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02-20-2004, 03:57 AM
In the new board that I am on we got a list of four different types of personalities. All having different traits and all being able to encompass most or all people.

The four types of personalities are

1. Party Personality
- Natural strength is friendliness
- Enjoys interacting with others
- Doesn't like to be alone
- Wants to be liked
- Is more people-oriented than task-oriented
- Wants freedom to be creative and spontaneous
- Likes to keep people happy
- Prefers to be up front rather than in the crowd
- Works best in groups

2. Power Personality
- Natural strength is getting the job done
- Prefers to lead rather than follow
- Wants to influence others
- Likes having responsibility
- Is persuasive
- Likes seeing the overall picture
- Able to make decisions with or without group
- Enjoys teaching and being up front

3. Peaceful Personality
- Natural strength is to be a team player
- Likes to observe and then offer suggestion
- Does not want to stand up in front of a group and lead
- Works well following a leader
- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling
- Prefers a steady and consistent pace
- Able to work alone or in a group
- Is dependable, warm, and easygoing

4. Practical Personality
- Natural stength is to be task-oriented
- Works well alone
- Sticks with a job until it's done
- Prefers to know and understand the details before moving ahead
- Sees problems as challenges
- Likes to be given responsibility
- Does not like to be put down, even if it's in fun
- Hates being in front of a group

The personality which most describes me is the Party Personality. I major attribute is being able to interact with people. I think that bringing a group of people together and making them happy is more important alot of times and will have much more influence on them than making sure a group gets done the task that they set out to do. I have a strong urge to make everyone feel welcome. Try to make everyone feel a part of the group. My freedom to do what I want is important to me. I at times begin feeling trapped if I do not have that freedom. And in the social realm I like being the one that everyone looks to.

So which type of personality are you guys.

02-20-2004, 04:01 AM
I'm none of them. But I guess the least different is the peaceful personality. I don't work well in groups, but prefer following a leader. I constantly insult other people for no reason. I don't care if you make a joke about me, just make sure it's tasteful. I never stick with a task until it's done. I choose to not observe or make a suggestion. So, there's a new personality: the lazy-@ss cruel non-caring personality.

02-20-2004, 04:06 AM
I'm a "Practical Personality". I've always sorted my life into goals and ordered tasks. Everything is planned step by step. I don't work in groups, because relying on someone else is riskier than doing it myself. I know what I'm capable of, but I can't always say that about others. I'm the sort of person that in highschool group assignments, would do the whole thing myself, and have everyone sign their name to it. (It was easy enough to find lazy classmates who found such a plan amicable.) Yes, #4 is me.

02-20-2004, 04:34 AM
More or less #3.

3. Peaceful Personality
- Natural strength is to be a team player
- Likes to observe and then offer suggestion
- Does not want to stand up in front of a group and lead
- Works well following a leader
- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling
- Prefers a steady and consistent pace
- Able to work alone or in a group
- Is dependable, warm, and easygoing

02-20-2004, 04:46 AM
Party Personality
- Natural strength is friendliness
- Enjoys interacting with others
- Doesn't like to be alone
- Wants to be liked
- More people-oriented than task-oriented
- Wants freedom to be creative and spontaneous
- Likes to keep people happy
- Prefers to be up front rather than in the crowd
- Works best in groups

Power Personality
- Natural strength is getting the job done
- Prefers to lead rather than follow
- Wants to influence others
- Likes having responsibility
- Is persuasive
- Likes seeing the overall picture
- Able to make decisions with or without group
- Enjoys teaching and being up front

Peaceful Personality
- Natural strength is to be a team player
- Likes to observe and then offer suggestion
- Does not want to stand up in front of a group and lead
- Works well following a leader
- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling
- Prefers a steady and consistent pace
- Able to work alone or in a group
- Is dependable, warm, and easygoing

Practical Personality
- Natural stength is to be task-oriented
- Works well alone
- Sticks with a job until it's done
- Prefers to know and understand the details before moving ahead
- Sees problems as challenges
- Likes to be given responsibility
- Does not like to be put down, even if it's in fun
- Hates being in front of a group

Nothing exact, but looks to be peaceful.

