View Full Version : Windows taskbar mouse-over help boxes

12-06-2003, 11:02 AM
^ they won't show up. I have the taskbar set to "always on top", and now it's "on top" of the mouse-over help boxees. If I turn off "always on top", then the boxes will show up but the maximized windows will go over the taskbar. This shouldn't be. What's going on?

It's also inconsistent. For example I just fiddled with the 'always on top', and clicked the 'show desktop' button. Everything works. So odd.

Citizen Bleys
12-06-2003, 06:45 PM
Congratulations, you've just stumped a Microsoft Certified Professional with a Windows question.

Try rebooting?

12-06-2003, 07:29 PM
Keeping a consistent idea in ones post always helps when trying to get a message across.

12-07-2003, 12:34 AM
I blame Windows - it sometimes suddenly happens to me, then suddenly fixes itself a few days later again, and I don't know what causes it :p

The other more annoying bug is when the tooltips "lag" - you hover over one thing and it sometimes shows the tooptip for the thing you previously hovered over, which is more annoying when the previous one belonged to a different shape/smaller tooltip so you get this weird mess on the screen temporarily.

Rebooting is out of the question for me though :D My laptop appears to have hit 7 weeks uptime.

12-07-2003, 06:48 AM
Tch. Windows is meant to have about three minutes uptime, tops. Anything more is pushing it.

Citizen Bleys
12-07-2003, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by crono_logical
I blame Windows - it sometimes suddenly happens to me, then suddenly fixes itself a few days later again, and I don't know what causes it :p

The other more annoying bug is when the tooltips "lag" - you hover over one thing and it sometimes shows the tooptip for the thing you previously hovered over, which is more annoying when the previous one belonged to a different shape/smaller tooltip so you get this weird mess on the screen temporarily.

Rebooting is out of the question for me though :D My laptop appears to have hit 7 weeks uptime.

You're trying to maintain uptime on a Windows box? Never even mind that it's a laptop.

Besides, how can you tell your uptime? There's no /proc filesystem on a Windows box.

12-07-2003, 06:04 PM
Use systeminfo at a command line prompt in XP.

12-07-2003, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Mistress Vivia
Use systeminfo at a command line prompt in XP. Ooh, didn't know that one :p I use either scripts in mirc, or a set of utilities called pstools I got from www.sysinternals.com (which also happen to be pretty useful for remote administration/probing for the same info on the other machines on the network when at home) - I guess this all implies Windows keeps a track of when it was last booted, just I don't know where it's stored.

12-08-2003, 04:32 PM
Norton system monitor also does it. Heck, a program set to run when windows runs that goes "00:00:01" and increments as needed will do what you want :-P