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View Full Version : Doom III predictions

Erdrick Holmes
06-08-2004, 10:40 PM
According to IGN the release for Doom 3 will be launched for PC and XBox in October 2004. I personally can't wait for this gem of an FPS, according to footage and screens I seen it looks like the most graphically demanding game.

Any predictions or thoughts?

06-08-2004, 10:43 PM
I thought Half Life 2 had better graphics?

06-08-2004, 10:50 PM
I predict that it will involve shooting, and lots of it.

06-08-2004, 10:58 PM
I thought Half Life 2 had better graphics?
DooM 3 is more graphically demanding than Half-Life 2, by far. Half-Life 2 is being optimized to run on lower end machines while DooM 3 will have to use the top stuff from today to run fully.

Edit: Prediciton - Half-Life 2 will be a better game than DooM 3.

Edit 2: Just compare a shot like this (http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2003/e3/0512/pc_doom305120900_screen003.jpg) to this (http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2004/screen0/914642_20040511_screen005.jpg). Half-Life 2 may be going for the more realistic look, while DooM 3 may be going for something more cartoony, but DooM 3 utilizes a lot more in its visuals.

06-09-2004, 01:46 AM
HL2 looks to be more adventure, where DooM 3 looks to be more balls-out action. I'm looking forward to DooM simply because I love brainless, run-n-gun action, but HL2 still looks absolutely amazing.

Yeah, I think I'll be playing a lot of DooM 3.

06-09-2004, 04:28 PM
Im probably not going to by either.
Its not because my computer probably cant handle them (honest) but I want a decent shooter where your not shooting green blobs at monters/demons/aliens.