View Full Version : Favorite lines in the game? *most likely spoilers*

12-02-2003, 05:10 PM
Mine has to be when Rikku or Yuna says *Duck Soup!* and then Paine says *Duck What?* at the end of a random battle! heh

What's your favorite one so far? or least favorite one...

12-02-2003, 05:56 PM
That's Yuna that says the "Duck soup!" thing. I always laugh when I hear that. It's silly.

My favorite was at the end of Chapter One. When you Paine grabs the "Awesome Sphere" and says "Tough luck!" I liked the look she had when she did that. And just the way she picked it up.

Another was the first time I used the Samurai Dress Sphere with Rikku in the middle of a battle. She said this long thing, I can't remember exactly what it was that she said, but the way she said it was funny.

12-03-2003, 02:39 AM
:D There's one where Paine says *Do I turn you on* after she murders the fiends, and that always cracks me up.

I think Paine when she's either a Dark Knight or Warrior, she calls the fiends Punks and that cracks me up too.

Oh yeah! and when Yuna says "Oh Poopie!" and Rikku yells at her :lol:

Kawaii Ryűkishi
12-03-2003, 02:57 AM
This (http://www.eyesonff.com/forums/showthread.php?postid=682301#post682301), and the bit at the beginning of the Floating Ruins mission in which Brother tells Rikku to speak propa English. Also:

RIKKU: "Dr. P is in the house!"

PAINE: "Stop that."

12-03-2003, 10:37 AM
"You sure you wanna dig? 'Cause we're talking about the desert, ladies. Not exactly a picnic."

that line by Gippal is one of my favorites. ^_^ his voice is sooo sexay!

12-04-2003, 02:21 AM
" find the shpere the fiends apear"- paine

i think pain is soo awwesom and the voice is soo good.

rikku: uhh do we need a password for this.
paine:" how bout kick.its..ass
wen you go into zanarkand fo rthe sphere

12-04-2003, 02:31 AM
"You had your chance to run."-Paine
"You're fired!!!" or "I love a good barbecue(sp)"-Rikkue casting Fira
"Nice knowin ya"/ "Want me to hurt him!?"-Paine

does anyone find it disturbing that "brother" has a thing for Yuna ..his cousin.......or does anyone else agree he is more annoying than Tidus....man that brother irratates me

12-04-2003, 09:54 AM
ha ha ha yeah that is weird, that's why Rikku kicks him at the begining and screams "sicko" at him lol. Brother was annoying at first but now he's just silly. He's trying to be one of the girls ;p *makes him a diva*

Kawaii Ryűkishi
12-04-2003, 12:45 PM
She called him a sicko because he was about to grab Yuna. If she had a problem with the cousins thing she would call him a sicko on more than just that one occasion, since Brother is constantly pining for Yuna.

12-04-2003, 01:44 PM
Well, she does say to ignore him at all opportunities. I like how Yuna plays dumb on the subject with her "What?" and "hmms"

12-04-2003, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by arcdragon9
"You had your chance to run."-Paine
"You're fired!!!" or "I love a good barbecue(sp)"-Rikkue casting Fira
"Nice knowin ya"/ "Want me to hurt him!?"-Paine

I haven't played the game, so I'll just say what good lines I've heard:

Yuna: "I don't like your plan. It sucks." Yuna has sure changed a lot.

And another one:

Yuna: Give me a 'Y'!
Rikku: Give me an 'R'!
Paine: Give me a break!

I have a question. Does Rikku say things like "You're fired" every time she's casting a Fire spell (like in Kingdom Hearts) or only when she's casting it for the first time (like in Final Fantasy X)?

12-04-2003, 04:46 PM
I don't think it's everytime, but it's pretty often. And she has various sayings for the spells too, I think. Like for Blizzard spells:

"What's wrong, cold feet?"


"I like mine on the rocks!"

12-04-2003, 09:49 PM
During a random battle Rikku said, "Who's your Rikku?!"

12-05-2003, 03:31 AM
I like that they say different things for a spell at random times, makes it more fun than in 10-1.

12-05-2003, 05:51 AM
"You think a minor thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?"


12-05-2003, 10:10 AM
>.< That's not a FFX-2 line!

