View Full Version : Chocobo breeding question

11-28-2003, 12:54 AM
umm so I'm at the end of the game at disc 3 ( all that's left to do in the story is to enter the north crater and defeat Sephiroth ) and my black chocobo refuses to mature enough to uhh ... do his thing with the S class yellow chocobo to produce a gold chocobo ... I've tried a few things like letting the game clock pass a few hours while riding the chocobo ... nothing seems to work . Anyone know what's necassary for the chocobos to pass out of their "too young" phase" ? thanks

Lord Xehanort
11-28-2003, 01:11 AM
Fight ten battles. That should do it.

11-28-2003, 04:55 AM
yeah, getting the black and 'wonderful' chocobo is pretty quick, so that's why your can't 'get them going on' yet. (even though you can get the green and blue ones to do it right away). Whenever something like this happens, i just go clear out the Ancient Forest, or i go to the Northern Crater, find my way to the bottom, get items from my characters that went the other path, go ALL THE WAY BACK UP, and go check on the chocobos. it always worked for me.

12-05-2003, 02:48 AM
I find that if u feed them 13 gyshal (spelled wrong) greens and race them a lot they will be fine.

12-06-2003, 09:36 PM
i breezed through teh breeding process by feeding all the chocobos 20-40 of the best green (which name has escaped me, but is the most expensive that you can get from the SAge), then race them until class A or higher. I did:
Male Great + Female Good = Male Blue (which i named Locke from FFVI)
Female Great + Male Good = Female Green (which i named Terra from FFVI)
Locke + Terra = Male Black (which i named Lynx from CC)
Lynx + Female Wonderful (which i named Celes) = Gold Male (which i named Crono)

i was so bored so i named all my chocos characters from my fav games