View Full Version : Is there something wrong with my game/PS2?

12-30-2003, 09:32 AM
Well ok, there are times when I defeat enemies that it will take a second or 2 for the victory music to play, while usually it plays instantly.

There are also times when I summon an aeon with Yuna she'll stand there in the "head back arms out" position for a second, then the aeon sequence will start. This doesn't happen very often but I've noticed it.

So is this normal or is there something up with my stuff? I just bout the PS2 and the game so if there is I can always go exchange it, though I really don't want to do that.

12-30-2003, 05:30 PM
Nope, there's nowt wrong with it. Mine stalls every now and then, but only if i've been playing non-stop for 3-4 hours. Guess it just takes time for the game to load these things every so often.

12-30-2003, 05:59 PM
I think something like this happened to me when Yuna was summoning..yeah it didn't happen very often and just seemed to be a bit of a stall.

The only thing you should worry about is, what happened to me when I first got FFX, it played all the way up to the bit where Auron and Tidus first see Sin or something, then they would just stand there and tidus would keep moving but the game never progressed xD It was pretty annoying but I cleaned the disc and it was okay in the end :)

12-31-2003, 11:28 PM
if yuna just stands there for a few secs, its probably 'cause one of your characters has fainted and (?)gets up and walks off, this takes time, as s/he goes away after the others.

If it stalls when you win a battle, well, maybe its cause if you just atttacked with lulu or wakka they have to get their ball/doll back. Or it could just the fanfare loading.

01-01-2004, 03:52 AM
Also, just a note, PS2 was meant to be verticle (well,
maybe not meant, but it happens to work better when
it's verticle) so if your PS2 gives you trouble, you might
wish to turn it on its side. :)


01-01-2004, 08:43 AM
Does anyone actually sit theirs horizontally? I've cept mine vertical since I got it, and well I've been talking to people and they all say like you guys, no, its normal. I'm forced to keep it vertical anyway because there wouldn't be enough room for it to sit horizontally, plus with it vertical I have perfect room for my TV, PS2 and Gamecube:).

Anyway, another thing about my PS2...has anyone else ever played a DVD and saw it go black for a split second every now and then? I read in the instruction manual that watching DVDs on it while having it hooked up through a VCR affects it somehow negatively, and that you're supposed to have it directly connected to the TV when you watch DVDs. Since my TV doesn't have that Red/Yellow/White connection thing on it, I'm forced to use the RFU adaptor which results in crappy sound (its a single speaker tv, so its mono on top of mono this way...eck), plus the line got messed up over time so if its not sitting JUST THE RIGHT WAY I get static and lines and crap running through my picture. I haven't tried watching an entire DVD since I hooked it up with the RFU adaptor directly to the TV, but I tested short amounts of time and it seemed perfect (just with crappy sound)...

So does anyone have theirs hooked up through a VCR and watch DVDs on it that way? Did you ever wittness this black for a split second thing? Please tell me if you have or have not.

Yeah I'm a PS2 paranoia freak, but I want to know if anythings wrong before its too late for me to exchange it for a new one if I must;).

01-01-2004, 09:53 AM
I've never had any problems with the game or music before. Perhaps they fixed all the annoying bugs for the incredibly delayed PAL version of the game.

01-18-2004, 06:51 PM
Older TV's have problems with DVD's. It's normal. Also, you should get a new cable. It can make your PS2 go bang.

01-19-2004, 03:05 AM
i know quite a few people who kept their PS2 vertical and it eventually skrewd their games and dvds up a bit. the disc reading laser i think is not meant to move on its side. and the disc tray isn't REALLY meant for that either. because a mechanism inside the console around the laser has to lift the disk (by the center hole) off the tray in order to read the whole disk, having it vertical means gravity will make it hang down and rub on the inside lip of the disk tray, eventually stratching the disk.

im not making this up it happened to three friends of mine so i dont think its a freak coincedence. it might be though!!??

i put mine on its side for a bit and it started to make a funny stratchy noise when it loaded up a disk, so i put it back on the bottom and it stopped right away.
well thats my thoughts anyway.

also i put my tv on a cabinet so there is perfect room for my PS2 horizontaly. And my PS2 ALWAYS comes first!!!!!

01-22-2004, 11:30 AM
if yuna takes a while when her arms an head are back then she probably waiting for one of your p[layers to get out of the way (she does that with me sometimes) also when i have anima out and i use oblivion it takes anima about 3 secs longer than it should to tilt its head back and roll it i dunno why it is maybe i have scratched the disc!

01-22-2004, 03:19 PM
Yeah I found out Yuna standing there with her arms out usually happens when one of my characters are dead and they're getting up and running away so eh, thats what that is.

01-23-2004, 03:03 AM
mine almost always lags when i summon anima and/or use her oblivion.

maybe its just because she is so intricatly detailed, it takes a while for the game to load her. same with the sand worm in sanubia desert, same thing. takes a while for it to appaer on the battlefeild.

AHHH TOO MANY POLYGONS!!!:whoa: :whoa: