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View Full Version : The only screenshot - discussion

11-04-2003, 01:32 PM
Ok so this is the only screenshot, or what looks more like a poster, known of, or spoken of, or seen by anybody.
Theres a few things about that may intrigue or strike some sort of curiousity in you that I would like to point out:

- First of all the Title in the middle of it all "FF12" looks like they aren't using roman numerals this time, could that have something to do with the sequel to FFX? Could be confusing with the FFX-II and FFXII all happening at once.

- Next my eyes wonder to the bottom left of the picture where it almost looks like there is a lizzard like humanoid in the corner. This looks very much to me like a Bangaa, as seen in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

- I also have a look to the skies and see an airship up there, its good to have something distinctive of the the FF series in there, it looks like the good old stuff, exciting!

- The boy in the bottom right area of the poster is what makes me start thinking. The overall feel of the scene we are giving is that of the same kind that FFIX gave us, a more medieval sort of place. But this boy sitting on the ledge seems to be holding some sort of portable stereo, or even a video camera. This is wierd isn't it boys and girls?

- Last of all I would like to point out the lack of copyright and no sign of any Square-Enix or Squaresoft insignia.

Is there something else wierd anyone else has seen about this picture?

Masamune Monk
11-04-2003, 01:38 PM
Dude you should atleast provide the screenshot so fix that up. By the way i dont think its a logo, just an ad and i dont get the FFX feel to it at all.

11-04-2003, 01:38 PM
Oh yeah and here is a copy of what I am talking about if anybody out there doesn't have it.

And if anyone has a better copy then I would be very thankful of them if they could hook me up.

11-04-2003, 01:39 PM
View my attachment for the pic.

And am I the only one thinking that's Jar Jar Binks in the bottom left corner?

11-04-2003, 01:42 PM
Thats pretty much the same as mine, but I think the Jar-Jar Binx looks like a Bangaa.
But the more I look at it I get kinda scared, it doesn't look right.

Masamune Monk
11-04-2003, 01:46 PM
Man i'm getting more of a FFIX feel to this one with a bit of FFTA from the chopped Bangaa head. But theres a person with a white coat which looks fairly modern to me so i cant really judge what timeline its in.

11-04-2003, 01:48 PM
Are you talking about the boy with the boombox/video camera? Or the one in the middle of the thing, just below the writing, cos i think that man has a sword to the right of his body.

Masamune Monk
11-04-2003, 01:55 PM
I really cannot see this boombox or video camera but i was talking about the guy in the middle. Also just to the right of the one in the white cloak it looks like a thief or possibly a bard. Maybe theres a return of the job class system?

11-04-2003, 01:58 PM
I was talking about the boy, to the right of the Bard/Thief guy, who is next to the man in the white cloak. He looks kinda like he is surrounded by blue light, or the color has been washed out.

Masamune Monk
11-04-2003, 02:01 PM
It looks more like a sign on a shop than a boombox to me and that boy near it looks like he's running away.

11-04-2003, 02:04 PM
Running away?????
I look at it and see him sitting cross legged on a ledge.

Masamune Monk
11-04-2003, 02:16 PM
I cant see anyone sitting cross legged. This pic is hurting my eyes cos I cant really make much out, anyone else got any thoughts?

11-04-2003, 07:57 PM
I come to your call........It's a bit like FFVII with the city split into two.....like Midgar.

Also...I'm getting the vibe that it's very holy centered....check out the spires in the middle

As 4 the boombox guy....it's basically a mix between future and past...a clash of ideals i suggest. Or maybe someone is building the futuristic city above na dpeople came to watch.....It's about a clash of ideals of past & future I reckon

I'd make sence since they haven't done that 4 a while.

Download this Picture...u no u want to

11-07-2003, 06:04 PM
.... A Matrix Reloaded picture.....? Ok.... Anyway, that airship-like thing at the top looks more like a bus, IMO. By the way, here (http://media.square-x.com/img.php?image=ffxii/scans/first_scan.jpg)'s a bigger picture.

11-08-2003, 03:27 PM
I would say its more like a train. it has two carrages.
and the boom box could be anything, its weird, possibly part of a wall. Im not sure.

11-09-2003, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by SomethingBig
.... By the way, here (http://media.square-x.com/img.php?image=ffxii/scans/first_scan.jpg)'s a bigger picture.

That link doesnt work.

And I'm starting to think that those people in line may be lining up for some kind of quest sign up, similar to what you do in Tactics Advance. That would mean that the doorway is the entrance to a pub!

11-09-2003, 01:41 PM
It's not a sign, its a boombox. It looks like he's holding it to me.

The airship sorta looks like the highwind. I hope the cid in this one is playable.

11-09-2003, 06:49 PM
So many questions rising. Do you guys think Squenix will flood us with answers on the 19th or gradually give us small answers over a period of time? The setting is very interesting. It's not really midevil or futuristic or the Asian appeal (as in X) Looks more Roman to me. Furthermore, with all this talk of connections to FFTA, will it take place on the same world or what? AAGH I must know!

11-09-2003, 11:48 PM
Okay here is a much better screentshot of the poster that shows more down the bottom. You can clearly see in this one that it is in fact a Bangaa, it really must be one, just look!

Masamune Monk
11-10-2003, 05:09 AM
I still don't know about the Bangaa, it looks more like the one in the white coat is walking a very ugly dog to me. By the way i don't think squenix is gonna flood us with info because i'm getting the impression that square is gonna put more effort into this one than the past few FF games.

11-10-2003, 10:52 AM
I certainly hope so, by the way what does everyone think about the so called official site? (http://www.ff12.com)

11-14-2003, 02:08 PM

Thanks to Shueisha's Shonen Jump, the Leakiest Magazine On Earth (tm), the first few details on Square Enix's Final Fantasy XII have arrived a few days in advance of the game's planned November 19 debut. The third PlayStation 2 game in the popular RPG series, now in the hands of Vagrant Story director Yasumi Matsuno, features an interesting blend of familiar and original visual elements to reflect the franchise's continued progression.

Stylistically, the game looks much more like Final Fantasy X than expected. Though the new character designs are by Vagrant Story artist Akihiko Yoshida, rather than FFX's Tetsuya Nomura, the two lead characters still don't stray too far from the style of the series' more recent installments. Van, the male lead, could be a younger cousin to FFX's Tidus, while Ashie, the heroine, looks like Rinoa Heartilly's younger sister.

The few small screens of the game shown so far display a city (the one shown in the first FFXII image illustration) with many flying machines soaring over it, and a jungle environment similar to the islands in the beginning of FFX. A single battle sequence, on a beach fading into green forests, shows three characters in the active party party.

source: www.1up.com