*I just realized that I play this game too much because I just said that I know that isn't a line ... I'm such a dork*

12-06-2003, 10:17 AM
Brother: "Gullwings, We rock you!" During the interview at Luca. Brother constantly cracks me up.

12-06-2003, 06:11 PM

kind of like the simpson's "craptastic"

12-07-2003, 04:07 PM
I think the funniest line came from Ormi
"Whoooaaa, I think it's pissed"
or something to that extent.

Or mabey,
Rikku: "I'll kick you the spleen!"
Paine: "Spleen?"

12-08-2003, 02:20 AM
I'm in Ch. 5 currently in the cursed Via Infinito in Bevelle.

My favorite line in the entire game (so far) has got to be in Ch. 4 while you're watching the CommSpheres with Shinra on the Bridge.

It's in Besaid and the Auroch's are "practicing" blitzball and one of the players kicks the ball right into the CommSphere.

Shinra then says "They really suck."

Funny as hell. Check it out when you get to Ch. 4. you'll have to watch most CommSpheres several times.

12-10-2003, 05:21 PM
Buddy, when explaining the origins of the Gullwings and the airship:

"We were freezing our blitzballs off"


12-11-2003, 09:08 PM
when does buddy explain the origin of the gullwings? heh i followed the official guide and it never told ya :P

12-12-2003, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Aerio
when does buddy explain the origin of the gullwings? heh i followed the official guide and it never told ya :P

Ya actually there is a mention of it in the guide... when it tells you that you must rest in the cabin at least once during the first four chapters. If you do rest once per chapter, and then again in the fifth chapter, Yuna will wake up and see a scene between Brother and Barkeep. Then, if you go down to the engine room, you will find Buddy and he will explain the origin of the Gullwings and the airship. It's really cute However, these scenes are only available if you remember to rest in the cabin each chapter! :moggie:

12-12-2003, 02:41 AM
yeah i was thinking that may be it...missed that :P they should remind you at the begining of each chapter in the book to rest in cabin...i started over to get 100% and was resting in cabin once each chapter but i quit playing...doubt i will start again for awhile

12-12-2003, 10:24 PM
dangit i didnt even think of that. ill have to rememver that next time around. does it get u any completion % for doing that?

o and my favorite lines would be...well not really lines... but every time yuna would whistle for tidus. like at the spring in macalania forest, and in luca...i wanted to cry...wait...i think i did... also on the farplane after u press x 4 times and see tidus's shadow. i wanted to scream i missed him so much lol

12-13-2003, 11:19 AM
yeah that was sad :( and yes, you do get completion points for the scene you trigger if you sleep in the cabin in ALL Chapters.

12-15-2003, 09:42 PM
Originally posted by eternalshiva
yeah that was sad :( and yes, you do get completion points for the scene you trigger if you sleep in the cabin in ALL Chapters.

thanx ill have to remember to do that next time around.

oh and i have a new favorite line! lol (maybe a spoiler but mabe not):

It goes something like this:
Rikku (talking to Paine): So who taught you to speak Al Bhed? Gippal?
Paine: He got me interested.
Rikku: I knew he was a player!
Paine: No, not like that...I thought that if I learned a new language it would help me broaden my horizons.
Yuna: Did it work?
Paine: Not really, but running around with you two has helped me a lot.
Rikku(to Yuna): What did we do?
Paine(overhears): Well, you got me to talk. I never used to talk about anything.
Yuna: Well, good. I though we were annoying you!
Paine: You were...at first. You wouldn't shut up and I was about ready to lay down some major hurt!
{Yuna turns away/looks hurt}
Paine: Only at first!!
{Rikku walks up to Yuna/camera rotates and you see that Yuna is only pretending to cry/Yuna and Rikku are smiling but Paine can't see them}
Yuna(pretending to cry): Come on Rikku...{sniffle}...let's go.
{They walk away}
Paine: Hey...Why does everything have to be so dramatic...

It goes something like that...sorry that it's so long...but I laughed SO LOUD when I watched that...It's just SO funny! My parents could hear me all the way downstairs and later my dad asked me why I was cracking up. He thought I'd gone crazy. hehe :p

12-16-2003, 09:53 AM
*blinks* I ... I never saw that part! How do you get it? When? Where??

