View Full Version : Impossible begining???

01-23-2004, 02:26 PM
I'm in the UK and ffxi hasn't been released here yet (and i have no idea when it's coming out), so before it is released and I buy it i'd like to know whats stopping all the advanced players who have built themselves up to stupid levels from going around and thrashing all the newbies every five seconds.

Also it costs like $5 a month right?
Does anyone know how much it will be in the UK?
Since things are always more expensive over here I'm guessing it'll be around £5 a month which is about $7 i think. But that just my guess i'd like to know for sure.

01-27-2004, 01:45 AM
What's keeping us high leverls from killing you newbies? The fact that we can't even engage in a dual. PKing isn't out and won't be for at least 3 more months I would guess if not more. Besides the PK system is gonna be different and no one dies from it I believe.

And it costs about 12 dollars here in the U.S. a month.

01-28-2004, 05:23 AM
They aren't releasing Pking, full stop. They will implement a feature called PvP which means that you can't go around killing newbies.

The way I've heard it's going to be is Nation vs Nation, and I think Square released that information somewhere.

Anyways, it's all good. If you don't like MMORPG's or have never played on, maybe you should get a free one first and see how you like it. Becuase basically this is just a beefed up one with heaps more features and such.

Either way I love it. =)