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Eternal Snow
10-09-2003, 09:35 AM
hihi allx, haven't came here for quite some time already, LoL almost a year or so~

anyways, just wanting to find out, is it possible to get Odin after you've fought Seifer in Lunatic Pandora? it's known that if you have Odin while fighting Seifer there, Odin will be replaced by Gilgamesh so i'm wondering if it's possible to get odin after the battle so that he won't be replaced.

next, in the 3rd disc, when you board Lunatic Pandora using the Ragnarok is it possible to leave Lunatic Pandora whenever you like? or is it permanant such that when you board it, you can't leave?

asking these because i plan to get odin instead of gilgamesh and also want to use tonberry (which you have to kill odin first to get) for the familiar ability, on Esthar shops~

hope these questions will be answered soon.... thanx in advance~

10-09-2003, 11:30 AM
im pretty sure that you cant because i think that you cant roam around the world map until disk 4 and when your on disk 4 you cant enter any of the towns and stuff, i think...i might be mistaken.

10-09-2003, 02:30 PM
Answer to first question: Yes, it is possible for you to get Odin, but not get Gilgamesh, and you do it exactly in the manner described: get Odin after Lunatic Pandora.

Answer to second question: You can leave the Lunatic Pandora if you're not on the fourth disc yet. If you are on the fourth disc, Squall gets cranky about Rinoa and won't leave. But, if you're still on the third disc, I believe you can still leave.

the blitzer
10-10-2003, 10:22 PM
The only way to avoid Odin being replaced gy Gilgamseh is to get Odin on disk 4. I am 100% sure there is no other way.

Eternal Snow
10-11-2003, 02:05 AM
so to put in simplier words, you can't want the cake (get odin instead of gilgamesh) and eat the cake (get tonberry for esthar shops) at the same time right?

Big D
10-11-2003, 07:39 AM
Tonberry can learn the unfeasably cool "call shop" ability. Even when the world's getting destroyed by time compression, those hard-workin' Esthar retailers will still ship their goods around the world in the blink of an eye.
So yeah... you CAN get Odin later, and Tonberry, and still enjoy all the benefits of both.

Eternal Snow
10-12-2003, 06:39 AM
Originally posted by Big D
Tonberry can learn the unfeasably cool "call shop" ability. Even when the world's getting destroyed by time compression, those hard-workin' Esthar retailers will still ship their goods around the world in the blink of an eye.
So yeah... you CAN get Odin later, and Tonberry, and still enjoy all the benefits of both.
I don't quite get what you are trying to say. To get Odin instead of Gilgamesh, you need to get Odin on Disc 4. To get Tonberry's familiar for Esthar Shops, you need to get it before Disc 3. But, to get Tonberry, you need to get Odin first am I right? Due to the time limit you need to kill Odin before being booted out from the place.

MagicKnight Locke
10-12-2003, 12:52 PM
to leave lunatic pandora just go back to the place where u fought fujin&raijin and the ragnarok should be there.

r@ve:you can get tonberry and odin both at any time.
though i think (aint sure) that call shop acoounts for shops you have visited throughout the game.
but i aint sure...

the blitzer
10-12-2003, 04:58 PM
Tonberry can be got on disk 4. I have picked up on that disk. The Call shop ability will only show shops that you have visted, so make sure you vist all the shops you want before fighting Seifer.

Eternal Snow
10-13-2003, 10:25 AM
to conclude, i can first visit all the shops that i want then head inside Lunatic Pandora to fight with Seifer then head to get Tonberry and Odin together on Disc 4 enjoying the 2 birds - having Odin + being able to call up all the shops i've visited throughout the whole game, right?

thanx lotx everyone~~