View Full Version : Questions about the story (Major Spoilers!)

04-05-2004, 05:11 PM
Hi. I finished FF Tactics today, and there are some stuff that I think Square should have explained more. The following has loads of spoilers, so I won't mark them. Just be warned that this thread has


First, the Holy Stones. Are they supposed to be evil? According to the legend, they were used for defeating a great evil, but it seems they're items that the villains use to transform into powerful demons, the Zodiac monsters. However, when Rafa used the stone on the roof of Riovanes Castle, the stone started to shine with pure energy, and it revived Malak. Does that mean the stone reflects on its user, so "good" users can make the stone do good things while "evil" users can make the stone do evil things?

Second, some more about the Holy Stones. I always thought there were 12 stones. However, there's only six Zodiac monsters in the game: Queklain, Velius, Zalera, Adramelk, Hashmalum and Altima. Where are the other six monsters? And did Ramza carry some more stones with him or something?

Third, the winner of the war. Larg and Goltana's forces fought each other until they were weakened, and through deception, the leaders of both sides met their end. Since Larg wasn't there to make Prince Orinas the king, Princess Ovelia became the new ruler. She married Delita, and Delita became a king, and he united Ivalice. However, wasn't it the church's plan to get both Larg and Goltana's forces weakened so that they could gain power and everyone's trust? Doesn't that mean the church should have won the war and Delita would have been left with only a rag-tag army to support him? Or did Vormav destroy all the major people in the church to make sure every side (all nations and the church) is really weakened and an easy target for St. Ajora to conquer (but St. Ajora was stopped by Ramza and the others)?

Fourth, is it explained anywhere why the villains are doing everything? Sure, with the nations and the church, it's that they want more power, but how about with Zodiac demons? To me, it seemed like they just want to revive St. Ajora. For what? Probably so that he could take over the world. But why? If you ask me, the Zodiac monsters and St. Ajora seem like those undeveloped villains who want to take over the world for no reason.

Ok, that was quite a lot of questions. I hope someone can explain some of them to me.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
04-06-2004, 03:55 AM
There are thirteen stones, and even though we only see seven of their corresponding devils within the scope of the game, that doesn't mean the rest of the gang doesn't exist.

Delita is able to stay king because he's one crafty mutha.

The Lucavi are indeed devils, and very much in the classical fire-and-brimstone sense. Asking why they do bad things is like asking what Astaroth or Beelzebub's big problem is.

04-07-2004, 11:55 PM
There are thirteen stones, and even though we only see seven of their corresponding devils within the scope of the game, that doesn't mean the rest of the gang doesn't exist.

Thirteen stones? I thought the Zodiac stones were named after horoscopes, and there's only 12 horoscope signs. What's the 13th one called? And still, I'm not sure about whether the stones are truly evil or dependent on their user.

Delita is able to stay king because he's one crafty mutha.

Heh. About the ending, was it only Ovelia who died or did Delita also die because of the stabbing? And now that I mentioned it, I feel sorry for Ovelia. She finds out that her whole life is a lie and she's being used all the time. Then she finds Delita and thinks he can comfort her, but she just ends up getting used, and eventually killed by him.

The Lucavi are indeed devils, and very much in the classical fire-and-brimstone sense. Asking why they do bad things is like asking what Astaroth or Beelzebub's big problem is.

What is Lucavi? I think it was said somewhere in the game that Lucavi is a legendary Satan-like demon who tried to destroy the world hundreds of years prior to the game's events. However, Lucavi also seems to be a collective name for all the Zodiac demons. So what does Lucavi refer to?

Finally, isn't it way too obvious that the whole religion thing symbolizes Christianity and especially the Catholic church with all the inquisition and stuff? St. Ajora's story also seems like it's taken from the Bible with different names and Zodiac stones added there.

04-08-2004, 01:22 AM
Thirteen stones? I thought the Zodiac stones were named after horoscopes, and there's only 12 horoscope signs. What's the 13th one called? And still, I'm not sure about whether the stones are truly evil or dependent on their user.

The thirteenth stone is Serpentarius. It's part of an obscure sidequest near the end of the game.

From an astrological perspective, there is no Serpentarius zodiac sign. There is a Serpentarius constellation though. The 12 zodiac constellations are all roughly located on a circle that the moon traces across the night sky (this circle is commonly known as the Zodiac). Serpentarius is inclined at about 90 degrees from the Zodiac.

Heh. About the ending, was it only Ovelia who died or did Delita also die because of the stabbing? And now that I mentioned it, I feel sorry for Ovelia. She finds out that her whole life is a lie and she's being used all the time. Then she finds Delita and thinks he can comfort her, but she just ends up getting used, and eventually killed by him.

It's never said for sure if Delita survived or not. I like to think they both died. I love bitter-sweet endings.

What is Lucavi? I think it was said somewhere in the game that Lucavi is a legendary Satan-like demon who tried to destroy the world hundreds of years prior to the game's events. However, Lucavi also seems to be a collective name for all the Zodiac demons. So what does Lucavi refer to?

Yep, Lucavi is the collective name for the demons summoned by the Zodiac Stones.

Finally, isn't it way too obvious that the whole religion thing symbolizes Christianity and especially the Catholic church with all the inquisition and stuff? St. Ajora's story also seems like it's taken from the Bible with different names and Zodiac stones added there.

