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Clyde Arronway
05-01-2004, 11:47 PM
Alright, I just read a post concerning a port of FFI to the cell phone. Upon investigation of the source, I saw some things concerning making new games like the first 5 or so for cell phones. So I got to thinking, why can't they make more games like IV especially, and so forth, keepin their older natures intact, by which I mean:
1) old graphics
2) old battle systems
3) censored language (Not necesarrily because some find it vulgar, but to keep the style of the old games. Language isn't necesarry for these games to be good, the fact that VI is considered to be near the best proves it. I don't want to get into the argument that I always get into, Let's just keep it out of the game)
4) 16 bit plot: an evil force is coming to take over the world, so on and so forth.

How's this sound.

05-01-2004, 11:56 PM
Sounds great to me. I already got IV on the SNES but a Mobile version wouldn't be bad to have, if it fit my budget.

05-02-2004, 12:59 AM
I really don't understand the desire to include censored language. Do you mean you want to keep the weird trash talk like "YOU SPOONY BARD!!!" or do you want some sort of less harsh tone? Just trying to understand. Also, the "16 bit plot" isn't something you'll have to worry about. The plotlines of the games don't really change all that much. There's always some big dark spooky force bent on ruining everyone's day.

05-02-2004, 02:21 AM
I wouldn't mind that. I don't know about the censored language, though. Sure, you gotta keep the goofy things that made the game, but I don't want my badass mercenary ninja goin' "Dang!" when he gets slapped around by a monster. A touchup of the graphics would be nice, too. FF IV is by far my favorite, but all the better if the graphics had the detail, depth, shadings, or whatever, of V and VI.

I mean, if you want the exact same game, just play the original. How much time are you going to spend playing your cell phone?

05-02-2004, 03:04 AM
I mean, if you want the exact same game, just play the original. How much time are you going to spend playing your cell phone?

How often do I have a SNES with me on the road/at work/at school/wherever?

05-02-2004, 05:20 AM
How long are you going to be able to play a game when you're on the road/at work/at school/wherever? Maybe it's just me, but if I'm only going to be able to fight maybe three random battles or buy the diamond armor before I have to save and shut it off, having other business to attend to, such as driving, or doing my job, or taking notes, it doesn't seem worth it.

And, even if you've got 25 minutes on the subway to play it, why have the original, when you can have an improved version?

05-02-2004, 07:47 AM
How long are you going to be able to play a game when you're on the road/at work/at school/wherever? Maybe it's just me, but if I'm only going to be able to fight maybe three random battles or buy the diamond armor before I have to save and shut it off, having other business to attend to, such as driving, or doing my job, or taking notes, it doesn't seem worth it.

Well, personally, I always seem to have time on my hands. And by "on the road", I meant on a trip or something, not while your driving. :rolleyes2

I mean, if you want the exact same game, just play the original. How much time are you going to spend playing your cell phone?

And, even if you've got 25 minutes on the subway to play it, why have the original, when you can have an improved version?

Wait, so your saying to just play the original, than your saying why have the original? :confused: And 25 mins is plenty of time to play a little, gain a level or two.

05-02-2004, 08:24 AM
Well, there was the original thread topic, which was to keep the games the way they are, and I figured, if they're gonna put the same game on the cell phone, why play the cell phone, when you got it at home? No time to play it (for me, anyway), yada yada yada. And, if you WERE to play the game on the cell phone, why have the original, when you could get an improved version?

Sorry, I tend to wander around when I speak/type/what have you.

True, 25 minutes IS enough to make a little headway, but I don't like doin' things for just a few minutes. If I go somewhere, or do something, I'ma do it for the better part of a day.

05-02-2004, 04:39 PM
Ahhhhh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

05-02-2004, 09:26 PM
In games like FF1 you could play for 25 minutes and make TONS of progress.

Clyde Arronway
05-03-2004, 12:01 AM
Well, this thread has taken off since I posted it, So I see two points to clear up. First, These could be for phones because they're the only device primative enough to handle them well, but I did mean also making these for actual platforms. Oregins, Chronicals and Anthology did well enough, why not write more old style games for ps2? I would have said psx but that's kinda too dead now....
and my entire point with language is not, let's make a conscious effort to take it out, but more like, let's not make an effort to put it in. really, ninjas and samurais wouldn't say anything like a western swear word, they'd say some curse more in line with their charector. Let's face it, swearing has become cliche. (sorry I don't know how to make the little accent over the e) Think about it, what kind of charector development does one try to achieve when one makes their charector swear. nowadays, everyone curses in games, movies, etc. If someone just had their entire family killed, they could go off into a long monologue about it which shows their individual, specific pain which they feel, or they could just go "bleep bleep you bleeping bleepers" like all of the other bleeping bleepers in modern stories. I'm not going to take the point that swearing should be avoided at all costs, but in modern games it's become detrimental. It may have a place, but it's become so overused and gratuitous that it's meaningless, it's just there to shock people, instead of show them what the charector feels.

for a good example of overused swearing, regardless of what you think of sci fi, watch star trek IV. Spock was taught to swear every other word. do you really want your ff to turn into this?

05-03-2004, 12:32 AM
I wouldn't mind having some more old school games for my GBA. I don't think they should put 16-bit games on next-gen consoles because it's not really useing it's technology to it's fullest. Unless it cost about $20, it should stay on a system that IS using most of it's power to run it, i.e. GBA or Cell phones.

05-03-2004, 01:11 AM
Clyde, that was an awesome little rant you just went on. Yeah, I agree, it WOULD be better if we got more character development. The only place where cursing is necesarry is to show a character's frustration (which could be as light as "damn! They caught me!") or to be humourus ("F******!!! I F***** STUBBED MY F***** G******** TOE!!!!! OH MY F*******G GOD!!!!!" would be really funny on a mission where stealth is crucial). It's interesting to note that swearing really only came into vogue in the last few decades, even though the words themselves have been around for a few centuries. In the 1800s, for example, it was considered stupid and uneducated to be profane. Sure, you COULD do it, but someone would just zing you really hard in a way you might not even understand. You also really DON'T need cursing to have great dialogue. Watch Ride With The Devil sometime, you'll see what I mean. Read yourself some Poe.