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View Full Version : Gawd darn whingers

06-10-2004, 08:03 AM
I say this with LAN games and Fighting games in mind, but it can also apply to any other multiplayer game. I'm very angry at these types of people after today so I hope you'll excuse me for using specific examples.

I hate whingers. I'm NOT sorry I headshoted you through a wall with a para. It's in the game, don't come complaining to me and saying I'm cheap and stupid and n00b just because you drew the short straw. I'm NOT sorry I use Tribute, A with Kilik three times in a row and you couldn't block or guard impact it. Once again, it's your fault that you consider me abusing a move over and over again because you seem to be drawn away from the guard button cheap and stupid and n00b. I'm NOT sorry you ran right up to my Nightmare who was standing by the edge and managed to flip you over for a ring out because I used the move 1B. Sure, I was on a pixel of health and you were about to get a Perfect but if it's in the game, it's legal. So later, when we're playing Daytona together, don't kick my seat and pull my steering wheel in a vain attempt to "get even" because I don't see how I did anything wrong...

So do you find people who complain, whinge, yell or smash the keyboard/joypad for ages just because they lose really annoying? (and stupid and n00b) Discuss.

06-10-2004, 08:59 AM
You mean whiners, right? If so, I totally know what you mean. GEEZ! And I can totally relate on the SC2 stuff... when I go to my arcade at home (the ones here near school have much higher class players that don't tend to complain as much), the guys freakin call me cheap for ringing their asses out all the time with Talim. I mean, first of all, I feel Talim was designed to be a low powered ring out character. Her moves do little damage, but they tend to knock people down or away a lot. It's not my fault you don't know how to block or GI a move. And yea, if I use a move a lot, don't complain and learn to block it! I mean, if I'm playing against you for like 10 rounds, and supposedly 'spamming' a move, you should at least learn to defend against it. If you can't adapt to what you call a 'repetitive style', then you must really suck. Grrrrrrr!!!!!! And you know what I really hate?! When they're totally cursing and dissing you, yet can't do it to your face. They always mutter it to the side or tell it to their friend next to them or something... Geez, if you're gonna trash talk, at least say it to me! OMG!! GRRRRRR!!!!!!! Just thinking about those complaining bastards boils my blood!