View Full Version : Horrible... dancing... game...

01-31-2004, 08:46 PM
No, seriously. What the hell!?!

Okay, you know that godawful dancing minigame at the beginning of Chapter 4? Well, I read somewhere that you're able to get a Ribbon there if you score over 150 points.

Ha. Ha. Ha.

Is it just me, or is this mini-game like having windshield washer fluid poured into your eyes while watching a fat guy play Dance Dance Revolution? It's just terrible! And what's worse is that the "Rhythm" score clearly isn't based on the rhythm of the music that's playing! I play instruments - I know rhythm. My foot was tapping to that terrible song the whole time it played, and I didn't miss a beat.

But I'm not here to whinge... well, not JUST to whinge. Actually, I just want to know what you have to do to get that Ribbon... because for a Ribbon, I'll even go through that torture.

I'm not going any farther in the game until I get it. Any thoughts?

02-01-2004, 01:02 AM
You could have gotten one in Bevelle at the end of Chapter 2. You can win one from Angra Mainyu. You can bribe Ultima and Omega Weapons for one sometimes. If you calibrate the 10th lighting rod completely, you can get one in Chapter 5. But since you don't have access to any of that right now, you're out of luck, might as well move on.

For the dancing game, just press the button that you're suppose to press on the beat as many times as you can. You are scored for 3 things: rhythm, fitness, and accuracy. While you can only get so many points on rhythm, if you press as many buttons as you can, you can rack up the fitness points, and if you hit the right button (the one that's lit up) you can rack up the accuracy points. On my third time trying (after I figured this out) I got a 342.

02-01-2004, 01:14 AM
Awesome. I'll give it a go. Be back when (if) I figure it out. Or to complain again when I don't ;)

02-01-2004, 06:26 AM
God- whoever told you that you got a Ribbon for beating that mini-game is terribly misinformed! You don't get a Ribbon as a prize for that atrosity of a thing at all!

The greatest accessory you can win in it is Shmooth Shailing- an accessory that has the same effect as a Ribbon, but since it's Hypello it generates a constant slow effect on the character it's equiped to. Quite a disappointment, really. Although maybe it's appropriate- a dissapointing prize for a disappointing mini-game.

02-01-2004, 07:04 AM
You sure about that?

From what I was told, a score over 200 points will net you the Shmooth whatever, but if you get between 150-200, you get a Ribbon. So while the Hypello thing IS the "best", it's possible to get a Ribbon.

02-01-2004, 07:47 AM
No, my friend- the prizes that can be netted from your efforts are as follows:

0-49 points: Pearl Necklace
50-99 points: Safety Bit
100-149 points: Subliminator
150+ points: Shmooth Shailing

So as you can see, there is no Ribbon to be won from this mini-game. You'd be much better off waiting till fighting Angra Mainyu. Bevelle Underground has one, too- in that big hole area with the towers that you use to switch huge platforms around to make steps downward.

02-01-2004, 08:08 AM

I'm going to kill someone. No, seriously. Death.

Thanks for the tip, Blade.

And since we're on the topic, can you go back to Bevelle's underground to get that Ribbon? Cos I missed it the first time through there. Guess I'll have to give that one a shot.

02-01-2004, 01:44 PM
Oh GOD I hate this game. I did horrible on it too. Thanks for the tip.

Lord Xehanort
02-02-2004, 01:32 AM
I got 300+ points. Just keep pressing cross, square, triangle and circle at the same time over and over again. You don't have to be in time, just keep button-mashing. Also, if you were to equip Shmooth Shailing and the accesory that gives you Auto-Haste (Sprint Shoes I think) wouldn't the effects cancel each other out? Just a thought. I haven't tried it.

02-02-2004, 04:30 AM
Sorry- but the effects of Shmooth Shailing can't be cancelled. I've tried it. It's a permanent effect. Nice try, though. Like I said, it's much more beneficial to just get an actual Ribbon. Although, if your one of those die-hard FF players who do absolutely every little stupid thing to be done, and want all the items- that's the only place where Shmooth Shailing can be won. But who does that? Right? :laughing:

02-02-2004, 05:58 PM
I would just like to say that Ansem's method works brilliantly. Many thanks.

I did it again. and pressed all 4 buttons (2 per index finger, using both hands) as fast as I frikkin could.

The final score...?

681 points.
Yes, that's right.
I'm looking at it now.
Rhythm = 264
Fitness = 545
Synch = 138

Total Groove = 681

... Dancing game, consider your $#!+ ruined.

Over and out.

Lord Xehanort
02-02-2004, 09:42 PM
Your welcome.

02-08-2004, 12:22 AM
shmooth sailing irritated the hell out of me. for about a couple of hours, i couldn't figure out why Yuna's bar was soooo slow. i kept giving her haste but it never worked. good thing my friend told me what was up. ^^;