View Full Version : Annoying people that are jelouse

11-11-2003, 07:22 AM
This morning i was shocked. Some idiot posted this in my "speakbox":
(my speakbox is a small "shoutbox" of some sort thats on my site ;) )

This art...

really sucks, it's all malproportioned, the girls don't look hot they look freaky,if your gonna draw erotic art, atleast learn how to draw breasts!

Whats wrong with him / her?
Have you ever had stuff like this thrown at you ?
What can i do to get rid of this type of people?
...... I think he's jelous.

.............I feel sad now...... Hug me ?:love:

Ultima Seraph
11-11-2003, 08:18 AM
I've heard that shit a lot... you know what? Blow it off. People who say that stuff to me, I always remark: "Can you do better? No? Shut your cake hole then!"

Even if they show their work, I still act arrogant and rip their artwork apart, pointing out every single minute mistake they made. Or I just bitch about what I don't like.

That's just me.

Don't worry, there are ass holes that will say that stuff, but hey... you're good, so don't let it bother you.


11-11-2003, 09:01 AM
Forget about him. Though I know critique like that can hurt. He was being a jerk, forgive him his stupidity. *Hugs*

11-11-2003, 10:56 AM
Yeah,I got loads of crap when I posted my Amy pic on a Sonic forum.They turned around and told me I couldn't draw :(
Don't let it get 2 u,they're just idiots

11-12-2003, 10:28 AM
dont care wat other says!!! most important is u know your skills!!! :D i know u're good!!! muahahahahahaa

11-12-2003, 12:14 PM
Pfft what a jerk *hugs* you draw really well. Obviously the guy has no sense of art.