View Full Version : which ff games have you beaten

10-16-2003, 03:46 AM
i just started playing final fantasy around 1 year ago,
although i'v played 1-10, tactics/tactics advance, and mq, the only ones that i beat are 7, 8,mq, and 10

as for all the other ones...
-i have around 15 hours on ff1
-i'm actually almost done with 2 but i stopped playing because it was getting hard
-on 3 i only played it for 3 hours on a rom
-i made it to the moon on 4
-i've played 5 and 6 on a rom and have a couple of hours on each(i don't have ff anthology yet)
-i stopped playing 9 because it was too easy
-i'm on the battle with balk, the chemist, the behemoth, and the three hydras on fft
-i just got ffta on gameboy not long ago, and i have around 20 hours on it

it seems like i'm almost done with a lot of them but i get board before the last 5 hours or so.... i hate when that happens

10-16-2003, 04:01 AM
Originally posted by Ultima_Paladin

-i'm actually almost done with 2 but i stopped playing because it was getting hard

-i stopped playing 9 because it was too easy

So you stop playing when it gets too hard, and when it gets too easy?

Try starting one with the intent to finish it. Make it like a goal, that way when you finish it'll be a little more satisfying.

10-16-2003, 08:07 AM
ffmq- own it, played about 5 mins of it
ff1- havent played and i dont own
ff2- havent played and i dont own
ff3- havent played and i dont own
ff4- own it, beat once
ff5- own it, never played
ff6- own it, played 10 hrs of it
ff7- own it, beat 2 times
ff8- own it, beat one and a half times
ff9- own it, up to start of disk 3
ff 10- own it, played about 40 hrs (up
to rikkus home)
ff11- havent played and i dont own
ff X-2- havent played and i dont own
ff tactics- havent played and i dont own

thats it i think. ive been playing ff for about 2 and a half years

10-16-2003, 11:12 AM
FF1 - Own it but havn't played it yet.
FF2 - Own it but havn't played it yet.
FF4 - Own it but havn't played it yet.
FF5 - Own it but havn't played it yet.
FF6 - Own it. I'm upto Kefkas tower. Just can't be bothered learning magic for all the characters I havn't used throughout the whole game atm.
FF7 - Own it. Completed it about 10 times.
FF8 - Own it. Completed once, just started playing it again last nite.
FF9 - Own it. Completed once, and found it far to easy. finished it in a week.
FF10 - Own it. Completed once.

10-16-2003, 03:21 PM
FF 7 I'm on the first disc just after you get the Tiny Bronco, stopped for a while because it is laughably easy, but am playing again.

FF 8 Finished it once with 62 hours of play and am playing it again. I'm on the fourth disc, just before you fight the Omega Weapon and I've got all of the GF'S :tongue:

FF 9 Own it but haven't played it yet. Hoping to kick ass:chop:

Brian The Pink Shark
10-16-2003, 07:14 PM
FF I-III-Don't have
FF IV- got,I got to that Baigain guy
FFV-Got, stuck at that flying guy in the flying ruins
FFVI-got, stuck at the tentacle guys
FFVII-completed twice
FFVIII- completed once
FFXI-completeded 3 times
FFX-completed once

Lord Chainsaw
10-16-2003, 09:29 PM
FF1-beaten once (killed Warmech)
FF2- beaten once
FF3- beaten once and will never play again as long as I live
FF4- Beaten twice (easytype then chronicles hardtype)
FF5- Beaten once (killed omega and shinyruu)
FF6- Beaten many, many times
FF7- Beaten many, many, times
FF8- Beaten once (killed Omega Weapon)
FF9- Beaten twice (killed Ozma)
FF10- (Beaten twice (killed nemesis. I'm not lucky enough to live outside the US and have International, so I've never gotten the privilege of fighting Penance)
FFMQ- Beaten many times
FFTactics- Beaten once (beaten elidibs)
FFLegend- Beaten twice
FFLegend2- Beaten many times (killed the Hawina monster in a random battle before Arsenal)
FFLegend3- Beaten many times
FFAdventure- Beaten many times (killed the Dark Lich thing)
FFTA- Just started it...

