View Full Version : World Pass Plz???

05-29-2004, 09:16 PM
I need a World Pass" to this Server/World

"Quetzalcoatl" and to start in Bastok.

Can anyone help me, by giving me the pass?

05-30-2004, 05:11 AM
Give me a day (tomorrow sometime) and I'll buy you one. I'm on Quetzalcoatle. I'm currently in a lull in terms of things to buy (I'm finally completely caught up on equips and spells at lev 20!), so I'd welcome a chance to spend some gil. A world pass gets you a server. You're free to choose your city. If you do get a character on Quetzalcoatle, give "Pompidou" a tell. I'd be glad to meet up with some EoFFers.

05-31-2004, 04:28 AM
well, ill try to get in touch, just tell me on here when u have it...

05-31-2004, 04:29 AM
I had sent you a pm. If it didn't go through (and I almost never send pm's so it might not have), here's the same number here.


05-31-2004, 04:54 AM
where do i put this in?

05-31-2004, 09:22 AM
When you create a character, at the end, it'll ask if you have a worldpass number. Put it in there. Have fun!

05-31-2004, 04:11 PM
Wow, you actually took my advice...

Citizen Bleys
06-01-2004, 12:26 PM
Everybody has lapses of reason.