View Full Version : How you know you've been playing too much ff

10-18-2003, 03:23 AM
how you know you been playing too much ff

1. you get in a fight at school and you threaten to summon Ifrit

2. you're friend dies and you try to give him a pheonix down but it doesn't work.

3. you train every day to try to raise you're level.

4. you look around factories to try and find materia.

5. you go to walmart in the gun section to remodel you're gunblade.

6. you look for moogles to save so if you die you can start from that point.

7. you brag to your friends that you used to know Sephiroth

8. every time you beat something you hum the victory tune.

9.you try to change your job and learn new abilities

10.whenever someone is talking about horses you correct them and say "chocobos".

11.you try to make a blitzball pool.

12. you find marbles and call them materia

see how many you can come up with.
i'll get back on this when i think of more.

10-18-2003, 06:14 PM
- You're looking for the new number of Timer Maniacs down at the local store.

Erdrick Holmes
10-19-2003, 04:28 AM
You name your Dog Red XIII
You go "Wop wop wop wop wop" in place of a laugh
You keep calling your money gil
You make a blow up doll after a female character (Selphie)
You get cancer and claim to have "Mako Poisoning"

10-19-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Ultima_Paladin
how you know you been playing too much ff

8. every time you beat something you hum the victory tune.

11. you try to make a blitzball pool.

12. you find marbles and call them materia.

I do those things. I hum the FFVII victory tune whenever I get a good grade on a test, my friend created a game in his pool that was a lot like blitzball and I called it blitzball, and I used to call marbles materia.

- You see a girl at school wearing a thong. Thinking she's Kuja in disguise, you attempt to go into a trance and try to use Grand Lethal...? (Tch, that's the best I could possibly think of.)

Erdrick Holmes
10-19-2003, 07:25 PM
You plan debates throught school on which is cooler 7 or 8

Your name is Joel Holmes

You are using some kind of program to make a 2D fighting game starring several FF characters in it.

black orb
10-19-2003, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by Ultima_Paladin
12. you find marbles and call them materia

>>> I do that..

10-20-2003, 07:34 PM
- when you walk in to other peoples houses ,look around, and then leave.

-when you are on multiple fourms online about final fantasy

-you call your mechanic cid

-you reply to a "you know you've played to much ff when.." thread

Flying Mullet
10-20-2003, 07:38 PM
You create and/or respond to threads like "OMG, teh cutest guy in any FF!!1!" and "Who is the hottest girl in final fantasy!".

Come on, it's just a video game people!

10-20-2003, 07:44 PM
-You run around with some marbles stuck to a plastic sword, screaming "Fire 3 Fire 3!"

- When your teacher gives you a bad grade, you say "Meteor Will Destroy You"

- And when they give you a GOOD grade, you say "Meteor will spare you when it comes"

- You scream at some random guy tarring the road, screaming "DON'T SUMMON METEOR!"

- When your girlfriend/boyfriend has a main part in the school play, you crawl along the rafters and search for a certain octopus...

- You wait at your local train station and challenge every train that comes through to a fight. When no response comes, you leapt of the platform and start attacking it with your plastic sword.

- You call the school bully a pansy, and then draw a picture of a monster then comand it to come to life. You then get your ass kicked.

- You challenge the SAME bully again, only this time you summon your GF. But nothing happens. You then switch to defence mode and pray.

- You and your brother argue who's the REAL Angel of Death. Then you have to rescue him from inside a tree.

- You try and make your own Blitzball team, and are somewhat surprised when none of you can hold your breath, and end up in hospital.

- You hum a different theme for your house, school, your friend's houses, the mall and travelling.

- You collect fossils and demand them to turn into Espers.

- You and a friend re-enact Seifer and Squall's duel so you can get those kick ass scars.

- You and an ENEMY re-enact Seifer and Squall's duel so you can get those kick ass scars.

- You call your English teacher "Mr Thou"

11-01-2003, 03:12 PM
13. When you can write a FF guide off the top of your head.

11-03-2003, 06:57 AM
- When you try to suplex a train
- When you walk through fields and forests looking for monsters to fight
- When you collect all the piano collection CDs and learn how to play the songs
- When you consider getting custom license plates with FF related text
- When you have overworld music playing in your head while walking outside
- When you want to dress as an FF character for Halloween
- When you teach your parate(sp?) to say "Kupo!"
- When you play through a certain FF game more than twice a year
- When you go around town looking for weapon and armor shops
- When you have FF related usernames for all non-FF related things on the net

11-03-2003, 07:17 AM
- you get a knife and slash some random dude and claim that he won't die because he's level 100

- instead of speaking an actual language, you go "kupo kupo kupoooooooo" and expect someone to know what you're saying

- kuppoooo kupo kupooo kupo

- you let the bully take the first punch because your ATB gauge is still filling

- you write to a PS mag saying this:

"I have found an error in Final Fantasy VII, FFVIII, FFIX and probably a few other games. On the world map, going off the top edge brings you to the bottom, and going of the left side brings you to the right(and vice versa). At some point in each of those three games, the world you're traveling though is a sphere. But that's impossible, given the way the world map is. If you take a piece of paper and make the two opposite edges meet, then wrap the resulting cyclinder around to make the other two edges meet, you would find that the worlds for FFVII-IX are shaped like...donuts. Do you think Squaresoft will ever fix this?

