View Full Version : Calmlands Gorge: Rescuing people mission

05-30-2004, 12:16 PM
I forget the name of the cave, cos I suck, but I just did the mission where you have to rescue the people from the cave, then fight Yojimbo. Well I had 2 left to find but I went into the Chamber of the Fayth and ended up fighting him, then the mission was over, and I never got to go into the bits that you teleport from the left and right.

So, I just want to know if I missed anything important in there from missing two people and the two side areas?

I don't really wanna do it all again so if it's not important I won't bother this time. Thanks.

Del Murder
05-30-2004, 05:32 PM
Go outside the cave and talk to the people there. One will give you the last teleport sphere (or whatever the hell it is) that will allow you to go to the hidden parts of the cave.

05-31-2004, 08:43 PM
There's only one guy running round outside the cave now and he doesn't give me anything. Maybe I was too late. Ah well doesn't matter now. ^_^