View Full Version : 20020220 Orchestral Concert - Translation?

09-11-2003, 07:11 PM

I just got this excellent CD (http://www.animenation.com/sscx-10065-6.html), and between some songs there's a Japanese man and woman talking (those tracks are entitled MC1, MC2, etc). It's in Japanese, of course, so I was wondering if anyone knows if you can find a translation (in English) of what the heck they're saying, somewhere. I bet it would be kind of interesting to know, since I can hear they're yapping on about something Final Fantasy-related. Like about the actual games, or maybe about Nobuo even. :love:


EDIT: In the last interlude talk (MC 5 on Disc 2), the two "hosts" introduce some other guy to come up and say a few words. I can't seem to make out any name, but can someone confirm if this guy maybe is mr. Uematsu himself? That would be so cool. ;)

09-11-2003, 11:21 PM
It is him, and I can clearly hear the name Uematsu several times in it, when they're calling him and when he introduces himself :p Perhaps your idea of how Uematsu is pronounced is different to how it's really pronounced, maybe from lack of knowing how to pronounce japanese written in romaji (english characters) :p

They speak too fast for me to be able to hear all the words clearly so I can't translate it for you though :p

09-12-2003, 08:28 AM
No, I'm positive I'm pronouncing the name right. Even got it confirmed from the official site.

"No-Bu-O Oo-E-Ma-Tsu"

That's what it says there. But I guess it sounds different if you hear Japanese folk saying it, probably that's why I missed it. What's funny though is that I somehow "felt" it was him, and somehow I "recognized" his voice, even though I've never heard him speak. Pretty freaky...

But anyway, okay, so it is him. Cool. But I still want to know what the heck they're talking about. Lots of talks on the CD that sound really interesting. Like the chats with Rikki and Emiko, for example. Oh well...

09-13-2003, 05:48 PM
I'd be able to translate it for you, but ya know: No CD means no translation. Oh well. I'm sure it's been translated, so you'll just have to find the translation somewhere.