12-16-2003, 04:55 PM
I'm not postive, but I think you get that scene after you beat the Al Bhed machina at level 5 in Djose Temple. Someone please correct me if I am wrong though. My memory's not quite what it used to be, hehe *gets out cane, shakes fist at crazy young hooligans* :moggie:

12-24-2003, 02:50 AM
Another one of my favorite line must be in Besaid in Chapter 5 during the big celebration.

"Sin was nothing compared to dirty diapers."

At least I thought it was funny.

12-24-2003, 04:55 AM
Originally posted by Kupo
I'm not postive, but I think you get that scene after you beat the Al Bhed machina at level 5 in Djose Temple. Someone please correct me if I am wrong though. My memory's not quite what it used to be, hehe *gets out cane, shakes fist at crazy young hooligans* :moggie:

yeah you're right. that is when it happens. hehe your memory is better than you thought!

Originally posted by Auron4Ever
Another one of my favorite line must be in Besaid in Chapter 5 during the big celebration.

"Sin was nothing compared to dirty diapers."

At least I thought it was funny.

But I don't remember that!! Big celebration?!? Did I miss something again? Hmm... that's why I'm getting the cheat book for Christmas and waiting until then before I do New Game Plus...

12-24-2003, 10:19 AM
You only see that part if you beat Beclem at the Gauntlet before he leaves, He gives you a sphere with Chappu in it. Wakka picks a name for the Baby and then they celebrate it. If you don't kick the crap out of Beclem for INSULTING YUNA *kicks him* Wakka hasn't picked out a name because he still has issues to work out :/

My other favourite line is when Gippal says "I've never been this close to a superstar before" and Yuna goes "Let's not start then" or something like that! hehe

Or when Brother says something like "We'll charge Gippal more for getting rid of the fiends" and Rikku goes "Oh! can't we give him a discount?"

Or when Yuna says Poopie xD

Giga Guess
12-27-2003, 11:01 AM
My personal faves happen in battle:

Yuna: Gimme a Y!
Rikku: Gimme an R!
Paine: Gimme a break....

Rikku: I'm gonna kick you in the spleen!
Paine: Spleen...?

Rikku: Dr. P is in the house!
Paine: Stop that!

01-02-2004, 12:36 AM
In the Thunder Plains when Rikku says:

"Come and Get it, Beefsteak!"

Giga Guess
01-03-2004, 12:32 AM
I forget what you do, but after you finish a mission, on the airship, you talk to Paine, and she says, "Yuna, look at me. You do realize we are sphere hunters, right?"

01-03-2004, 07:09 AM
yuna at the last boss
the screen gose black for a sec to prep for the fight and in that time yuna says
its soo big
yeah that was funny

01-07-2004, 07:39 AM
Paine: *random line*
Yuna: Paine gets all the good lines.

End a battle with everyone in yellow HP
Rikku: Can we not almost die next time.

02-05-2004, 04:50 AM
Gippal:Never been this close to a celebrity before...i could get used to this. Yuna: Let's not...(the duck soup one cracks me up)
Yuna:*wakes up from night mare*what?Paine:Whatwhat?
Gippal:Here give this one to paine too...Yuna:what are they?(or sumthing)Nooj:Our wills...Yuna: WHAT?...Gippal:He's kidding...

Lord Xehanort
02-05-2004, 11:12 AM
Before you fight the dragon in Zanarkand in Chapter 1.

Rikku: Think we need a password?
Paine: How about kick... its... @55?

Chibi Youkai
02-07-2004, 11:39 PM
origionally by Giga Guess
My personal faves happen in battle:

Yuna: Gimme a Y!
Rikku: Gimme an R!
Paine: Gimme a break....

That was really funny. I cracked up on that one...

Giga Guess
02-28-2004, 02:16 AM
Brother: Who is the leader around here? I am! I give the orders!
Paine: We're listening...
Brother: PARTY! Hah hah hah! PARTY! Hah hah!

And the whole respect points conversation.

