View Full Version : San d'Oria

06-09-2004, 01:06 AM
Today I walked from Bastok to San d'Oria, and I was wondering... Should I stay in San d'Oria or just die to go back to my home point in Bastok? Which one is better leveling for a level 14 character?

Citizen Bleys
06-09-2004, 01:06 AM
It doesn't matter. The best place to level at lv 14 is Valkurm, which gets passed back and forth between Bastok and San d'Oria like a two dollar whore.

06-09-2004, 01:29 AM
I set my home point in the entrance to Plateau and there's only one map between that point and Valkurm. :)

06-09-2004, 03:56 AM
The best place to party matters not espeically when you get a party that STAYS with you.


Valkurm- Many people, can get overcramped and full of new people.

Buburimu Peninsula-Less people, people there are GENEARALLY more experienced, harder subjob quest than Valkurm without high lvl help.

Shakrami Maze-Harder to find mobs with competition, but mobs are genearlly easier to kill.

Gugsen Mines-Skeletons abound...good and bad.

06-09-2004, 10:29 AM
In West Ron, to that EVIL orc camp, Fort Ghelsba, is still a good place to solo, the lower levels are uber easy and not worth it but if you go down in the cave on the first level and the third level, it can be difficult I almost got owned yesterday at lvl 18 -.- darn things spawn faster than I can heal O_O easy prey my arse! Yay Anain for saving Dayala! *hugs Jalbrean* You can also go completely up to the top, go through the tent and keep going through the tunnel/cave and poof, new area. Keep moving up the mountain and they get more and more difficult, just avoid the fighters and the Warrior Chief and you're all good.

Plus, you can make 25 gil there everytime you slaughter an orc and you get crystals. I left there yesterday with 100 in tow ^_^ made a killing at the AH and you get Orc Axes, which you can sell for 150 gil at a store :/ yay easy money -.-'

If you're looking to get way more exp than 25-50 than go to Valkrum but I'm all about not losing EXP xD The fort has several 'Hidden Areas' where they get harder and harder to fight so another person with you that can heal a bit is smart but not necessary. It avoids the long boring walk to Valkrum and there are still some decent challenges for me in LaTheine, you just have to go looking for them.

06-09-2004, 11:47 AM
While you can solo lvling alone is generally much longer and much slower to lvl up. Partying is becomming a major part of your exp routines now. A good(keyword good) party can make 1-2K(if they are good newbs) if not 3-4K(advanced people playing in dunes or the sort of areas) of exp per hour compared to a measly 500ish or so soloing per hour. Partying is always preferred and the best way to get exp.

06-09-2004, 02:49 PM
If anything just party with 1 or 2 people you know and fight some things that are even-T they won't be too hard, and should give decent exp.

People seem to forget the importance of the super small party in this game, in all it's usefulness.

06-09-2004, 06:51 PM
The thing is that at low lvls it works, higher lvl you go, you want more exp givining mobs that 6 people fighting cannot replace. ^^; They are much tougher as you go up.

06-09-2004, 07:53 PM
True, but at low levels it shouldn't matter much, usually quality of quantity is what you need lower levels (at least in my experience), and by the time your high level most every idiot has been ruled out cause they can't get parties or exp in what parties they do get to. I say best to start in small parties lower levels with people you know are good. Like today in qufim my party made chains up to 240 off of clippers with 5 people, we even lost the black mage after a bit and managed chains off of IT's with only 4 people. We did so good mainly cause we all knew what we were doing and everyone did thier job right.