View Full Version : It's just clothes wtf

03-04-2004, 07:25 PM
There are two distinctly different types of clothing I typically wear: the rediculously baggy, stereotypical teenage drags-on-the-ground-gets-dirty-and-makes-me-look-unpresentable clothes, and the ones I'm wearing now: a dress shirt, slacks, belt and tie. Why is there a perceived difference in who I am just because of clothing? I get compliments when I dress up, and when I dress down nobody cares. Is clothing that important that it dignifies a person? I'm thinking about that Bugs Bunny cartoon where a truckload of hats fell everywhere and Bugs/Fudd started acting differently just because of clothing (hat) changes.

I don't understand. Explain how PG can be presentable just because of clothing chagne.

03-04-2004, 09:10 PM
because people are stupid and judgmental. you know, it takes less thought to judge someone based on their clothing or looks than it does to actually get to know them.

White Raven
03-04-2004, 09:21 PM
I always wear the sam old clothes...baggy jeans, with some t-shirt, thats more than likely black and that has a rock band on it. Occasionally I wear my T-Bay Lightning jersey.

I'm always percieved as a pot head hippy, but I just like rock and roll, and not spending oodles of money on uncomfortable clothing.

03-04-2004, 09:38 PM
I just wear t-shirts and jeans. I don't care what kind. I just want them to be comfortable.

03-04-2004, 10:59 PM
Clothing is considered part of your overall appearance. Being primarily a visual species (that is to say visual until we became thinkers who considered character as part of base appeal) we judge one another on overall appearance. If your overall appearance is slovenly, people will judge you as lazy and apathetic. If your appearance is foreign to them, people will see you as, well, foreign to their mindset. If your appearance is recognizable and neat, people will see you approachable and reliable.

Don't you wish we all were blind?

03-04-2004, 11:09 PM
I'm lazy and slovenly, and thus look better when I dress better. I'm tired of reverse prejudices :aimmad:

03-04-2004, 11:21 PM
People look at my face and judge me that way long before they realise I have any clothing on.

But me I usually just wear khaki pants and a casual shirt all the time.

03-04-2004, 11:27 PM
Hmm. I have an odd style. White dress up shirts with Hot Topic shirts over them or long sleeved shirts . . . and bellbottoms. That's it. I don't own a nice range of clothing. I own T-shirts and jeans upon jeans with more jeans on the side. ^_^- Perhaps when I decide to grow up I'll dress up but for now I'm going to enjoy it while I can still get away for it.
PG - you should dress up like a grandpa because you are OLD.

03-04-2004, 11:52 PM
I'm usually judged by the way I act instead of the way I dress, which I hate even more.

Elephant Man
03-05-2004, 12:00 AM
Just about the same as you guys, T-Shirt and jeans. Of course, I also where a necklace too. PG can be changed just because of clothing because...well....I don't know.

03-05-2004, 12:24 AM

03-05-2004, 01:05 AM

I'm too girly for this thread?

I dress in sweatshirts when I'm all by myself. Or my pajamas.
If I'm with my goth friends; I dress in black/red-ish things.
When I'm with the other law students I follow whatever stupid fashion is in, which at the moment is punk-ish with bright colours.
Or I wear high heels and lots of jewelry and stuff.

At least I try to look different from day to day......

03-05-2004, 01:20 AM
I usually wear black pants, I don't know why I just likle the color black. And I like wearing long sleeved shirts that are not blue, I don't like wearing blue. Dumb style, yes.

03-05-2004, 01:30 AM
I where some kind of shirt with some kind of stupid logo or message on it and of caurse jeans. I dress the way I do because I don't wanna get noticed and hey it works. I only get noticed if they wanna notice me, is the way I see it.

03-05-2004, 01:42 AM
I wear no name-brand cloths, nothing with logos either. Usually I'll wear maroon, grey, red, or black (rarily black).

03-05-2004, 02:10 AM
Presentable Abby:

Knee length black skirt w/ white collar shirt, and hair pulled back in a nice braid or pony tail

Unpresentable Abby / Abby on her period:

Sweats w/ boxers and either a t-shirt or sweatshirt, and holey socks. Possible that I haven't showered in a week. Hair never brushed, and pulled into a knot.

Normal Abby:

Jeans w/ a t-shirt or long sleeve shirt


Some vintage clothes, that are fun to wear

03-05-2004, 02:26 AM
If what we normally wear was the topic of the thread, I normally wear jeans and t shirt/tank top with boots/flip flops. Yep. Bum.