02-20-2004, 04:54 AM

02-20-2004, 04:57 AM
Can we mix and match? :D

02-20-2004, 05:13 AM
sure, actually at the meeting very few of us turned out to be solely just one. Many of us were a combination of two of them.

Actually it becomes interesting when you begin realizing how the different personality types deal with eachother.

Probably the peaceful type of personality is most compatible with each group. The peaceful type of personality can get along with each group rather well.

The biggest clash I would say happens between the party type of personality and the power type of personality. These two personality types are probably the best leaders. But they are each the best leaders for different reasons. And because of this they have a habit of getting in eachothers way.

Party personalities tend to be the social bug type. The person who is always on the guest list. They tend to have a very defined presense in the social realm. But they also tend to be extremely laid back and as a result have a habit of not getting something done that is supposed to get done.

Power personalities on the other hand are very task oriented unlike party personalities. When a job needs to get done they are a very good person to get it done. But they also lack some people skills in a way. They tend to have a habit of looking over a particular person or a particular group of people in order to get the job complete. They are good at getting the job complete. But they are not extremely great at bringing people together. And will likely create some rifts amongst people along the way.

These two types clash because they both have strong leadership qualities. Party personalities in the social realm. And power personalities in the task oriented world or job world. Both of theirs best quality is what the other type of person believes isn't the most necessary aspect.

These two types of people can work out their differences. But alot of times it will take some work. And will more than likely leave bad first impressions on eachother.

black orb
02-20-2004, 05:26 AM
>>> Im the Practical person..

02-20-2004, 06:11 AM
I'm all the points of 3 and 4 combined >_>

02-20-2004, 06:39 AM
Number 3.

02-20-2004, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by darkchrono

1. Party Personality
<b>- Natural strength is friendliness</b>
<b> - Enjoys interacting with others</b>
<s>- Doesn't like to be alone</s>
<s>- Wants to be liked</s>
<b>- Is more people-oriented than task-oriented</b>
<b>- Wants freedom to be creative and spontaneous</b>
<b>- Likes to keep people happy</b>
<s>- Prefers to be up front rather than in the crowd</s>
<b>- Works best in groups</b>

2. Power Personality
<s>- Natural strength is getting the job done</s>
<b>- Prefers to lead rather than follow</b>
<b>- Wants to influence others</B>
<s>- Likes having responsibility</s>
<b> - Is persuasive</b>
<s>- Likes seeing the overall picture</s>
<b>- Able to make decisions with or without group</b>
<s>- Enjoys teaching and being up front</s>

3. Peaceful Personality
<b>- Natural strength is to be a team player</b>
<s>- Likes to observe and then offer suggestion</s>
<s>- Does not want to stand up in front of a group and lead</s>
<b>- Works well following a leader</b>
<b>- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling</b>
<s>- Prefers a steady and consistent pace</s>
<b>- Able to work alone or in a group</b>
<b>- Is dependable, warm, and easygoing</b>

4. Practical Personality
<s>- Natural stength is to be task-oriented</s>
<b>- Works well alone</b>
<s>- Sticks with a job until it's done</s>
<s>- Prefers to know and understand the details before moving ahead</s>
<s>- Sees problems as challenges</s>
<s>- Likes to be given responsibility</s>
<s>- Does not like to be put down, even if it's in fun</s>
<s>- Hates being in front of a group </s>

I did this Jebusabsolute style. I see myself mostly a mix of party and peaceful personality. *_*

02-20-2004, 11:26 AM
3 (shortest post.....ever, well not NOW anyway)

02-20-2004, 11:55 AM
- Doesn't like to be alone
- Wants to be liked
- More people-oriented than task-oriented
- Wants freedom to be creative and spontaneous
- Likes to keep people happy
- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling
- Able to work alone
- Works well alone
- Does not like to be put down, even if it's in fun
- Hates being in front of a group

Well thats me, all mixed up then.

