View Full Version : The FINAL Fantasy

02-16-2004, 06:22 AM
Hi, I'm Herbz7 and I'm working on making the storyline of the ultimate final fantasy game titled "The Final Fantasy", but I need the views and ideas of you the people, and what you want to see in the last final fantasy made, because we all know it'll have to end one day.
So please give me any ideas you have and they will be taken into great consideration.

Thank You, Herbz7

02-16-2004, 06:35 AM
I always like the fact that FF:SW took place on earth and thought it would be cool if a
FF game took place here to. It could have several people (each ffom a different place)
brought together to help save the world (in true ff fashion) from an impending evil.
All characters could be bestowed with abilites to aid them. Infact i came up with ideas
for a least three characters.

A goth type male who uses black magic, a quiet japanese girl who uses white magic
and a thief from london.

02-16-2004, 08:26 AM
so far i have:
Title: The Final Fantasy
Setting: no time, but on Earth, so the map will of course be...
Characters: Thieve from London, although i kinda dont like dat because i'm from england, but we shouldnt really stereotype people from diff countries/continents...hmm..a hero from each continent

02-16-2004, 09:10 AM
Well, since it's a story for THE FINAL fantasy. I would suggest a story where the bad guy wins and the world plunges into evil and chaos etc. Therefore giving the feeling that the world is no more and dead. Hence, "The Final Fantasy"

So, I'd like to see a sad ending.

02-16-2004, 06:30 PM
Thieve from London, although i kinda dont like dat because i'm from england, but we shouldnt really stereotype people from diff countries/continents...

I had no idea an English thieve was even sterotype, it was just a random thought.

02-17-2004, 12:13 AM
Well no I meant, i just didnt like the theive coming from England..just...because. And now I think about it, it could be, pick pocketers from back in the day.

My story though is maybe heading religous, if you have ever read "Paradise Lost", well actually I havnt, but I have like the outline to it. I'm trying use that story, but this time round things didnt go to plan. Jesus was meant to come down and destroy Lucifer in his chariot, but he fails do to so. This then leads to the Anti Christ (its in the dictionary)

Um.. Micheal, Gabriel, Urial and Rapheal were going to be the main characters. Ican tell more if NE1 cares to hear more

Advent Child
02-17-2004, 03:32 AM
1) Two thieves. One thief. You don't have one thieve. Thieve is a verb meaning essentially the same thing as steal. A thief would thieve something. Also, you have one pick-pocket, and two pick-pockets. Pickpocketers don't exist.

2) I think the "ultimate final fantasy" will suck as long as it's YOU making it. This isn't a personal attack, but unless you're a professional writer (and you obviously aren't) you just cannot write a script for an "ultimate" game. Not to mention the fact that single-person game projects almost invariably fail before the end of production. Even if you were a professional writer and you had a team of programmers to work with, you probably wouldn't come up with the "ultimate" game storyline, since it's never easy to create the best there ever was of something. No one sets out thinking "this game is going to suck," but we still see Halo on the shelves at stores.

02-17-2004, 03:40 AM
1) Does this look like da face dat cares about spellin and grammar---> :o

2) no attack taken, it just gives me a chance to come with something, express my imagination. why dont you join in and make some of the story. Its not like we're making Nething big out of it, its just having fun, kind of tryin to put urself into a story. at least thats wot i'm doing with Dart.

And maybe with yoursa and everyone elses help the best story could be wriiten up. and if its not the best but makes great sales, hey i'm rich

02-17-2004, 03:48 AM
You do know if all this comes to pass and you DO try to sell this, you'll be sued into the ground by Square for making money off of their copyrights, right?

Advent Child
02-17-2004, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by Herbz7
1) Does this look like da face dat cares about spellin and grammar---> :o
Judging by the complete and utter incoherency of the rest of that post; no, it doesn't.

02-17-2004, 04:03 AM
Well yeah if i tried to do it without their consent, but i'm in hopes of making this story line and sending it to Sqare-Enix. And then maybe working with their best programmers and such to create this..and all those who give me help i use shall be in the credits, ...to dream

02-17-2004, 04:07 AM
That would never work. I've tried sending many storylines to Square. Eight or Nine, actually. It doesn't work. I've been working on preparing the former Final Fantasy Supreme to send that in, too, but I still have to get Guess, Final Freak, Jenova Rebirth, and Spatvark's permission.

02-17-2004, 04:16 AM
They usually don't buy storylines, because they have specific people to make them. And if you do want to sell this story, I do suggest you work on the spelling and grammar. They arent going to bother reading something put together like that. It'll go straight in the garbage before they get past the first paragraph.

02-17-2004, 04:16 AM
Any where I could find and read that story?

And maybe when we get FFU done you could try that one, but the better idea first would be to do it again and again until its perfect. since i suck at this writing business coughadventchildcough it may not be as good a story, but to keep revamping it, i soppose u could get further...?

02-17-2004, 04:20 AM
Chances are, they're not going to even consider anything that anybody sends in. They have professional writers - emphasis on the plural - who are paid to write the storyline. Chances are, they use those storylines, not the scribblings of some random guy who was bored one day and decided to write what he thought would be a cool plot.

02-17-2004, 04:26 AM
Then we just work our way into working for Square...lol, then whoever makes it in can use the rest of us for help so we all can be heard.

02-17-2004, 04:27 AM
Good luck with that, buddy. Is this your goal in life? All the more power to you, in that case...

black orb
02-17-2004, 05:02 AM
Originally posted by xain
and a thief from london.

02-17-2004, 05:16 AM
Seriously, if you want to work for Square someday, then start taking writing classes now. Work hard, maybe someday you can.

02-17-2004, 10:08 AM
Trust me, I will work for Square when I grow up... don't know about Herbz7, but I already have my plot worked out. So far its about 480 pages on paper, (still haven't typed it :cry: ). Its so big, because in it is all the triggers, switches, and other mumbo jumbo; Lighting, expressions, SE, special effects.... you know. Im gonna go to DigiPen after College.. :) Besides the FINAL fantasy is a lame name :p . Might as well call your game FF: XXX. My game follows a basic FF plot... but I would never send it in to Square. You have to realize that they probably get a lot of garbage in the mail about 'plots' and other junk. I doubt anybody would even look at it even if it were presented in a professional manner. Keep the dream up though Herbz7. If you want to get into a gaming college just take the hardest classes in high school you can find. :)