- you breed a chicken and an ostrich to each other so you get a chocobo and then you try to encourage chocobo racing as an after school activity.

- you write up a list of "You know you play too much FF when.."

- when you are convinced that planes move because of "Mist"

- when you have a girl in the room and play "Eyes on Me" or "Melodies of Life" as the romantic music

- when you do the above with "One Winged Angel"

- when you ask someone to beat you up so you can check out you very own limit break/trance/overdrive.

- when you do a victory pose after you beat the hell out of an innocent bystander on the street.

MagicKnight Locke
11-03-2003, 12:57 PM
when picked on at school you will want to "knock them all down"

11-05-2003, 02:56 AM
when you teach your self al bhed

11-05-2003, 07:24 AM
Originally posted by muchacho
when you teach your self al bhed
ouin buehd paehk?

11-05-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by i90east
- When you have overworld music playing in your head while walking outsideHaha. That has got to be the funniest one of all. I have to admit that that has happened to me a few times.

Masamune Monk
11-10-2003, 02:50 PM
i don't want to take away any credit from anybody because i found all these funny but suplexing a train definately takes the cake. Close behind is threatening to summon ifrit in a fight.

MagicKnight Locke
11-10-2003, 03:10 PM
- you tie a horn to your head and throw your toy animals at someone you hate or want to fight with, while saying ff summon names

- you have the entire database of all ffs memorized and written down

- while riding trains you spend your whole ride watching out of windows and mumbling "i like trains"

- you pick up stones and dirty screwes from the ground, take it to a junk shop and want them to build you a sword

final boss
11-10-2003, 07:38 PM
-You try to cast life on your dead grandfather and it doesn't work so you think she died happy.

11-11-2003, 01:51 AM
damn, this is hard... .. hmm.., ok, you go walking around asking your your friends if they want to be on your blitzball team.

11-12-2003, 03:03 PM
LMAO! Okay....

- You break into all the houses on your street looking for hidden treasure chests.

- You can identify all the chocobo themes from every FF game

- .... and hum them all, too

11-14-2003, 07:22 AM
I thought I had a whole list brought from www.finalfantasyiii.com posted here long ago...

11-22-2003, 07:26 AM
This all applies to Tactics:
- You suddenly loved histpry class
-When the teacher asks you what you want to be when you grow up, you repond "I want to become a Dragoon!"
-You start to throw dictionaries everywhere
-You look through histoy books, trying to look for the "Lion Wars" and Ramza and Deilta's names
-You start to think you are walking on squares
-You thought your punuches really packs a punch
-Whenever you are confused, you swing your arms
-You tried to talk to your pet dog

11-23-2003, 05:20 AM
-when you get over 100 hours time playing one FF game.

11-24-2003, 05:03 AM
You walk around and expect people to talk to you(like when you walk up to people in the game and push X, they will talk to you,mostly without you talking to them)

You ask your friends if they would like to play a card game?

Marvin the machine
12-03-2003, 10:44 AM
You try to make your own triple triad or tetra master cards. Then you try to make others play it.

12-03-2003, 01:26 PM
(mostly related to IX)

-you want to spend your next holiday in Alexandria (egypt).

-you want to MOVE to Alexandria.

-you keep calling the local theatre to ask when they'll act out "I want to be your canary".

-you develop a liking for gemstones

-you really think that Blue eyes white dragon from Yu-Gi-Oh! looks like Kuja's silver dragon (REALLY!)

-you become a Hinduist so you can worship Kuja. (Thalie's mum: What's that ugly figurine in your room? T: Don't talk about my great god Kuja like that! ^_____^ )

-FF is the first thing you think of when waking up and the last thing you think of when going to sleep.

-you visit countless amounts of FF related websites.

-you have your own FF website.

-you write FF fanfiction

-you draw FF fanart

-you write FF fanfiction AND draw FF fanart (who, me? neeeeeeeever ^___^ )

-you'd really like to be a character in the game yourself.

-you own all possible (and impossible) FF merchandise.