02-20-2004, 12:48 PM
3. Peaceful Personality
- Natural strength is to be a team player
- Likes to observe and then offer suggestion
- Does not want to stand up in front of a group and lead
- Works well following a leader
- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling
- Prefers a steady and consistent pace
- Able to work alone or in a group
- s dependable, warm, and easygoing

Loony BoB
02-20-2004, 01:02 PM
1. Peaceful
2. Power
3. Party
4. Practical

1. Party Personality
- Natural strength is friendliness
- Enjoys interacting with others
- Doesn't like to be alone
- Wants to be liked
- Is more people-oriented than task-oriented
- Wants freedom to be creative and spontaneous
- Likes to keep people happy
- Prefers to be up front rather than in the crowd
- Works best in groups

2. Power Personality
- Natural strength is getting the job done
- Prefers to lead rather than follow
- Wants to influence others
- Likes having responsibility
- Is persuasive
- Likes seeing the overall picture
- Able to make decisions with or without group
- Enjoys teaching and being up front

3. Peaceful Personality
- Natural strength is to be a team player
- Likes to observe and then offer suggestion
- Does not want to stand up in front of a group and lead
- Works well following a leader
- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling
- Prefers a steady and consistent pace
- Able to work alone or in a group
- Is dependable, warm, and easygoing

4. Practical Personality
- Natural stength is to be task-oriented
- Works well alone
- Sticks with a job until it's done
- Prefers to know and understand the details before moving ahead
- Sees problems as challenges
- Likes to be given responsibility
- Does not like to be put down, even if it's in fun
- Hates being in front of a group

White Raven
02-20-2004, 01:34 PM
Certainly mine is a peaceful personality...I absolutely hate being a leader...its just that I don't want that much pressure.

02-20-2004, 04:24 PM
I'm kinda a mix between number 2 and 4...

02-20-2004, 05:03 PM
not many partiers or power people on here. Well at least there won't be to many fights, lol.

02-20-2004, 05:27 PM
you would think.

02-20-2004, 05:58 PM
I'm a mixture of the Power personality and the Peaceful personality.

02-20-2004, 06:10 PM
1. Party Personality
<s>- Natural strength is friendliness</s>
<s>- Enjoys interacting with others</s>
<s>- Doesn't like to be alone</s>
<b>- Wants to be liked</b>
<s>- Is more people-oriented than task-oriented</s>
<b>- Wants freedom to be creative and spontaneous</b>
<b>- Likes to keep people happy</b>
<s>- Prefers to be up front rather than in the crowd</s>
<s>- Works best in groups</s>

2. Power Personality
<b>- Natural strength is getting the job done</b>
<s>- Prefers to lead rather than follow</s>
<s>- Wants to influence others</s>
<b>- Likes having responsibility</b>
<s>- Is persuasive</s>
<b>- Likes seeing the overall picture</b>
<b>- Able to make decisions with or without group</b>
<s>- Enjoys teaching and being up front</s>

3. Peaceful Personality
<s>- Natural strength is to be a team player</s>
<b>- Likes to observe and then offer suggestion</b>
<b>- Does not want to stand up in front of a group and lead</b>
<b>- Works well following a leader</b>
<b>- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling</b>
<b>- Prefers a steady and consistent pace</b>
<b>- Able to work alone or in a group</b>
<b>- Is dependable, warm, and easygoing</b>

4. Practical Personality
<b>- Natural stength is to be task-oriented</b>
<b>- Works well alone</b>
<b>- Sticks with a job until it's done</b>
<b>- Prefers to know and understand the details before moving ahead</b>
<s>- Sees problems as challenges</s>
<b>- Likes to be given responsibility</b>
<b>- Does not like to be put down, even if it's in fun</b>
<b>- Hates being in front of a group</b>

I guess I'm equally Practical and Peaceful.

02-20-2004, 08:53 PM
I'm a dead ringer for #4, but none of the other ones really fit me.

Mr. Graves
02-20-2004, 09:02 PM
I'm definitely not a party personality, but I am a pleasent mix of the other three. Bolded are the ones that really apply to me. Ignore the others.

2. Power Personality
- Natural strength is getting the job done
- Prefers to lead rather than follow
- Wants to influence others
- Likes having responsibility
- Is persuasive
- Likes seeing the overall picture
- Able to make decisions with or without group
- Enjoys teaching and being up front

3. Peaceful Personality
- Natural strength is to be a team player
- Likes to observe and then offer suggestion
- Does not want to stand up in front of a group and lead
- Works well following a leader
- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling
- Prefers a steady and consistent pace
- Able to work alone or in a group
- Is dependable, warm, and easygoing

4. Practical Personality
- Natural stength is to be task-oriented
- Works well alone
- Sticks with a job until it's done
- Prefers to know and understand the details before moving ahead
- Sees problems as challenges
- Likes to be given responsibility
- Does not like to be put down, even if it's in fun
- Hates being in front of a group

Chibi Youkai
02-20-2004, 11:36 PM
Definately a mix of 3 and 4, with a few of the power traits, I believe.

