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View Full Version : Pro's 'N' Cons Of FFX (READ) (SpOiLeRs)

09-20-2003, 07:26 PM
This game has caused an Epic Debate of wether it's good or crap here's what I say:

The game has a decent story line (Star wars realted but who cares) But it was maiy reusing things but that isn't noticable unless you look for it....

The Intraduction of "Over Voice" Was a Mistake I am probably Biased but me and all my freinds agree that an RPG is no place for Voices It's not the actors are crap (Which the _are_ In FFX) It's far better to Imagine the Voices (Picture Cloud having a voice like Tidus!!)

The Battles Were also Very Well done And More Options were Introduced People who Liked FF8 Were disapointed In FF9 when they saw the commands (Zell's Duel Squalls Rezonukkuen) Were Removed And you had no stratigy FF10 recaptures this with Tidus's Sword Play (Press X on the Bar) And Aurons Samuri(Enter a code) wihich is an excellent Idea!

Another Change We hadn't Asked fior was the deleation of the World Map Which Made the game to forward and Yes we Did get an airship But you couldn't really do Crap with it!!

Also Some Reviewers had a problem with the Dress Sense of the Characters Sayin they were indecent Let's just argue hat shal we....

Only 3 character Dress Slghtly Out of the Ordernary They are Rikku, Lulu and Yunalesca. But to tell You the Truth Rikku and Lulu's Dress sense is not Noticable unless you LOOK for them! (Which I didn't but my Dad pointed out to me...) and Yunalesca is on;y ever show TWICE in the Game

Also Square spent to much on the Optional Fights rather than the proper fights youv'e got to admit That Tros (3rd encounter) is MUCH hader to survive than the Yu Yevon Battles!!

What should have been hard They MADE EASY!! The Final Aeon Was killed easy with the Cerrial Weapons and after Suffering 3 hard battles with Seymour we were realeved to see the 4th had an OBVIOUS weekness which could be exposed before he even posed a threat!! Also a soon as Wakka tells you about how Omega Weapon (Ahhh that rings a bell!) betraid the Yevons and turnd into a fiend but he was NOTHING and didn't GO anyWere And Yu Yevon was a JOKE because for some strange reason HE ACCTUALLY REVEIVES YOUR CHARACTERS!!! This is unforgivable!!

The Dark Aeons Made up for it though (Note: Not every version has these Guys) which were Optional but hard and a good chalenge However You Loose a bit of chalenge when you discover that Yojimbo could kill them in one hit with his "Zammato"sword......

So there you have it this game has sufferd with bad change but it's still an enjoy able game! AND I LIKE IT!! but it could REALLY be better!!

09-20-2003, 08:01 PM
FFX is a good game. Infact i've never played a FF game I didn't like from 6 upto and including 10.

It's not the best but it's still a good game and a fair challenge. Having changed so many things from the previous games like the way characters abilitys improve and the overhall of the battle system was a nice chance from the old ATB system of the old games.

As for the voice overs I didn't find them annoying but the fact that as usual there redone from the Japanese so you have the old problem of characters mouth moving and them saying nothing then suddenly they say "OK." looked abit stupid but theres not much you can do about that. :D

It introduced some new ideas and tried something abit different and it worked so you can't moan about that if you ask me.

Silent Warrior
09-21-2003, 08:45 AM
MJN SEIFER: Eh... You haven't played Planescape Torment or Grim Fandango, have you? That voice-acting will show you what it's all about. And, well, yes, FFX's voice-acting wasn't super.

Ah... Look, go easy on the caps, ok? I'm almost allergic to them now. And punctuation is a good thing - I found myself gasping for air more than once. An' it's spelled Celestial weapons. Heh, imagine smiting Yu Yevon with a sword made of Corn Flakes! :)

I agree with the rest (except for the battles - when you're not fighting bosses, they get DULL), though I'd just rather shout about how unbalanced the Dark Aeons made the game. They have, what, 10-100 times YY's HP, hit up to 100 times harder (and quicker, it seems), and you still have to get past at least two of them to max your people out (though admittedly it only seems to affect Auron), so you actually have a chance when running into them - as opposed to activating Infinite Gil on the Gameshark/Pro Action Replay and dish out some Zanmato. Bah! Dark Aeons, bite me!

