View Full Version : White Mage Money Making

05-19-2004, 03:40 AM
I believe the hardest part thus far about being a white mage is bringing in the money. Quite frankly, I can't reliably solo the enemies that give experience anymore, and thus, my inflow of crystals and item drops has slammed to a halt. I'm around level 20. I'm not asking for a get rich quick scheme, as there aren't any. I'm just curious what other white mages have done to keep the money coming. Is crafting the only answer? I'm working hard at Clothcraft, but it's not high enough to be anything but a money pit at the moment. The common answer to money questions at Gamefaqs is to spend days farming, but farming requires the enemies to drop items, which they don't (as far as I know) upon beoming "Too weak to be worthwhile". My first thought was to collect a hoard of weak enemies and Banishga them, but I find I still only get one drop at most (as though the only enemy that drops an item is the one I'm locked on to). Anyway, this has become a novel, so I'll leave it in your hands now.

05-19-2004, 04:57 AM
OK try lvling another job til you lvl 36, then you can quest for the teleport spells that helps, charge 500 for reg teles. Else you can try selling Rank 3 items for 10K each.

Citizen Bleys
05-19-2004, 01:08 PM
I always switch to THF to farm. Gilfinder and TH1 will save you.

05-20-2004, 01:09 AM
Try lvl 30 BLM and then THF lvl 15, train monster+Area Spell=death and lots of loot. Then Warp back.

05-20-2004, 02:16 PM
Teleport services are the best way for any Mage to make money. It's boring, yes, but you can also do other things while you wait.

Deirdre, a White Mage on my server, made 47,000 gil just by doing teleport services for a couple hours.

05-21-2004, 12:46 AM
I came up with a weaving strategy for small (700 gil) profit. Results per server may vary, but the plus is it takes little down payment, and no prior training in the craft. A dozen earth crystals are going for 300 gil on Quetzalcoatle. A dozen grass threads are 1000. I bought three dozen grass threads and one dozen earth crystals. 3 threads and 1 earth crystal make a grass cloth. For an investment of 3300 I can sell the resulting dozen cloths for 4,000. It's a slow and steady 700 gil, infinitely repeatable process. I got it kickstarted by farming for yagudo necklaces and wind crystals as my blm sub in Giddeus. 1 wind + 1 necklace is 3 grass threads. So I made my first 12 pack of cloth and have been getting a very humble income ever since. Being able to sell my level 15 armor was a boost too, enough to repurchase the myst silk cape I had sold I ways back. Things seem to be going well.

05-21-2004, 01:12 AM
I however would take the longer route to make money in cloth craft, try this, i posted this once on a forum:

Level 12-??(unsure as of now)

And now, you are rewarded. Thanks to low guild prices and availability, Flax Flowers (used to make linens) are considerably cheaper than Saruta Cotton... even though linens are more valuable! Start with linen threads at lvl 12, then linen cloths later, maybe around 13 or 14. Last time i checked, Flax Flower stacks were going for 3k a pop.. 1 cloth sells for a little under 3k each (Ahh yes, the gobbie bag quest). Thats almost 2.4k in profit per stack by just selling cloths! (including crystal costs), and/or just threads for 1K a pop is good, it sells moderately. Now may be a good time to try to make up for any gil loss you had previously. For reference, these are the main recipes you should be using:

Lightning Crystal + 2 Flax Flowers = 1 Linen Thread
Earth Crystal + 3 Linen Threads = 1 Linen Cloth

Just a note, cloths are a higher skill check than threads, so you may not want to try any cloth synths until you level up a bit on threads. In other words, stockpile threads until you feel you are ready for cloths, then start with cloths.

Sell threads/cloths or make stuff with them to your heart's desire... theres still a nice way to increase your skill if you are too poor:

Wind Crystal + 2 Yagudo Feathers = 6 Bags of Yagudo Fletchings

Some quick math (prices subject to change, of course)

1.5k (Wind crystal stack) + 200 (2 yagudo feather stacks) = 1.7K

2k / 12 = 167 gil per synth. Note that you can sell them for about 200 or 300 per stack (of fletchings) but you will probably have way too many to sell, and you will end up selling to NPC for i believe 2 or 3 each, reducing the cost to about 150 per synth. It may or may not sound like a lot... If you are in the prime for this synth, you can lvl up for 1k gil... a skill level up for just 1k.... thats good ^^

Now prices varies between servers, but basically linen threads are a nice profit.