View Full Version : remake of ff7?!?!?

12-10-2003, 09:36 PM
somewhere i heard that there was a remake of ff7 coming out on ps2! is this true??? cause i really think that ff7 is one of the best ones and should be remade with newer better graphics, it wuz also gonna have a movie comin with it for 2 years after it happened but yea does anyone know anything bout this?

12-10-2003, 10:11 PM
No, it's not true. For awhile Square was planning to remake the Playstation Final Fantasy games onto the newer Playstation 2, but have since changed their stance on that issue.

For now, according to them, they won't remake any games as long as they are able to be played in their original form; when they said this, they were referring to the backwards compatiblity of the Playstation console series... so, yeah.