09-21-2003, 12:46 PM
i dont really think that FFX is the best ff ever but its brilliant compared to a typical PS2 title i think. One thing that got on my nerves was the TOTAL disappearance of the world map. without that, it just didnt feel like a proper FF. no freedom. i wasnt that bothered about the vioces really.

but good was the dark aeons which were chalenging, celestial weapons which was also chalenging, and the monster arena.

it was a brill game but i think square was trying to be something its not.

09-21-2003, 03:28 PM
Most characters were lame, especially Tidus with his yellow spand-ex.
There is no world map.
Voiceacting shouldn't be in an FF game, and it was poorly done in English.
The story is confusing, and not very good. They tried too hard.
You have Auto-Life during the final battle.
There is no ATB, yes I'm an ATB fan.
The optional stuff, like Dark Aeons, all felt weird and strange somehow.
The entire game felt weird and strange.

Nice graphics.
Very short loading times.

09-21-2003, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by Silent Warrior
MJN SEIFER: An' it's spelled Celestial weapons. Heh, imagine smiting Yu Yevon with a sword made of Corn Flakes!

:lol: Oh, man that's funny! I really didn't find FFX to be that bad. The voices annoyed me (especially Yuna's). But that was only because the lip synching was off. Then again, I don't get a chance to play many other games...

09-22-2003, 02:23 AM
Hey I like it when they add voice acting to a video game. Just no when it sucks. Some things likeAuron and Lulu had cool voices, but every other voice actor sucked. Overall I thought it was a pretty cool game ( just it needed a really badass villain)

09-22-2003, 02:40 AM
I loved the voice acting, it added a beautiful depth to the characters, it was too bad that some of them werent as good as the rest. Lulu and Auron were especially good, Tidus and Yuna werent bad, but they werent incredible, either. That's always a big problem when it comes to dubbing, though, be it in anime or video games, it just usually doesnt come close to the beautiful depth of the Japanese voice actors.

I loved X, and I felt it had a lot of strong points. For me, I was fed up with Final Fantasy, because I was sorely disappointed with VIII and IX, and I swore that if X was bad I was just going to forget about playing the new FF's. It blew me away, and for that I was happy.

I loved the storyline, all the deception and the blind faith that the people put into Yevon... how they touched on how it was both good and bad, they showed a lot of different sides to everything. I liked the characters, I love how they grew and changed, but not drastic, unwaranted changes. They didnt just up and become new people, but they did learn more about themselves and their world, and watching them come to grips with that was great.

I love the new battle system, and how you could bring characters in and out especially. That was really neat. The sphere system was awesome, too. It allowed for a lot of extensive customization of your characters and their abilities, but still personalized it at the beginning, instead of everyone having the same spells and such all at once.

The lack of a world map was so nice, it added a serious degree of realism to the game. I dont know if that's something I would like in every game, but would be really nice is a hybrid of the old world map system and the one that X introduced... sort of like the way you move across in the map in ORPGs. It's nicer than stepping out of town, becoming massively big, and stroll around, but I do miss the exploring aspect that allowed for.

10-25-2003, 07:59 PM
The world map would have ruined 10. It was supposed to be a pilgarmage. It would have been totally out of charecter for them to go out exploring when their supposed to be on a sacred quest to kill sin.

And I liked everybody's voice but yuna. I get the impression her actor didn't speak english very well. I don't know her name but I'd bet if you looked up the actor she's probably from another country where english isn't spoken.

10-26-2003, 05:53 PM
I disliked her voice actress, too! Oh, man. Aren't they bringing her back for FFX-2? I don't know if I'll be able to stand that.

10-26-2003, 07:57 PM
Yep, and they relpaced some of the good ones.
I don't remember the names off the top of my head but it's the ones who did aurom wakka and kimari.

so that stinks

10-30-2003, 09:18 PM
Big con - It's not out on PC (I don't think). I haven't found FFIX or FFX for PC, so I'm assuming that they don't exist, which really ****es me off.

11-01-2003, 01:34 AM

*CTB System.
*Usefulness of Haste.
*Allow for better battle tactics.
*Graphics o.O

*Yuna's generic "ok.wav" "yes.wav" voice overs.
*Auto-Life in Final Battle.
*No way to see how good your characters are, (in other FF's you know exactly what level you are, but in FFX you only know that you've done approximately x% of the sphere grid).
*Stupid ambience tracks in FFX OST.
*1247129874 versions of the Hymn of the Fayth.
*Awkward camera angles.
*Crazy minigames

11-01-2003, 11:38 AM
yunas voice-over sucked.

11-02-2003, 03:36 PM
The following are solely MY personal opinions on what made the game good or bad.

FF10 Pros:
Option to switch characters during battle.
Revival of the option to switch arm gear during battle.
Ample variety of items.
Able to make your own ability.

FF10 Cons:
Lack of spells.
Lack of Aeons. (Where are Leviathan and Phoenix?)
Weapons and armor do not naturally increase stats.
Three playable characters at one time.
Lack of sufficient elementals. (Winds, Earth, Holy, Poison anyone?)
Lack of other armor.
Save points refresh your party. (I liked the idea of stocking up on potions and tents for a long journey.)
Free to stay in an inn.
No card game.

Note: Holy was not Holy elemental. It was just a very strong non-elemental magic attack.

11-03-2003, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Kahless
And I liked everybody's voice but yuna. I get the impression her actor didn't speak english very well. I don't know her name but I'd bet if you looked up the actor she's probably from another country where english isn't spoken.

Yuna's voice actress was so bad! I think she was American actually....she sounded like it from the interview with her. But still, she sounded like a nine year old in a school play >_<

She.....spoke like.....this.....all.....the time.

I hear she's got better for FFX-2, SephirothsAngel. I hope so anyways

11-07-2003, 03:52 PM
Really -- an American?

She obviously learned acting at the William Shatner school of dramatic pauses.

"You must ... understand ... Mister Klingon ... that ... we ... are ... going ... to kill you"

11-07-2003, 04:50 PM
Indeed. What worries me about Yuna's voice actor Hedy Buress is that she'll be playing the main role of FFX-2. If she can't learn to voice act, the main character of the sequel might be a failure already.

FFX Pros:
* Beginning and ending
* Good graphics
* Some action sequences, like boss fights, are heavily scripted, which make them feel like a cinematic experience
* Makes FF8 seem like a good game

FFX Cons:
* Too linear story and setting (no world map or free movement)
* Annoying and, IMHO, ugly characters
* Voice acting (especially Tidus, Yuna and Seymour)
* The game's atmosphere and music get you annoyed of the game instead of getting attached to the game
* The cinematic feel in the game is also a downside since occasionally you have to sit through almost an hour of meaningless dialogue
* Battles are frequent, slow and boring
* Tons of compulsory mini-games that I absolutely loathe
* Really stupid side-quests
* The final battle (I hate it!)

11-07-2003, 10:09 PM
I don't really see what so great about a world map. And as far as the movie parts It didn't seem that long to me. If ten's movies seemed long don't you DARE play Xenosaga. Actually Xeno lacked a world map as well and I liked em both.

11-07-2003, 10:48 PM
For why I would have wanted FFX to have a world map isn't because that's an FF tradition, if anyone was wondering that. The reason why I would have wanted a world map into the game is that the atmosphere and music in the game are very aggressive and tense. Of course, it can be a good thing at times, but I feel like the players should be given times to relax and enjoy the game, instead of doing nothing but moving from place to place, town to dungeon, dungeon to town etc.

A world map is a perfect place for that kind of relaxing and enjoying. You can wander around freely, explore places, retrace back to previous positions, enjoy the game's world, level up etc. That would have been very good for the game, especially because most of the dungeons in the game are straight linear routes (take Mi'ihen Road, Thunder Plains, Bevelle, Inside Sin and many other places as examples) where you can't do much exploring. And I like exploring in RPGs. :) I think Calm Lands kind of reminds me of moving in the world map, and that area would have been very well done if it had been a lot bigger.

