View Full Version : bored

10-10-2003, 09:51 PM
I for one am getting a bit bored of Final Fantasy games. I mean theyre all too similiar. Train kill train kill with an occasional twist in the storyline with the annoying ooh look a boss right when i was getting to the good part. Oh great I died and there wasn't a save point nearby. Sound familiar. It is the same with all Final fantasy games. The random battles are sooooooo annoying and you just want to continue the story line however it takes so long to get there and you may get lost delaying the process even longer. The fmvs are brilliant but very rare making the game even less interesting. I think that square enix shoulld think up new ideas or a game that is completely differen say more Zelda wind waker style. They should have done a slightly closer version too RPG than the lara croft style in X-2 Also. why not create a dvd of say FF9. I think it would b brill.
What do u think that Square enix should do next coz i'm bered of FF.
1. Rpg
2. Action
3. Adventure
4. Strategy
5. dance
6. puzzles
7. Platform
8. movie
9. books
10. Retire

10-11-2003, 12:19 AM
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest doesn't have random battles :laugh:

10-12-2003, 12:24 AM
I'm not bored of FF's! You say they are all too similar.. but there were a lot of differences in particular the magic systems, from espers to materia to junctioning to ability learning to sphere grid.... all different making sure that each FF wasn't just a repeat of the previous game in the way you could play it!

I've never really died in an annoying place without saving, I don't die that often in FF's but when I do there has been a save, I think the games usually give you a chance or warning to save fairly close. But I dunno, like I said I rarely died...

Random battles can be annoying yeah but I actually enjoyed them most of the time in FFX, just with the graphics and voices goin on and switching people in and out, getting their sphere levels up, etc. But in certain places I agree you just want to get on with the story.
FMV's are brilliant, and by being rare they become even more great to see I think cos you look forward to them, and it makes the moments where they are special. FFIX had a lot I thought, and so did FFX.

As for Square thinking up new ideas, I think that's what they have done with each FF, and I do hope they think up more but I don't want them to change the games too much I'd like it if they kept most elements like battles and using the menu, etc, the same.

Square do puzzle games? Dance games? Square are great at RPGs in my opinion and that's why FF is so successful! They should definately stick to what they are good at.

So.. I just hope they continue to make FF's and introduce new things like they always do, but I'm happy with how the FF's are going. That's why I play em ;)

11-11-2003, 01:30 AM
ooh... diffrent magic system. this guy has a point, but im still a ff fan all the way.
but i could use a ff fighting game(with swords) for the ps2