View Full Version : confused

09-16-2003, 02:29 PM
Where can I find a ffta rom? None of the sites I've tested have it.....:cry:

I have heard ppl getting it over kazaa but I dont find it there either....

MagicKnight Locke
09-16-2003, 04:09 PM
Write in final fantasy tactics and u will find 1,000,000 results on just that and 1 on the first tactics <.<

09-16-2003, 04:56 PM
I wish no one else could find it on Kazaa,then no one would be stealing my bandwidth with all their uploads!!! I'm just kidding,I don't mind sharing
But seriously,its there.It took me days to find,but its there.Don't download it unless you're SURE its the english version,coz trust me I've downloaded the JAP version quite a few times on false assumption
The file I downloaded was called Final Fantasy Tactics (USA).It was sooo satisfying when I finally found it.
I would upload it here but I dont have broadband,and even when zipped it takes up 5MB

09-17-2003, 11:10 AM
After searching 30 minutes I finally found it! Sad enough it was the japanese version.:cry: I freaked out and searched another hour, then I finally found a file called
"FFTA.GBA(U) and I was rollin' on the floor of happiness ^^, I haven't played it yet and I cantr until I get home but I peeked and it looked really great!! :p

And Rydia; I don't have broadband either =)
I just "borrow" my cousin's connection ;)

09-17-2003, 10:12 PM
Is ur cousin on broadband?
I do all my downloading the good old-fashioned 56k way (unfortunately)

09-18-2003, 07:46 AM
Yes he has broadband, I never download any big files at home with 56k, not that ffta was that big, though.

Btw, FFTA is really fun to play!

I played 5hours yesterday and I'm totally hooked already. The new system that you learn abilities through weapons is really nice.