View Full Version : FF I-VI in 3D. Yes or No?

04-22-2004, 02:05 AM
Would you buy the old school FF's if they were in 3D and had cinemas and stuff. A lot of the reasoins my friends don't like the old school ones are for those reasons. Personally, I don't care, but if they made one, I'd buy it.

04-22-2004, 04:10 AM
No. It's too early.

04-22-2004, 04:32 AM
No. To tell you the truth, they would suck if they had 3D graphics. The storyline and concept of the game would suffer because of them. Does that make sense? *dies*

04-22-2004, 04:56 AM
Absolutely not. And you should beat your friend's brains out for judging games on their graphics. Especially ones as good as those.

Del Murder
04-22-2004, 05:05 AM
FMV sequences would be nice every now and then (more than just opening/ending scenes), but not the games themselves. No way.

04-22-2004, 05:29 AM
Thank for your input all.

Absolutely not. And you should beat your friend's brains out for judging games on their graphics. Especially ones as good as those.

Well, maybe I should rephase. He doesn't hate all games because of poorer graphics than nowadays standards. It's just some games I guess. He like CT and Super Mario RPG. Course, those do have better graphics than FF I-VI (well, maybe not VI).

04-22-2004, 05:35 AM
Thank for your input all.

Well, maybe I should rephase. He doesn't hate all games because of poorer graphics than nowadays standards. It's just some games I guess. He like CT and Super Mario RPG. Course, those do have better graphics than FF I-VI (well, maybe not VI).

Super Mario RPG had wonderful graphics. It should never be in the same category graphically-wise with CT and the oldskewl FFs.

04-22-2004, 05:50 AM
Super Mario RPG had wonderful graphics. It should never be in the same category graphically-wise with CT and the oldskewl FFs.

He doesn't hate all games because of poorer graphics than nowadays standards.


04-22-2004, 06:20 AM
I think it's an interesting idea so long as it was made clear that this was not the original version of the game. Like if it was called Final Fantasy IV Remix that might be neat. The only thing that I think would really get butchered is the kinds of battles you'd have. In the first few FF games, it was not uncommon to fight 5 of the same enemy (in FFII, you could fight up to 7 of the same enemy, and in FFI there's one point where you have to battle 9 of the same enemy), which is something that seems to have happened less in the newer FF games. There's also a lot more variety of enemies just because of the greater memory capacity. Your characters would probably have a slightly more realistic look and would likely even be very distinct from each other (height/build differences, etc.) I don't object to it, but I think that in order to play these updated versions, you should have to beat the ORIGINAL version with ORIGINAL graphics and sound!

04-22-2004, 06:59 AM
I would certainly buy them, I'd love to see them in updated graphics. Games arent better solely because of their graphics, of course, but better graphics are nice.

04-22-2004, 07:06 AM
Like icing.

Big D
04-22-2004, 07:40 AM
It'd add a whole lot more to the emotional content of the stories, actually seeing the characters' body language and interaction rather than watching coloured squares bounce around the screen and turn pink whenever they're frightened/embarrassed/surprised. Can you imagine, for instance, what it'd be like seeing Locke get flustered over Celes during the opera, or Krile/Cara/Carururururu weeping at Galuf's death and trying to revive him... all in glorious, lifelike images?

Or to put it anothe way, think of what the current FFs would be like with 'old-school' graphics. There's a scene at the end of FFVII where Cloud emerges from the tunnel of light and shadow to confront Sephiroth for the last time... as the two near each other, Sephiroth's eyes widen and Cloud's become more narrow, and each character's expression conveys their emotions so well: Sephiroth's arrogance and desire for revenge, Cloud's grim determination to rid the world of his nemesis. That'd be impossible to capture with old-school images - all we'd get is one sprite falling toward another, with no discernible emotion besides what is generated by the music and background.

You can add a lot to a story by improving its appearance, I think. I'd love to play 're-mastered' versions of the older FFs, which rock by the way.

04-22-2004, 07:49 AM
Like icing.

Exactly. Cake is awesome all by itself, but icing makes it better.

And Big D put it wonderfully as usual. It would be so so nice to see and maybe even hear the emotions of the game. It doesnt need to be done, those are all amazing games already... but if it were done it'd be great.

04-22-2004, 03:01 PM
It doesnt need to be done, those are all amazing games already... but if it were done it'd be great.

That's how I feel. I already love the games (bought another SNES and FFIV cartridge just to play them again), but being able to see the characters emotions... that'd be awesome.

Using FFIV as an example, wouldn't it be great to see Cecils face when he finds out Golbez is his brother, to see the characters emotions when Yang/Tellah/Cid sacrifice themselves, to see Cecils confusion and Kains hatred when they meet in Fabul. These are just a few examples, and only in FFIV.

04-22-2004, 06:37 PM
On paper it would be great. If it were actually done Square-Enix would mess it up somehow.

04-23-2004, 05:31 AM
Possibly. Also, I think that if someone re-did the new FFs using old-school sprite based graphics there would probably just be more dialogue to compensate for the lack of precise visuals. I mean, really, when Cid jumps out of the airship and blows himself up do we actually NEED to see the looks on the characters' faces to know what they're thinking? They're just as shocked and horrified as the player is, and that's not really something you HAVE to communicate visually.

Big D
04-23-2004, 09:35 AM
Sure, nothing needs to be communicated visually, hence the existence of books... but it can add a little extra something, don't you think?