View Full Version : Seiken Densetsu III Characters.

02-27-2004, 06:13 PM
I've never played Seiken Densetsu III, but I'm curious about the characters. What are they like? Which ones were awesome? Which ones were annoying?

03-25-2004, 04:20 PM
There's Lise, who's an Amazoness (Or Amazon, really, seeing as all Amazons are female anyway) from the mountain kingdom of Rolante. She's kinda awesome, not only for the fact that she uses a spear.

Then there's Carlie, who's an annoying kid who's supposed to be fifteen but sounds and acts like she's about eight. There's supposed to be really cool things in store for her later on in the story, but I dislike her so much I've never been arsed to play that far with her.

And Hawke, who's this thief from Navarre, a desert fortress town. He's the kind of person everybody likes and I tend not to overly like simply not to be mainstream. He is rather cool, though.

Duran, who's an idiot musclehead whose only real ambition in the game is to get really, really strong. Don't use him, he's boring as hell.

And then there's Angela, a sorceress whose mother I believe is the queen of Altena, a magical kingdom in the north. She's been scorned by her country, I think - I haven't seen her entire intro, but I should. She wears rather little, as expected.

Finally there's Kevin, a Beastman (half human-half dog, turn into werewolves at night) who might have been kinda cool if it weren't for the fact that he's a poor ripoff of Gau from FFVI. Good points: He wears a neat hat, and his classes have cool names.

...Oh for christ's sake, just play the game. It's very good.

03-25-2004, 08:08 PM
Hawk is a pimp. 'Nuff said.

03-25-2004, 08:26 PM
Not sure if there's much to add to Marble's descriptions. I like Lise because of her tragic story, and she's a nice and useful character. Hawk is a cool guy, but his ending pretty much sucks, so I'd make him the 2nd or 3rd character.

Angela's a nice character, but I'm not a heavy magic user. Her Light level 2 tech, Pink Typhoon, might be the hottest or ugliest thing in the game. I don't like it, myself. I think Duran is a fun character. Maybe he's quite a generic RPG knight, but his classes have nice support spells (Sabers, healing, awesome techs), and I like some of the Star Wars -esque events concerning Duran.

Kevin's extremely powerful, but I don't like him. He makes the game a total breeze. Character-wise, he would be cool if he wasn't so dumb and didn't speak like he was dumb too. Carlie's sometimes annoying, especially with her tear eyes and smoke ears, but she's a very good healer. Her intro and ending are also nice.

The Man
03-31-2004, 02:46 AM

sort of answers your question. It's definitely well worth playing.