View Full Version : i don't know how to get a support job

05-20-2004, 02:17 AM
hey all i am a level 6 theif and i tried making my support job monk my i coulndn't. I am a lvl 2 monk. When i was at my mog house and tried to choose support job from the menu is was dark and unavailable to select. why is my mog being a homo and not letting me choose a support job?

Flying Mullet
05-20-2004, 03:10 AM
You have to be level 18 (I believe) and you have to do a specific quest to be able to get a sub-job.

05-20-2004, 05:46 AM
Homosexuals are people, and have feelings, just like your moogle ^^

You have to be lvl 18 and complete a quest

Valkurm one:

Trade Magicked Skull, Damsmelfly Worm, and Crab Apron to NPC

Buburimu one:

Trade: RarabFoot?, Bloody Robe, and one more item..forget..i didnt do this one.

Do the Valkurm one while your lvling from 12-20 in Valkurm, if you cannto do it, ask a high lvl person to help you with the one in bubu, because you have to kill bogys for that one.

05-20-2004, 05:52 PM
awesome thanks again to everyone. Especially you linox, i think you have answered every question i've ever posted on these boards. I appreciate it super much!

Citizen Bleys
05-20-2004, 06:08 PM
Homosexuals are people, and have feelings, just like your moogle ^^

Actually, the moogle, unlike a homosexual, does not have feelings as it is nothing more than a logical construct existing solely in computer memory.

05-20-2004, 09:09 PM
The last one for Buburimu is One cup Dhamel Spit, you kill Bull Dhamels to get that. And it's a Wild Rarab Tail, not foot. You give it to Vera.

For the Valkurm (which I suggest, it's easier to get a party there) you give the items to Isacio.

Citizen Bleys
05-20-2004, 10:20 PM
That one must be fun when the n00bs get into it.

"Can I have some camel spit plz? Does anybody have any camel spit? I REEEEALLLY NEED CAMEL SPIT PLZTHX!"

Pity they didn't replace the "p" with another letter.

05-21-2004, 12:53 AM
Just a note that Buribumu is much faster than Valkurm for getting the subjob items. Ghouls seem to never drop the magicked skull, yet Bogy's drop Bloody Robes every other battle. However, Ghouls can be beaten with level 18 characters. I needed the help of a insanely high levelled Japanese player to get me through the Bogy killing segment of the quest. Cool guy, actually - waited around through two game day/night cycles to get my friend and I a robe, and when I offered a thousand or so gil (not much, but all I had) as thanks, he turned it down. I'll have to return the favor to some other level 18'er when I'm insanely powerful too. Good karma.

05-21-2004, 01:07 AM
From what i know, japanese people do not believe in the pay to help thing unlike many american and canadian players, they believe that you help them, they help you sometime in the future, so many japaense would refuse your offer in respect.

Citizen Bleys
05-21-2004, 04:21 PM
It's the pay it forward principle, which I apply even though I'm one of those evil, greedy Canadians ^^