02-28-2004, 05:39 AM
when shinra says "My goggles fogged up" after you kick his ass in sphere break and you finally get the lady luck DS.. after the 6th or 7th try (damn 1 cores)

anyone else find that X-2 is slightly obsessed with monkeys? no matter.. seeing Rikku's pet monkey (trainer DS)... just the way they interact during and after battle is just so funny XD

Gippal: well, if it isn't Cid's daughter...
Rikku: i have a name!

02-28-2004, 01:24 PM
~Brother lying on floor~

Rikku: Just leave him, the airship's better in autopilot.
Which raises an important question, what does brother actually do round here??

Paine: Rikku and Brother are agreeing again, take cover.

Paine(in battle, gunner dressphere): Who'll be first punks?

Paine: Ameteurs? Werent you following us?

and basically everything paine says.

02-28-2004, 09:31 PM
when shinra sets a commsphere on besaid and brother and yuna are talking ;p

and when yuna yells: who the heck is lenne!!!!

02-28-2004, 09:45 PM
Paine using a Blizzard spell:
Paine: Am I cold?

02-28-2004, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by eternalshiva
You only see that part if you beat Beclem at the Gauntlet before he leaves, He gives you a sphere with Chappu in it. Wakka picks a name for the Baby and then they celebrate it. If you don't kick the crap out of Beclem for INSULTING YUNA *kicks him* Wakka hasn't picked out a name because he still has issues to work out :/

I've beat Beclem in Gunner's Gauntlet, but when he left, he never gave me any sphere. Wakka organized a big party, but when he was told to name his and Lulu's child, he said he still hadn't made up a name. How can I get that naming scene? I've done all Besaid missions except for the Search Sphere thing.

There are many great lines in the game. Here's one which I found funny:

YUNA: "Hey, eyes on me!" (when she dances as a Songstress)

And some others...

BROTHER: "Yuna, what's all the noise?"
YUNA: "Just taking a little dip."
BROTHER: "[some Al Bhed]! Code Pink! I'll be there right now!" *knock*
YUNA: "Brother?"
BUDDY: "Don't worry, I knocked him out."

SHINRA: (explains something important)
Someone else: But why?
SHINRA: *pause* I'm just a kid.

BROTHER: "The time for invasion has come! Sphere hunter team Gullw... hmm? Your friendly neigh... heh? What are we called now?"
SHINRA: "Does it really matter?"
BROTHER: "Good point... Surging Flapping Neighboring Gullwings, attack!!"

02-29-2004, 02:13 PM
Seph, I think the line you meant was:

Rikku: But why are fiends coming out of the temples?
Shinra: They weren't coming out of the temples. They were coming out of the Chambers of the Fayth!
Rikku: Yeah.... but why?
Shinra: I'm just a kid!

My favourite line happened purely at random during the final battle, so spoilery things. I used darkness with Rikku, and she said:

Rikku: This will hurt me as much as it hurts you!
Male Voice: GOOD!

xD classic. I don't think it was Shuyin, but it would have been even funnier if it was.

02-29-2004, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Psychotic
Seph, I think the line you meant was:

Rikku: But why are fiends coming out of the temples?
Shinra: They weren't coming out of the temples. They were coming out of the Chambers of the Fayth!
Rikku: Yeah.... but why?
Shinra: I'm just a kid!

That's one of those, but there's also more of that kinda lines in the game.

(When Yuna started to dance strangely at the beginning of the game.)
SHINRA: "That can happen when you use the Garment Grid. The emotions of the person recorded in the sphere pass to the user."
RIKKU: "Isn't that dangerous?"
SHINRA: "I can't really say."
RIKKU: "But it's your invention!"
SHINRA: "*pause* I'm just a kid."

And also, after 1000 Words' concert.

PAINE: "What did Shinra say?"
RIKKU: "Umm, he said it might be some kind of, uh, interference with the sphere waves. Yunie's dressphere and the sphere screen reacted with each other and, uh... The consciousness burned into the dressphere was projected onto the screen! Or something like that."
PAINE: "Okay, but that doesn't explain why it happened."
RIKKU: "When I asked, he said, 'I'm only a kid.'"

02-29-2004, 10:24 PM
BUDDY: We got trouble, and i mean big time. Fiends are coming out of the temples.
RIKKU: Which ones?

Bloody hilarious. I reseted my ps2 many times to watch it. (im sad)