View Full Version : Finding Money...

04-05-2004, 04:25 PM
In this game, how do you gain money? I just can't seem to find any.:mad: .

Flying Mullet
04-05-2004, 04:33 PM
Sell what you find and do quests. There are several quests in the major towns that take common items found and they give you money back. Also, try making money at the auction house. There are a lot of items that you can buy cheap and sell for more at the auction house, especially if you can only buy the items way back in town. People are lazy and will pay for the convenience of buying items close to the enterance of town.

04-05-2004, 09:29 PM
12 Wind Crystals at AH = 1200 gil
12 Fire Crystals at AH = 2200+ gil
12 Bat Wings at AH = 2200+ gil
12 Sulfur at AH = 6000+ gil

All soem good items to shoot for. Just gotta learn what monsters drop what and then go hunt them for the items till you get the stacks, sell em, and then you'll be making money in no time.

Incidently if your in Windurst, fight crawler type monsters till you get 12 silk threads, those sell for 10,000+ at the AH usually.

04-06-2004, 02:06 AM
NM Camping

Kill beastment after beastmen in crowded newb areas where they constantly have to train monsters in and you can kill em all easy.

Quests, lots of em

Crafting(warning: Beginning crafters will have to sink at least 10K of gil before reaping profits.)

AH sell stacks of items

WHM? Teleport Services

Just keep farming, theres no quick way, every gil is hard earned.

04-07-2004, 06:52 PM
Okay. I see. Thanks for your help! ;)