View Full Version : Information Please

02-11-2004, 03:02 AM
I'm interested in buying FF11, but need convincing. I already know I'd be a Dragoon/plaladin or white mage. I'm the kinda person who just loves reptilian fire breathers. Anyway, what kind of abilities would a Dragoon learn? Does the Wyvern leard anything? What do you learn as a Paladin? This info will influence my decision.

02-11-2004, 05:29 AM
I'm not too certain about the job abilities. Mainly Dragoon is used for attacking, and Paladin is used for Tanking (taking hits for the mages).

You can only start out with the primary jobs (meaning no Dragoon at first) then you have to a quest at level 18 to get a subjob, then you need to do certain quests at level 30+ to get advanced jobs (such as Dragoon and Paladin).

Hope that answers some questions.

02-11-2004, 06:26 AM
First of all melee/mage or mage/melee doesnt work with the exception of BST/WHM which is a solo job.

DRG is an attker, and subbing PLD while might give u VIT up, it wont help your role in the party which is to deal damage. PLDs are there to tank and should sub WAR for provoke and only WAR, otherwise its useless to have a PLD who cant provoke.

DRG is best with /SAM or /WAR

/SAM gives you better use of your weapon skills. With their infamous and urber ability called Store TP, you can gain back TP per weapon skill(like a special weapon attk once you gain enough TP from hitting) and can use Pentathrust(powerful move) often and well. Although the drawback is that you get alot of hate and will get hit, at lvl 50 you can Super Jump and lose all hate so that nulls the attention Penta does. And at lvl 60 for ur DRG, ur /SAM will get Mediate which will charge up TP. So your a living weapon skill battery.

/WAR is more versitile. You get provoke which is essential for keeping the monster off mages. Although you arent there to tank and all, you can save lives that way when the WAR or PLD somehow loses their hate. They also get Beserk which lowers DEF but raises Attk. Double Attack and some weapon dmg up passives.

DRG abilities:


-Call Wyvern(2 hour special ability):Call a wyvern to fight by your side
-Ancient Circle: Lvl 5, Raise party defense against dragons.
-Jump: Lvl 10 Delivery short jumping attack
-High Jump: Lvl 35 Delivery high jumping attack
-Super Jump: lvl 50 Jump out of enemy perception range(and therefore nulls hate).


-Attack Bonus: Lvl 10 Improve power of physical attack
-Dragon Killer: Lvl 25 Give you edge when fighting dargons
-Accuracy Bonus: Lvl 30 Improve accuracy of physical attack

A wyvern's abilities are dependant on the sub you choose, if its a healing type, it will use Heal Breath whenever you do a weapon skill, if not it does an Elemental Breath.

PLD Abilities


-Invincible(Special 2 hour move): All physical attack will be ignored (also makes the monster hate you ALOT, which is good since your THE tank as PLD)
-Holy Circle: Lvl 5 Raise party defense against undead
-Shield Bash: Lvl 15 Use shield to break enemy concentration (and mainly there to gather more hate)
-Sentinel: Lvl 30 Raise defense (and gathers more hate)
-Cover: Lvl35 Take damage for ally your covering.


-Undead Killer: lvl 5 Higher dmg to undead
-Physcial Defense Power Up: lvl 10 Raise physical defense
-Resist Sleep: lvl 20 Raise Resistance to sleep
-Physical Defense Power Up: lvl 30 Raise physical defense
-Resist Sleep: lvl 40 Raise Resistance to sleep
-Physical Defense Power Up: lvl 50 Raise physical defense

Basically, DRG=Dmg dealer and PLD=Tank, dont be both, that makes you weak in a party.

02-12-2004, 03:37 AM
Well, as interesting as this is, I'm afriead I overlooked the college factor and money problem. Though I would if I could, I can't.