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View Full Version : I know an infinite gil combo for the first chapter!

12-09-2003, 02:16 AM
First you have to get O’Aka to join your airship. Then you have to get 100,000 gil to pay his debt. He is in the cabin on the Celsius so just go there and buy stuff from him and then sell it some where else if you get 99 of that item. Repeat this until you get him out of debt. He will be so grateful after you help him out that he will remain on your ship and will sell you potions, high potions, holy water etc. at a very low price. You then stock up on the items he has and go across that little room and sell them to the Gullstore. To save time I just bought high potions and holy water from him, each traction with him and Barkeep earned me a profit of about 10,000. You just keep doing this and you can be just like me and become instantly rich! It took be about 40-50 minutes to go from 3,660 to 508,000 gil. Have fun getting rich the cheap way.

12-09-2003, 02:22 AM
Yeah I did that trick too but waited for Ch. 2.

Reason why is because in Chapter 2 you can go to Guadosalam and talk to the Inn Keeper and he'll give you some good info. If you find the lady that will give you over *0,000 gil it would be easier to pay off O'aka's debt. (Note I added the "*" because you can have different amounts depending who you talk to). I advice you save before you do this.

I eventually stopped at over 1 million gil. I was a Gillionaire! :D

12-11-2003, 09:32 PM
lol Gillionaire funny lol