I love my FFs (with the exception of FF3j). Even if they aren't true FFs, all you got to do is tag that FF name on there and you bet your ass I'll play it.

Blue Headed Man
10-17-2003, 03:07 AM
Beaten all the FFs. Go me.

10-17-2003, 06:20 PM
FFMQ: Own it, played through and beat it 1 time
FF1: Don't own, played rom for 2 minutes
FF2: Don't own, never played
FF3: Don't own, never played
FF4: Own it, played through and beat it 1 time
FF5: Don't own, never played
FF6: Own it, played through and beat it 6 times
FF7: Own it, played through and beat it 1 time
FF8: Don't own, never played
FF9: Own it, never beat it
FFX: Previously owned, sold it, never beat it

Flying Mullet
10-17-2003, 06:27 PM
Using an above list...

FF1- beaten many times
FF2- at the end of the game, haven't beaten it though
FF3- beaten a couple of times
FF4- Beaten many times
FF5- Beaten a couple of times
FF6- Beaten many times
FF7- Beaten many times
FF8- at the end of the game, haven't beaten it though
FF9- Beaten a couple of times
FF10- Beaten once
FFMQ- Beaten many times
FFTactics- Beaten many times
FFLegend- Beaten many times
FFLegend2- Beaten many times
FFLegend3- Beaten many times
FFAdventure- Beaten many times
FFTA- about half way through

11-07-2003, 05:27 PM
FF1- Own it, haven't beaten it because my NES is broken :grr:
FF2- Played it up to some point, lost it
FF3- Played it on rom, got deleted
FF4- Beat it, loved it
FF5-Beat it
FF6- Playing it currently on a rom
FF7 beat it, but i didn't do so well. My characters where only on LV 60 some.
FF8- Beat it......well i am on my 5 or 6 time right now. never beat it in english!!!! played in Japenese and Russian. whopped Omega weapons sorry little butt in record time
FF9- Will beat as soon as my cousin gives me the last disc!!!!
FF10- No PS2 yet, but have watched my cousin play it.
FFT- played it, and it glitched on me GRRRRR
FFMQ- didn't know it even existed since 2 months ago

11-08-2003, 08:01 AM
I've beaten:

I haven't beaten:
FF2 (haven't gotten that far)
FF4 (the last boss is too hard)
FF5 (I restarted right before reaching the last boss)

MagicKnight Locke
11-08-2003, 01:22 PM


11-08-2003, 06:32 PM
FF, FF4, FF6, FF7, FF8 & FF9.

11-08-2003, 06:44 PM






1-6 and mq are roms,dont really have the time to beat them.

the blitzer
11-08-2003, 07:05 PM
I have beaten all the ones I own.

FF1 on easy.
FF2 on easy.
FF4 everything done except for the summonings you get from guys like Imps and haven't got Cleaver.
FF5 everything done excepr for beating Omega and Shiryu.
FF6 everything done.
FF8 everything done except for beating Atom-092.
FF9 everything done except for beating Ozma.

11-09-2003, 07:25 PM
-I now managed to beat ff1 (chaos was a wimp) and ff2 over the last few weeks, I'm at the moon's core on ff4, and I've done every sidequest except for getting bahamut.(his mega flare reaally hurts!!)

11-10-2003, 01:46 AM
ff1:have, never played
ff2:have, never played
ff3:dont have
ff4:have, kinda played I only got to where you get Tellah I think
ff5:have, played forgot where I am in it though
ff6:have, never played
ff7:have, beaten everybody
ff8:have, beaten
ff9:have, I would play but my friend hasn't given it back to me in over a year
ffX:have, beaten
ff11:ain't gonna get it
ff legend:have, but it wont save my game
ff legend2:have, lost it
ff legend3:have, lost it
ff adventure:have, got stuck on some boss when I have no life and cant figure out how to beat him and lost it
fft:have, never played
ffta:have, currently playing
ffmq:didn't know it existed