farplane - when his 'purpose' seemed to have vanished. All of the other purposeless unsent lose their souls, which float away and become fiends.

Of course, these rules won't apply in every circumstance, but I think they explain it reasonably well.

Ultima Seraph
11-08-2003, 09:17 PM
Unsent can choose whether or not they age. And yes, the reason why some do not become feinds, like Auron, Yunalesca, Seymour and Mika, is because they have strong ties to Spira, keeping them alive, so to speak.

If you go to the temples (before you fight Sin) and talk to the fayth, they give a lot of answers about Spira, the fayth, unsent and Dreams.