View Full Version : Need help, can't get it to work!!!!

01-02-2004, 03:44 PM
Alright, I installed everything the way I guess it should have been, spent all night last night downloading updates and now it's telling me that it's not going to work. It says something about TnL and to check if I meet the hardware specifications. Whenever I try to run the config program, I get a big, blank panel staring back at me. Did I do something wrong? Should I just try reinstalling everything? I'd really hate to find out that I stayed up all night last night for nothing... SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!

01-02-2004, 04:00 PM
My guess is it's telling you that your computer isn't good enough to run it. What are your system specs?

01-02-2004, 04:10 PM
Well, just found out what my problem is... it needs a 128 MB video card and I only have a 32MB...

01-02-2004, 04:17 PM
nah it only needs a 32mb graphics card, it needs 128mb of ram

01-03-2004, 03:56 AM
Yeah, it'd be best to go to a 64mb Graphics card though, but defenatly invest in some major RAM. I say get 2x 256mb DDR or something, that'll be worth while. xD