I live in Europe and there are no plans for any PAL release of Xenosaga, so most likely I can never even try Xenosaga. IMHO, FFX's long dialogue sequences aren't a problem because of their length, but because the dialogues are meaningless and weak, and hardly any character development occurs in such long conversations.

Big D
11-10-2003, 11:07 AM
Most of the criticisms levelled at FFX are just because it's actually different in some way to the other games in the series.

I liked the re-vamped battle system - straight-forward, but with a good amount of complexity. Having Tidus' narration during the first half was a nice touch, too, I think. Actually hearing what a charcter thought, in retrospect, about a situation was something not often seen in an FF.

As others have said, having no World Map fit the nature of the Pilgrimage a little better. Besides, it's easy to get very bored making a little dude run around a grossy disproportioned map where the towns have two buildings and the characters tower over the tallest building. FFX's style meant that scenic locations - plains, forests, valleys - could get the details they deserve, instead of being anonymous and generic like the World Map features of earlier games.

I enoyed the voice acting, too. Sure, the synch wasn't always good - especially when the actors had to slow down in order to match the amination.

("This is.... the last time.... we fight together.


This line irks me a little, because of its awkward pacing.

But then, you've gotta accept such things from a translated game. It sure beats the fifty million "I don' wan'... any trubble" scenes from all those badly-dubbed martial arts movies...
The actors themselves were pretty talented, I though. DiMaggio, who voiced Wakka and Kimahri, really put a lot of emotion into his performance and gave colour to the accent and dialect of the Besaid locals. Tidus was a young character, so of course he's going to have a slightly whiny, adolescent voice. It fits the part. Lulu and Auron had superb voice actors, but then I'm often biased in favour of my favourite characters. Rikku's actress did a fine job, too.
As for Yuna... I thought her voice was just fine. She had a lot of sensitivity, vulnerability and other emotional texture in her lines.

The minor characters also had good dialogue. Maechen had a great 'wise storyteller' tone; Seymour was suitably 'inhuman' in his cold, mysterious accent.
The script was fine; it was so good to see some regional variation in accents and even language.

The world's history was nicely developed. It was good learning about the history and origins of Sin, machina, and the Yevon Church. That's a kind of detail completely lacking from the Nintendo-era Final Fantasies, and FFVIII.

Basically, I agree with most of what TheAbominatrix said. As usual...

No series is going to survive by just regurgitating the same tired old ideas every two years. FFX was a great departure in a number of ways, some really original ways of doing things. No mysterious stranger who discovers the Ultimate Source of Evil Power and wants it for himself, though strangely this ultimate power has gone unnoticed for ever; instead, Sin is a well-known, well-established eons-old being revered and feared in the worldwide religion. Seymour might've seemed like he'd be the game's answer to Kuja or Kefka, when really he was little more than a hurt and misguided young man, and a good means of exploring Spira's conepts of life, death and undeath.

Not a perfect game, but pretty dang good in my opinion. Some frustratingly difficult min-games requiring absolute perfection or else you've gotta start again. Chocobo racing and butterfly catching, anyone?

But at least it's original.

She obviously learned acting at the William Shatner school of dramatic pauses.

"You must ... understand ... Mister Klingon ... that ... we ... are ... going ... to kill you"You are quickly becoming one of my favourite new people at this forum.

11-12-2003, 10:48 PM
~ Graphics
~ The battles(to some extent)
~ The disc makes for a good frisbee.
~ This game is perfect for friends who want to hang out and have tons of laughs, tears, and aggravation.

Though, I'm tempted to say "everything," I won't.
~The most random boss battles. Honestly, Square, if you wanted to have random boss battles, you might as well have put them during a blitz ball game, for God's sake. Most of the bosses had nothing to do with the plot at all. Sure some random bosses are alright, but FFX's ridiculous number of boss battles was absolutely.... ridiculous.

~Seymour. Thank you ever so much, Square, for giving us a cliche villain. Oh, wait, he's NOT a villain!? What's that? An aeon you meet during the last hour of the game is your real villain? How terrific. Now, back to Seymour. I found him incredibly annoying after the 3rd time you fight him. Seriously. He just starts showing up in the most random places. Here's an example. Right when you get to the peak of Mt. Gagazet, you know there's going to be another random boss battle. Who shows up? Seymour, of course! Why is it Seymour? Oh, no reason.

~ The nonsensical plot. Ok, I'm getting tired of putting the spoiler tags in, so, this is my warning. This next one will have spoilers in it. The one that always gets my friends and me is how they can breathe underwater. Does blitz ball somehow give them the ability to breathe under water? Are the Al Bhed some sort of evolved human that can breathe under water as well? Another part that managed to make us laugh was the wedding of Yuna and Seymour. When Yuna threatens to jump off the balcony, the guards are forced to lower their weapons, including the Maester who is the priest. After marrying Seymour, Yuna still jumps off. WHY. No, I don't mean "why did she jump off?". I mean "why didn't she just jump off when she said she would?". It would have been just as effective. This last one is so horrible, yet so unbearably hilarious, that I'm starting to consider it a positive thing about the game. Throughout FFX, Tidus goes around the world with his many pals, which includes Rikku's father and brother, they save the world, and he even makes out with Yuna in the lake. It seems like they're the best of friends and know every single thing about eachother. Oh, wait, no they don't. They travel the world, save it, make out, but not once have they ever bothered to ask for Tidus's name. Not once. Square could have had the character's ask for his name in one of those non-voice-acted parts. But, obviously, Square did not.

~ Auto-Life at the end.

~ Cloyster of Trials, or whatever those orb puzzles are called. Yes, the first and second were pretty fun, but once I realized there were more than 3, FFX gave meaning to the word "repetitive". This "trials" got so ridiculously boring after the first two. Just boring, you ask? Yes, just boring and, yes, I'm lying about it just being boring. It also gets quite aggravating, especially the trials right before Bahamut. At some points you are actually forced to fall down. For those of you who have gotten to this point, you know what I'm talking about. This was the slowest, most boring, and most angering part of the game. I sincerely hope Square-Enix doesn't do anything like this in FFXII.

Big D
11-13-2003, 12:26 AM
The one that always gets my friends and me is how they can breathe underwater. I think we're just meant to believe that they can hold their breath for several minutes. In blitzball, they can easily 'surface' anywhere on the sphere pool, though we never actually see that happen. Same for underwater battles. With FFX (International), the 'Another Story' DVD opens with Yuna training to improve her underwater skills, and she mentions that she isn't yet strong enough to hold her breath for as long as Wakka or Tidus.
Oh, wait, no they don't. They travel the world, save it, make out, but not once have they ever bothered to ask for Tidus's name. Not once. Square could have had the character's ask for his name in one of those non-voice-acted parts. But, obviously, Square did not.
Lots of the non-voiced parts include Tidus' name. Several of the Besaid Aurochs, amongst others, call him by name during text-only conversations.

11-13-2003, 07:40 PM
Oh, wait, no they don't. They travel the world, save it, make out, but not once have they ever bothered to ask for Tidus's name. Not once. Square could have had the character's ask for his name in one of those non-voice-acted parts. But, obviously, Square did not.

Yuna: Wakka *Blah Blah* Lulu was like ths *Blah Blah* I thought Auron was really *Blah Blah* And that leaves.............."The New Guardian"!!

ME: Who's That?

*Ice Ages Pass*


That just about somes it up

05-27-2007, 03:41 PM
I didn't like the fact that in the FMVs the characters looked asian but then looked caucasian in realtime. That was just stupid. Also a lot of the attacks weren't that impressive, especially Ultima. The first time I got it I was like "yes! I get to see Ultima now!" and it turned out to be pretty crappy and dull. There weren't nearly enough magics, yet they spent a lot of effort on the specials and skills. I was particularily dissapointed at the lack of Earth/Wind based magics/attacks.

Apart from that though everything else was sweet. It certainly takes a while to max your stats. Dunno If I'll ever max my Luck :)

05-27-2007, 04:38 PM
The poor little girl screamed
WHY CAN'T IT JUST DIE:( :( :( :( :( :( :(
the world then exploded

The morale of the story is reviving old threads is bad for the enviroment please don't kill the earth:)

K i'm done now

Azure Chrysanthemum
05-27-2007, 07:30 PM
Please don't revive 3-year old threads.