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View Full Version : ragnorak Online

03-04-2004, 04:45 PM
What do you think about the game? Ive never actually played it but yet i still want to see how it is. I saw that you have to pay for it now, and I dont know if its worth the extra money, ya know? So just give me your feedback. thanks.:mog:

03-04-2004, 10:39 PM
i actually just downloaded it today and am taking advantage of the "no credit card needed free 15 day trial"

just download the game make a account on web site then start the game up an enter account name/password and ur all set for 15 days of totally free gaming with no credit card numbers involved :)

seems an ok game the combat reminds me of diablo :)

03-04-2004, 11:28 PM
RO can be fun, but it's more addictive than truly fun. If you like the game but dont have the money or dont wanna part with your cash, start searching for a free server. There's a lot around.

03-04-2004, 11:46 PM
I paid to play it for two months, but it got too boring. I'm currently trying a private server that lets you level 800 times faster just to see what a powerful character is like. I'll then likely quit forever.

However, I'm currently having tons of errors that keep shutting down the kRO client and I don't know what to do. Oh well.

As for the game itself, if you play on iRO and want to become a high level character, expect to spend hours and hours and hours (and more hours) in boring dungeons killing the same things over and over (while 80 other people are doing the same (60 of them likely to be bots). It takes forever to make enough money to buy good equipment. Trying to get rares to drop from monsters is an exersice in extreme patience. Yeah, if you kill the same monster over and over you'll eventually get the drop, but you might have lost your sanity long before then.

Another problem is lag. I have a pretty fast connection and computer, yet it still lags pretty bad. Lag can affect combat pretty severely (especially when I'm using my mage trying to set up firewalls).

Like TheAbominatrix said, it can be fun, but it's very very repetitive as well.

Dr Unne
03-05-2004, 01:05 AM
It's a game without a goal, and yeah, that does get very repetitive, but personally I like repetition. I play it to relax. It is definitely drug-like in many ways. So far as the quality of the game itself, compared to beta it's much more reliable and more fun, in my opinion.

It's more fun if you find someone to play with. In many ways it's just a glorified chat-client after a while.

Agent Proto
03-05-2004, 01:21 AM
True that, if you have someone to play with.

I played it before, and my past experience with the game is not so great. :/

03-05-2004, 02:38 PM
Thats interesting, I dunno...Repeptitive is too much for me. *plus the whole hours and hours...ect of spending time to level up to make yourself powerful isnt for me*

But I shall give it a try. Thanks.:)

White Raven
03-05-2004, 03:34 PM
I would start playing here on campus for the connection is rather fast, but damn UofT and their firewalls...they don't allow us to play online games here.

(Misses RO, WC3 and Gunbound)

03-05-2004, 10:12 PM
I don't play RO as much as I used to. I only go to iRO for my friends. I go to private servers to test builds that I'll probably never have the paitence to actually get. :rolleyes2

03-06-2004, 05:39 PM
I find that RO as a game is incredibly poor to be honest; it's only the multiplayer aspect of it (which admittedly is the main point of the game) which makes it fun... and that's why I've no idea why I have four characters above level 65 since I spend most of my time soloing ;_;

03-07-2004, 01:29 AM
that is rather interesting....Very inetresting. I still havent created an account..yet im getting the idea to.

Erdrick Holmes
03-07-2004, 04:29 AM
Im gonna start paying for this game whe I get my new job. It'd gonna rock.