02-21-2004, 02:40 AM
I'm close to Party Personality, but I have to say I'm more of a Peaceful Personality.

02-21-2004, 02:53 AM
1. Party Personality
- Natural strength is friendliness
- Enjoys interacting with others
- Doesn't like to be alone
- Wants to be liked
- Is more people-oriented than task-oriented
- Wants freedom to be creative and spontaneous
- Likes to keep people happy
- Works best in groups

2. Power Personality
- Likes seeing the overall picture
- Able to make decisions with or without group

3. Peaceful Personality
- Likes to observe and then offer suggestion
- Does not want to stand up in front of a group and lead
- Works well following a leader
- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling
- Prefers a steady and consistent pace
- Able to work alone or in a group

4. Practical Personality
- Works well alone
- Prefers to know and understand the details before moving ahead
- Hates being in front of a group

This is kind of true about me.

02-21-2004, 03:13 AM
I'm definitely a practical personality. That one fits me perfectly.

02-21-2004, 04:02 AM
I would say that for most people who define themselves as being most like the party personality. Most of their close friends would probably be fellow party peoople or peaceful personality people.

And I would say that most power personality people. Most of their close friendships are probably peaceful people or practical people. (Though power people and practical people may contradict eachother as well evey now and then.)

Peaceful people are able to get along with most everyone because they do not have a problem with someone else taking control. Whereas some of the other groups would have a problem if someone tried to take control away from them.

Practical people from what I have observed are more of the philosiphical types. They are very thought-provoking and on their own or in a very small group they do come up with very good ideas. But they tend to get intimidated when they are in larger groups so as a result they tend not to lead.

That is why practical people tend not to clash with power people or party people. They have the ideas and such things. But they tend to back-down to the others and follow at the end.

Dr Unne
02-21-2004, 06:01 AM
The categories don't seem all that well-defined to me.

1. Party Personality
<s>- Natural strength is friendliness
- Enjoys interacting with others
- Doesn't like to be alone
- Wants to be liked
- Is more people-oriented than task-oriented
- Wants freedom to be creative and spontaneous
- Likes to keep people happy
- Prefers to be up front rather than in the crowd
- Works best in groups</s>

2. Power Personality
- Natural strength is getting the job done
- Prefers to lead rather than follow
- Wants to influence others
<s>- Likes having responsibility
- Is persuasive</s>
- Likes seeing the overall picture
- Able to make decisions with or without group
<s>- Enjoys teaching and being up front</s>

3. Peaceful Personality
<s>- Natural strength is to be a team player</s>
- Likes to observe and then offer suggestion
- Does not want to stand up in front of a group and lead
- Works well following a leader
- Often can sense how others are doing or feeling
- Prefers a steady and consistent pace
- Able to work alone or in a group
<s>- Is dependable, warm, and easygoing</s>

4. Practical Personality
- Natural stength is to be task-oriented
- Works well alone
- Sticks with a job until it's done
- Prefers to know and understand the details before moving ahead
- Sees problems as challenges
<s>- Likes to be given responsibility</s>
- Does not like to be put down, even if it's in fun
- Hates being in front of a group

02-21-2004, 07:58 AM
well here is a much clearer view of what type of person would fit into each category.

The Party personality would be the popular social bug type. The person whom alot of people seek out in order to be around them.

The Power personality would be the type of person who wants to take charge when given something to do. The type of person who would take charge when a serious task is at hand.

The Peaceful personality is the type of person that many would go to when needing support. They would not lead but they are the type of person you would go to when you are feeling troubled.

The Practical Personality is the very thought-provoking type. The type of person who would probably go over things in a very philosiphical way.

Unne the times I have talked to you on here you seem more like the Practical type of personality to me.

02-21-2004, 07:25 PM
If anyone of them id have to be power, but im more so a mix of all of them.