Sorry you don't like reversed predjudices, Moo Moo. It's what people do.

Mr. Graves
03-05-2004, 02:48 AM
Whether I shave or not is the only factor that really depends on my 'presentable' image. And if my many flannel shirts have stains or not. Most of the time, I look I'm in a grunge band. I'm about twice as grungey if I don't shave. And my hair is short these days, so it helps.

03-05-2004, 02:57 AM
Recently my style has gotten a little more clean-cut. i've taken to collared button-ups and the like, and you could even call it borderline dressy if i didn't have such a taste for things like Hawwiian shirts. No particular reason; i've just wanted to look a bit nicer on a daily basis. And i've gotten positive comments from my friends about my style in the past, but they come on a far more consistent basis now. And generally, people are just more amicable towards me now. The difference between folks' reception of me before and after i adjusted my dress is decidedly apparent, especially dealing with strangers - the strongest indication of a person's external impressions.

i doubt people always think actively about how a person looks, but looking nicer is, after all, looking nicer. Folks often judge people consciously on their style, but just as often it's simply an automatic thing. People just seem to take better impressions from a nicely dressed person. It could be for any number of reasons: shows you expended the energy to look nice, which in turn reflects well on your public face and others' general perception of you; it's generally more clean-cut, which just comes off well; etc etc etc.

i don't worry too much about style. But it does bother me that people attach such stereotypes to it. i may present a more formal wardrobe than i did before, but it doesn't reflect any real change in my personality; i'm still the same guy. But people do treat me differently. And if i were to shift one day to a stereotypically "goth" look, people would treat me differently then, too. Visual perception, even with the knowledge of a person's character, is a powerful influence. We're visual creatures, we humans, and it goes a long way. It may not necessarily be a good thing, but there's no denying its truth.

Meat Puppet
03-05-2004, 03:08 AM
I guess I do wear some baggy jeans. I have decided to edit this post because it was just a lie. Sorry if anyone was offended.

Advent Child
03-05-2004, 03:20 AM
Fire_of_Avalon put it perfectly in her first post.

As for what I wear usually, I wear jeans all the time, and almost always a t-shirt. The pants are just like $35 ones from bluenotes or whatever. The shirts have to fit just so. They've gotta be not baggy, but not too short either.

I guess it makes people think I'm a lot more respectable than wiggers and thugs, somewhat more respectable than old school punks and punks in general, but less respectable than those who tuck in thier shirts.

03-05-2004, 03:24 AM
Or 'her.' :)

Advent Child
03-05-2004, 03:25 AM
That's what I said >_> <_<

03-05-2004, 03:26 AM
Judging people is natural. I judge everyone. Not just on how they dress, but based on how they act, who they associate with, their beliefs, anything that can differentiate one person from another. It's what people do best. For example, if you dress like a slob, it's not unreasonable for me to assume you're a slob. It's not unreasonable for me to go further and assume your household is also a mess, and that personal hygeine is pretty low on your priority list, etc. I would hold this judgement of you untill you proved me wrong. It's not realistic to try and get to know everyone you see, so making judgements on people is a necessity.

I wear polo shirts and/or sweaters, a pair of jeans, brown leather shoes, a brown leather jacket, and a South Park baseball cap. Judge me as ye will.

03-05-2004, 04:04 AM
People that dress in the dark, baggy clothing are usually considered the goths. They wear the satanic stuff. Punks are the people that dress in the camouflaged clothing and listen to loud music. The list keeps going.

My clothes look nice, I guess. I don't wear too baggy pants and I don't wear dark, satanic clothing.

03-05-2004, 07:56 AM
*high-five Abby*

Yay for Vintage!

And also yay for lots of layers. brr.

03-06-2004, 12:05 AM
I wear an ecclectic mix. Some of my trousers are fairly baggy but some are rather tight and bootcut. Whatever really. I generally wear tight tops but I have a couple of band t-shirts and the like floating around. I have an annoying habit of buying clothes several sizes too big, wearing them obsessivly for a few months then realizing that infact they are too big and totally swamp me, making me look stupid.
Im a bit odd like that.


03-06-2004, 12:24 AM
I wear carhartt pants or slilver tab pants. A T-shirt and sweatshirt plade shirts sometimes (like right now) I wear big steeltoe boots. and always a hat or somesort.