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Dragoon Kain
05-18-2004, 02:37 AM
ok i havent gotten the game yet but im going to get it for my birthday :) but i was just wondering.. is it possible to be a dragoon in this game? i really hope so. and if it is possible what would be a good sub job for him? i was thinking maybe a monk but i dont know. somebody please help me :)

:mog: kupo :mog:

05-18-2004, 03:29 AM
Yeeeep, there are Dragoons in this game. The quest to get the Dragoon job is one of the hardest though, so I hope you can find some good friends to help you out :)
You should know that you won't be a Dragoon till you hit level 30 on one of the six starter jobs, so you'll have plenty of time to think about your subjob, although I recommend Warrior. Hope to see you on the Seraph server :)

Hehe, I deleted my level 30 War / 15 Nin on Ragnarok because I realized a little late that Mithras are better for the jobs I'm interested in. Ranger / Ninja :)

Citizen Bleys
05-18-2004, 10:58 AM
Dragoons are pretty awesome, too--their 2hr ability is to summon a wyvern which fights or heals alongside the party...and it doesn't go away until it's killed, so if you can keep your wyvern alive for 2 hours, you'll never be without one.