View Full Version : Summing

09-09-2003, 02:07 AM
This is stupid and would make the game way too easy, but wouldn't it be cool to be able to summon the whatever they're called in this one like in 10. To be able to fight with Bahamut, or Zodiac like you can with Ramza. That'd be fun.....easy as heck but fun all the same.

Nakor TheBlue Rider
09-09-2003, 07:16 AM
You could create characters that represent The Summons with a Game Shark.....

And you Could Limit there POWER so it isn't TOO easy....Or Create More difficult Enemy Battles.....

09-09-2003, 09:15 AM
I wouldn't like that, just a personal opinion, but I like how the summons work now. Mind you it's not a bad idea.... I just can't imagine Bahamut being... sized down to a one square pixel. Some of the larger monsters looked really bad... like they'd been squished or something....... I suppose if Bahamut didn't get that squished look it'd be cool......


Celia & Lede :eek: *hugs your signature* :love:

09-10-2003, 01:35 AM
Bahamut wouldn't need to be sized down to 1 square pixel. He could just have a completely different sprite made of him, like around the size of the regular dragons. Some summons could even be human-sized.

You're right, though. It would make the game too cheap and easy. That's why I never used aeons in FFX (except as shields), because they were so cheap. If one aeon's cheap, imagine a party of summoners, and each one is controlling a summon with the cheapness of an aeon, or even Orlandu. I guess they'd have to put some restrictions on the summons' power, or the number that could be out at one time.

Nakor TheBlue Rider
09-10-2003, 04:45 AM
Well hey if they made it so that Only certian Summons were available in the first few chapters.

and if they Dissapeared after say 2 attacks

and if they only had The same health as a Monster....

like 500 HP MAX with no special Armour or evade.....

Then its just like getting a monster on your team for 2 attacks who has a unique type of attack.....

IT could be Done so it isnt cheap.....:D :D :D