View Full Version : Obtaining blue bullets...

04-03-2004, 04:37 AM
Me and my brother are having a hard time aquiring blue bullets for the Gun Mage.

We know which monsters to get them from and stuff, but the only ones we've gotten are Blaster and Absorb.

Specifically, White Wind and Mighty Guard.

We've been finding those mycotoxin (bullycap-like) things and they WON'T use white wind. Also, because of the way the game works, Gerik will not use mighty guard when I fight him and so I have to rely on the Haizhe I believe...but they NEVER use it either! We've tried waiting around in battles with regular and oversoul'd fiends and they just won't use the damn abilities. Any help?

Del Murder
04-03-2004, 04:43 AM
You have to cunfuse the monster first. Dark Knight has the confuse magic. Then just wait around and it should use the magic on you after a while.

04-03-2004, 04:56 AM
makes sense =)

my only concern is that so far they never even use it on themselves, so i hope that whilst under confusion they'll cough up the abilities...sheesh...

04-03-2004, 08:02 AM
you get fire breath on thunder plains...