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View Full Version : Level 4 Key Spheres needed badly.

Big D
11-15-2003, 04:17 AM
Please help.

11-15-2003, 05:37 AM
to get this u will prob wanna go to the Monster arena it will cost u 196,000 per 2 Lev 4 spheres but if u need them that bad...... just bribe Chimera Brain and ull have enough

if ur no that far yet just hold off u get plenty on ur way through the game

Big D
11-15-2003, 06:26 AM
Problem is, I've already 'finished', the game, basically. Just need the spheres so I can complete the sphere grid, getting abilities like Auto-Life. Dark Yojimbo is being a nuisance, and I need to beat him five times in a row.

Bribing Chimera Brain is a great idea, though. Thanks. A few battles in the Omega Ruins will provide all the Gil I could ever need for that, and then some. I'm just trying to save up enough so I can pay Yojimbo to use Zanmato against his dark counterpart. Yojimbo + overdrive = 77,777 gil for Zanmato. However, without a full overdrive gauge, it's at least a million gil.
Speaking of gil... that figure for bribing Chimera Brain. Is that in the US or International version of the game? In International, bribery only requires gil equal to ten times the monster's HP, whereas the figure is twenty times in the US release.

Well, I'll give it a go anyway.:)

11-15-2003, 09:50 AM
If you havn't beat Omega Weapon he drops about 3 after battle.

Big D
11-15-2003, 10:01 AM
Nah, I've got him. Zanmato again, but that time I hadn't even been expecting it.
Chimera Brains have been pretty obliging; I'm well on my way to unlocking all those powerful abilities.

Still no closer to beating %^%#@$#$%^ Dark Yojimbo though. :skull:

11-15-2003, 09:53 PM
yeah that was on the US version

11-16-2003, 03:35 AM
I bribed the Chimera Brain with 245000 gil, worked for me and i got me level 4 key spheres

Big D
11-16-2003, 04:30 AM
98000 gil for one sphere, 196000 for two. A pretty reliable formula, it would seem.

11-20-2003, 10:40 PM
Yes! thankyou very much everyone 8unlocks Auto-life* It seems we were in much the same predicament.

11-21-2003, 01:39 AM
im in the same sitiuation..thanks everyone,helped me alot( now i just need bribe;)i just finished the game