-you make a plushie of your fav. character (I would if I weren't that untalented *sighs*)

-you grin widely eact time you hear of or see the French soccer player Zinedine Zidane (*grins*)

-you read a "Too much FF"-list

-you write your own "Too much FF"-list

-you think the Sayians in Dragon Ball Z/GT originally came from Terra.

-you bother a gentic scientist to change your DNA so you grow a tail o.Ô

-you try to reach Trance/Limit Break/Overdrive when you are pissed off.

-you actually manage to reach Trance/Limit Break/Overdrive O_O

-you put up a Triple Triad/Tetra Master tournament.

-you take part in a Triple Triad/Tetra Master tournament.

-you cosplay as your fav. character.

-you ask the local marriage authority if it is allowed to marry video game characters.

-you officially change your name into the name of your fav. character.

-you have a strange feeling when you see mist/fog.

-you want to become an astronomic just to be the first to discover the planetes Gaia and Terra.

-you convince a millionaire to build you an airship.

-you run around in the desert just cause you want to find Kuja's hideout.

-you get a pet rat and name her Freya.

-you continuely call Squaresoft to convince them of making a continuation of your fav. FF .

-You try to enter a large tree cause you want to save your "brother".

-you roll up for your school's (or the local) theatre group and convince them to act out "I want to be your canary".

-you think your life is an epic and start talking like a poet.

-you don't like bald-headed men with beards.

12-04-2003, 05:41 PM
-you intereact with your pets by, rather than calling their name, voluminously bellowing "KWEH!!", and subsequently expecting a heartfelt response.

-when at the pharmacy, you request that they stock up on ethers and other such products

-you attempt to breed your pets by utilizing different nuts to get a gold chocobo.

-you actually use the phrase "you spoony bard" in daily conversation.

- finally (and most pitifully) no girl lives up to your expectations, as no one resembles tifa lockheart in her entirety.

12-04-2003, 05:51 PM
Originally posted by muchacho
- when you walk in to other peoples houses ,look around, and then leave.

Lol :D

- You poison an entire castle, laugh, then go away to take down the emperor.

12-04-2003, 08:22 PM
- When you want to have a dog, so you can call him Interceptor, and say that "The dog eats strangers"

- When you want to make a monument to non-existance

- When you know how to make a monument to non-existance

12-05-2003, 08:47 PM
You've played too much FF if

1-You roam the field play during the sunlight in the sand square looking for cactuars.

2-You try to cast Ultima to all your enemies at school.

3-You try to breed a tiger and a panther to make a Ronso

4-you keep saying ',ya?' at the end of your sentences

and my favourite

5-you always start your sentence with your first name instead of 'I'...'Rémy happy' 'Dave look not happy. Rémy sad'...with a low voice tone.

12-08-2003, 04:32 AM
if you get jokes like "son of a submariner!"

if you notice all the discrepencies from one version of a game to the next (i.e. FF1->FF1 origins)

if you have a memory card devoted exclusively to FF saves

if you sat down and programmed a FF ringtone into your phone

if you were at an Otakon and spent more than two lines detailing the inacuracies of someone's costume

....You might play too much FF

01-09-2004, 11:02 AM
When you unintentionally mention "Yevon" when giving a speech in a world religons class (yes, I did this).

01-10-2004, 02:41 AM
When you acutally notice something like this, then take the time to actually edit it like this, then take the time to find a server to upload it to, then upload it, then post it on this forum...
And double posting on top of it all.

01-10-2004, 07:42 PM
the rooster ostrige thing i was actually planning on doing...-.-;;

and the 'ya' on the end of the sentence i do aswell...

-You memorize almost everything a certian chracter says in a game(...-ffVII' Sephiroth I actually have I believe)

- you try to do your hair up like certain characters just because its so cool!(...Cloud and Zack-Im guilty there-.-;;)

-You try to summon KOTR from a red colored marble.

-You set a toy village on fire and try to walk through the flames.

01-19-2004, 03:52 AM
me and my friend once tryed to learn al behd. but we gave up because we couldnt pronounce anything. it did make for a good code to write in though.

you know you've played too much FF when your not afraid of fire because you have junctioned enough fire spells to be able to absorb them as hp


when you take credit for meteor showers because you "summond" them

01-19-2004, 05:03 PM
When you finally pluck up the courage to ask out the sexy dark-haired girl you've fancied for 3 years and end up calling her Lulu!

01-20-2004, 01:26 AM
when you go to a joint, buy a drink, tap someone on the shoulder, they when he looks in your direction you quickly go to his other side and poison his drink. then you run to another person, laugh, knock him down, kick him, and set him on fire. he will run around and burn down the bar while you panic and run out. the bar will burn down and you will............laugh