View Full Version : Pfft...wake me up when we've at least invented laser potatoes/dinosaurs

04-17-2004, 02:51 PM
I just realised the other day how boring our world is. Where's all the pirates? Where's all the parks filled with dinosaurs? Where oh where is Astro Boy? Please don't point me towards the local video store, for I know I can sit and watch Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock commandier a speeding bus with a bomb on it but the most excitment I get on a bus is when some old lady is standing in the aisle of the bus and then the bus suddenly stops and then the old lady falls over in the bus.

I watched Pirates of the Carribean the other night and then I had this empty feeling afterwards. At first I thought it was hunger but then I realised later it wasn't hunger well actually it was hunger but not a hunger for food but a hunger for adventure! Suddenly I realised that I have three assignments due during my mid-term break, and when I looked at the questions for each of them not even one of them involved pirates or cursed ships with cursed pirates on them! Then it suddenly dawned on me that the chances of going on a pirate adventure during the holidays was pretty slim, and then I realised I might not meet even one measly pirate in my whole life! Well thanks alot Johnny Depp and to a lesser extent Kiera Knightly. Thanks for nothing! It's alright for you to go galavanting around in a world of make-believe but what does our stupid dumb world have? The best robots we have are those stupid little dog robots that don't attack at all. And the only lasers we common folk will ever get our hands on are laser pointers. All they can do is maybe cause blindness and provide hilarious visual gags at cinemas. Ok, so maybe it's not all that bad.

Sure, there's a hell of a lot of ways to have fun in this world but where's the real adventure? Just once I'd like to have to step on a few goombas on the way to university instead of bums. Sometimes I feel like deliberately contributing to the global warming effect so that the ice caps melt and flood the earth and then we all are forced to grow gills and live under the sea, where we ride sea horses to work and play clams like maraccas. I suppose we could all live on floating cities on the water, but I don't really like Kevin Costner.

Anyway, do you wish there was more adventurous stuff in your life or what?

edit: actually, it turned out the emptiness was hunger for food not hunger for adventure. I ordered some pizza and I'm fine now.


04-17-2004, 02:59 PM
pack a bag (rucksack no bigger) with a tent and two changes of clothes and put £150 in your wallet and carry a big knife and set off into the wilderness for your own adventure lets say cross your entire country by only hitching lifts and walking. of course it's easier when you live in the UK the countries narrow however hitching a ride is strictly illegal :)

04-17-2004, 03:03 PM
pack a bag (rucksack no bigger) with a tent and two changes of clothes and put £150 in your wallet and carry a big knife and set off into the wilderness for your own adventure lets say cross your entire country by only hitching lifts and walking. of course it's easier when you live in the UK the countries narrow however hitching a ride is strictly illegal :)

Unless any of the people I hitch a lift off are dinosaurs that's not really the kind of adventure I was thinking of.

04-17-2004, 03:17 PM
you might get dodgy old nuns who want sex though? come on liven up if you can't find adventure then create adventure for yourself

04-17-2004, 05:11 PM
I wish I knew a pirate, or was a pirate, because that would be awesome. Life is too boring. I want piracy.

04-17-2004, 05:16 PM
Go make your own adventures and stop complaining. I have adventures, true they don't involve piracy, but I don't like boats.

04-17-2004, 05:22 PM
Being a software/media pirate is easy :D

04-17-2004, 05:40 PM
adventure? why do you think we have video games? :O

I r piręt

04-17-2004, 08:35 PM
I have adventure! And I have your adventure right here... *holds closed hand out*

04-17-2004, 09:40 PM
I'm good with the world, but I always wish for some kind of FF style adventure where you walk around and fight stuff and do stuff once and a while

04-17-2004, 11:08 PM
I have an adventure.....in my pants

04-17-2004, 11:54 PM
Where's the group of rag-tag adventurers out to save the world with swords and stuff who take it in turn to stab things, huh?


04-18-2004, 01:05 AM
I tried it once but the damn tiger kept taking its turn again and again and wouldn't give me my turn to attack...OR EVEN DRINK A POTION! :mad2:

04-18-2004, 09:10 AM
If only everyone could go around wielding Masamunes or Buster Swords and have epic battles before coming home to dinner with the kids when all of a sudden someone summons a big giant meteor to destroy the world, and one must go and save the world from complete oblivion with a magical, shiny marble...

But what do we get? We get adrenaline-pumping drives on freeways/interstates where we must dodge crazy people to avoid dying. We have to confront authoritative figures on a constant basis to try to get your way, which is usually a better way, but they're too darned sadistic to listen. We have power struggles in the home. The only people that need to be saved are people who play way too much Everquest or Counter-Strike, tribal people in Africa, and those poor children in various countries that you can't help but want to help but can't because you have your own problems to fix. I suppose you could also go on an epic journey out of your way to help an old lady out by helping her safely cross the street and buy her a piece of apple pie a la mode because you can. And there are your usual thugs/ignorant/stoned/overly dumb people that get in your way and constantly defeat in a battle of wits.

Eh, there's plenty to do as it is in the world we live in. Just nothing nearly as exciting as going around with something they call the Force and wielding blades made of pure energy.

Meat Puppet
04-18-2004, 09:26 AM
You know we could make modern day pirates and take over the seas,
might run into a few problems with those helicopters and junk but if we be careful we'd soon be raping and pillaging as much as we please and looking for treasure in toilet seats and best yet
We'd have bazookas and our eye patches made of plastic. :)

BTW, if we get very for I have first dibs on england.