Yeah, except the Christian religion hasn't summoned forth any unholy demons from the underworld. Oh, wait... I forgot about Jerry Falwell.

04-08-2004, 06:39 AM
The rest of the stones are there somewhere just no one knows where what i think is that they were used to work the macheins under gouge (im not good with names) like how they got worker 8, changed reis into a chic, how cloud was transported into this game.

So all I can say is the others were never found.


You could say that at the end of the game Ramza and Alma went out to search for the others so they wouldn't fall into evil hands.

And Somewhere in the game it says that the Zodiac Braves were really evil and were the ones who brought the distruction. I think its in the scriptures but its really long and i dont feel like reading it again. So that explains why they are evil. I have started a new game so ill tell u when it says but im pretty sure they say the braves are evil along with that huge guy at the end (cant remember his name)

Ill get back to u when i finish the game

04-09-2004, 06:40 AM
The Zodiacs are from pagan origin, which is the exact opposite of Christianity. So why would you mix a "Christ" like figure and Zodiacs? Because it is alluding to something that is referred to as the coming of the "Anti-Christ" in the Christian religion. St. Ajora, obviously, would be the anti-christ equivalent. Now isnt the Anti-Christ evil though? Yes, however, he will come on the world scene through a peace platform. He will solve a lot of the Earth's current day problems and will probably have some sort of religious group backing him. Maybe the Roman Catholic Church, as I believe the game is hinting at. Could be Jews themselves. Who knows. But according to Christian beliefs the man who is the Anti-Christ will be incarnated by the Devil himself(which he rarely does btw.) After declaring peace in the world, he will claim to be the Messiah of the Jews(probably through the Merovingian bloodline theory). Then all hell breaks loose. Literally.

04-09-2004, 04:20 PM
The Zodiacs are from pagan origin, which is the exact opposite of Christianity. So why would you mix a "Christ" like figure and Zodiacs? Because it is alluding to something that is referred to as the coming of the "Anti-Christ" in the Christian religion. St. Ajora, obviously, would be the anti-christ equivalent. Now isnt the Anti-Christ evil though? Yes, however, he will come on the world scene through a peace platform. He will solve a lot of the Earth's current day problems and will probably have some sort of religious group backing him. Maybe the Roman Catholic Church, as I believe the game is hinting at. Could be Jews themselves. Who knows. But according to Christian beliefs the man who is the Anti-Christ will be incarnated by the Devil himself(which he rarely does btw.) After declaring peace in the world, he will claim to be the Messiah of the Jews(probably through the Merovingian bloodline theory). Then all hell breaks loose. Literally.

Hmm... an interesting way to look at it. I always thought St. Ajora was trying to act like the Christ (he spoke about the coming of an eternal kingdom, then a disciple betrayed him and he got executed, and then he was taken into Heavens, and a major religion was formed by his disciples), but obviously, the story somewhat changed in the end when St. Ajora was resurrected and he actually became the final enemy of FF Tactics.

04-10-2004, 01:21 AM
Precisely. The plan of the latter days is to discredit the entire Christian religion through deception. Thus making the Bible and any other written material "flawed" and made an unreliable source. Once that has happend, the anti-christ will be able to install his own religion. Basically, a wolf in sheeps clothing. Much like Ajora.

04-10-2004, 10:46 PM
I will go with Dkknight for now. Maybe these demons (anti-christ) you talk about are Lucavi, Velius and the others, right? And the incarnation can be the Holy Stones...who knows...

04-11-2004, 01:01 AM
Never thought about this hinting at the anti-christ...im going with DKKnight

04-11-2004, 06:18 AM
Also remember the Germonik Scriptures. There was a debate whether they were reliable or not. Much like the Bible today, which ties into the whole anti-christ plot, plan, and deception. I think the Holy Stones are representative of the evil that has infiltrated the church. Funny that the protectors of the land are supposed to be "holy" yet they are actually evil. But they work under the guise of the church, which I believe is what is happening in today's times, especially in world politics.

04-22-2004, 03:34 AM
Ok no joke i could've sworn that when i was doing jobs for the bar keepers i found some of the zodiac stones. I dont remeber which jobs or even which stones(it was quite a while ago) but im still pretty sure i found some.

Azure Chrysanthemum
04-26-2004, 07:24 AM
I believe if you do all the side quests, you do end up with all 13 Zodiac Stones, or maybe 12, the last being with St. Ajora.

As far as the stones being evil themselves, I believe they are more of a conduit of a great power. In the hands of one who's intentions are ignoble or tainted, like Wiegraf for example, the stones channel negative, evil power, often allowing one of the devils into the world. When in the hands of one who's intentions are pure, like Rafa, for example, they channel positive, good energy, bringing about miracles. I do not believe they are sentient at all, merely objects of great power.

Delita was the charismatic hero to the people. He had their support.

As was said earlier, why ask why the devil does something. Vengeance? Sadistic pleasure? They are evil. That's a pretty good reason if you ask me.

04-29-2004, 12:27 PM
Why do you think this game was temporarily banned from USA? So is Xenogears.

06-11-2004, 01:11 PM
Yes if you do all the side quests in the game, including the "hidden dungeon" late in the game, then you can get all 13 of the zodiac stones. its just a pain to do, and not necessary for the plot to develop.