View Full Version : Can you help me?

11-30-2003, 05:15 PM
I just got PS2 for my birthday and FFX is giving me some trouble. Up until now, everything was easy, but when you have to fight Seymour, it gets tough. It is easy up until he starts using those Multi- spells. He keeps on killing characters and I only have two Mega Pheonixes, but 10 pheonix downs, and the Life spell. Can someone help me on this boss?

11-30-2003, 06:41 PM
If it's the first fight against Seymour in Macalania Temple he always cast elemental magic in the following order.


Yuna should have spells called NulTide, NulBlaze etc for the four elements just keep casting them on your party and you'll never get hurt.

11-30-2003, 07:26 PM
Might want to level up your characters a bit if they die so easily.

12-01-2003, 05:03 PM
First off, have Kimarhi use Stone Breath to get rid of the Guado guardians. Then have Auron use Magic Break, Yuna use her Nul spells, and have Rikku handinging out Hi-Potions to anyone who gets injured. When he summons Anima, call the aeon marked ??????. If you manage to kill it and Seymour with an aeons' Overdrive you will be rewarded with a lot more AP and items than usual.

Ultima Seraph
12-01-2003, 07:52 PM
The order in which he casts (aforementioned) is very useful because it's the same order he casts it in two future battles.

Yuna's nul-spells work nicely... also, if Kimahri doesn't have stone breath, just use Rikku to steal from the Guado Guardians and kill them first... then concentrate on Seymour.

With Anima, depending on how strong your aeons are vs how strong you are, I used my aeons as shields, basically, summoned either Shiva or Ifrit, because they can heal themselves, and let them take the blow of Oblivion. Using shield cuts Anima's overdrive down considerably.

If you have trouble with this battle, but still manage to defeat Seymour, my only suggestion to you is this: level up hard and fast before Mt. Gagazet.

Lord Chainsaw
12-01-2003, 11:52 PM
Originally posted by Ultima Seraph
If you have trouble with this battle, but still manage to defeat Seymour, my only suggestion to you is this: level up hard and fast before Mt. Gagazet.

Yeah I can already imagine what a nightmare Flux is gonna be for the poor guy.

12-02-2003, 08:47 PM
Ok, I know someone will say that this is proberley cheating but when I had a problem with Flux I just got Aurons, Tidus' and all my aeons (I couldnt afford Yojimbo) overdrives. After 5 Aeons overdrives and Aurons one, Blitzace killed it. I know you wont be able to do it againest the Seymour your on with Shiva but do it with your other three Aeons.

12-03-2003, 02:49 PM
Doesn't Seymour's HP vary depending on your current characters' stats? Anyway, with Anima, just go all out with your Aeons' overdrives and he should be finished in mere moments. Seymour should be easy-peasy with the Nulspells, so just stick with those.

Lord Chainsaw
12-05-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by therealquigmaster
Ok, I know someone will say that this is proberley cheating but when I had a problem with Flux I just got Aurons, Tidus' and all my aeons (I couldnt afford Yojimbo) overdrives. After 5 Aeons overdrives and Aurons one, Blitzace killed it. I know you wont be able to do it againest the Seymour your on with Shiva but do it with your other three Aeons.

No thats not cheating. The second time I went through the game that was the only way I could get past him althought I did not have blitz ace.