View Full Version : Dragoon Tank

04-07-2004, 04:33 PM
I heard from several people ingame that the class which I'm building towards (I have a pretty high Polearm level with my level 10 Warrior), Dragoon, doesn't make a very good tank. Is it possible to use Warrior as a subjob to make the Dragoon a good tank? Aren't Dragoons one of the heaviest hitters also? Which is best for melee combat out of Dragoon, Ninja, Paladin, Samurai in terms of offense and defense? Which of these pairs best with Warrior?

04-07-2004, 04:56 PM
Dragoon's attacking potential can be one of the highest in the game, especially at level 60+ with Samurai as a maxed out sub-job, however their defense is pitiful in comparison with Paladins and even Warriors at later levels. At best you can be a backup tank until about 15 (20 if you're lucky and have a fast healer). It's about the same for Samurais, as well, who can't really tank well at all once they get up to the 30 range since they'll be running Berserk pretty much whenever possible (I know I certainly do :) ). Most Dragoons and Samurais are insulted if you ask them to tank, so you know. They are Artillery, or "Goons" as some people are fond of calling them.

As for the best, well, that's up to you and what you enjoy playing the most. For consistent melee damage potential the DRG/SAM is one Hell of sight to behold once it has the ability to lay down Penta Thrust -> Meditate -> Penta Thrust -> Super Jump :excited:

04-07-2004, 05:48 PM
I recommend subbing THF post 60 so you can PentaThrush+Trick Attack(transfer all hate to the person ur facing) so the tank gets all the hate possible without you gaining Aggro.

But no DRGs arent really tanks, /WAR is a basic sub for all Melees(Beserk, Double ATtack, other bonuses), but after lvl 60, two other subs are open and also viable, that being /SAM or /THF. Remember teh sub isnt what dictates who you are, they are there to enhance your main job which is DRG and he does damage.