View Full Version : "Don't you just hate it when..."

06-13-2004, 12:40 PM
Use this topic like this: start your sentence/s with "don't you just hate it when" and finish it with something you hate.

For example:

Don't you just hate it when you see something you wanna buy from auction, and finally when you have money for it, it's SOLD OUT! :( I spared money for Fire Sword which would've been great for my thief at this level. When I went buying it finally, it was gone. >:\

Don't you just hate it, when you have to run all your way to Valkurm?

Don't you just simply hate it when you die?

06-13-2004, 12:48 PM
Use this topic like this: start your sentence/s with "don't you just hate it when" and finish it with something you hate.

For example:

Don't you just hate it when you see something you wanna buy from auction, and finally when you have money for it, it's SOLD OUT! :( I spared money for Fire Sword which would've been great for my thief at this level. When I went buying it finally, it was gone. >:\

Don't you just hate it, when you have to run all your way to Valkurm?

Don't you just simply hate it when you die?

1. Go to another AH.
2. It's not that far, trust me.
3. It happens alot, it's not THAT bad.

06-13-2004, 12:54 PM
1. By the way, are the AH's in San D'oria different or linked? I guess I'll just have to run to other city then.

2. I just had to add something that I don't like; I don't hate it.

3.But you still can't like dying. :P

06-13-2004, 01:07 PM
"Don't you just hate it when..."

After an hour of getting your party finally set up, someone trains mobs, one or more of your members die, and suddenly they need to go.

06-13-2004, 11:50 PM

Everything in that and the fact that ex-EQ players "knowing what to do"

ie. Provoke is the same as Taunt dont tell me what to do! *everyone dies few mins later* -_-''

Linked AHs

Kazham-Windurst (same)

06-14-2004, 12:26 AM
That guide made me laugh. :laugh:

06-14-2004, 12:44 AM
That guide was awesome.

Don't you just hate it when you get a warrior in your party who:
a. has poor armor
b. has no pulling experience
c. thinks that his only job is to deal damage
d. all of the above

06-14-2004, 05:21 AM
I hate it when I'm bard and trying the Mage's Ballad the mages, yet they seem to always be all over the place so I have to cast is 2-3 times just to get them all.

I also hate it when I begin to cast a spell and suddenly everyone in my party runs away thus making me waste my time on the spell, or worse I get it cast and then have to way about 20 seconds for the recast to be ready again.

I also hate the people that tell me I have the incorrect sub for my main.

06-14-2004, 08:06 AM
I hate situations when I have aggro, myself and the tank are red, the tank isn't provoking the mob off me, and I have to debate whether curing is a good option. I always make the wrong choice.

06-14-2004, 07:08 PM
The biggest annoyance however, is like that comic's last panel. After working hard of putting up a party, people start telling: "gtg thx 4 the invite anyway".

Also, when your weapon upgrading depends on the money you WILL be getting sometime from auction. xD I didn't want to go level up before I had upgraded from Brass Xiphos --> Flame Sword, and I had to wait for almost two days to get the money and it was always frustrating to see my stuffs hadn't sold yet. I just finally got my sword though, just before the maintenance began and now I can go leveling again.

Almost forgot one HUGE annoyance: when you and your party have camped somewhere and other party camps nearby you, and all that battle spam comes to your screen, which makes it difficult to talk. It really irks me, and then it's just best to move a bit farther from that other party,

06-14-2004, 08:51 PM
ahh you could just turn your chat filters on so its just your party that pops up Mik xD That does exist ^_^ You can even turn off animation to reduce lag. I recently discovered this and I'm in pure party heaven. I have it set up so I only see the party's damage and what is ailing them. Since I see the health bars, I don;t really need to know what the monster is getting. I shut off the treasure pool thing, shouts and what non-party members are doing so I barely see spam about who the hell is synthesising what and that party that is uber close, it's like they're not even there ^_^

06-14-2004, 10:48 PM
What I hate is in places like Yuhtunga and Yhoator when your party's leveling and suddenly another party comes up to you fighting thier monster and now your being hit with thier monsters AOE in addition to yours. :mad:

That's by far the most annoying things about leveling at Khazam.

06-14-2004, 11:28 PM
I don't like camps right next to each other either. Usually if a party I'm in sees another party right next to us I'll nag my party to go north, just because I don't like having to take Hill Lizards instead of Gob Tinks or Snippers.

Citizen Bleys
06-15-2004, 01:35 PM
I hate situations when I have aggro, myself and the tank are red, the tank isn't provoking the mob off me, and I have to debate whether curing is a good option. I always make the wrong choice.

This is why you have to let everybody know your policies.

If you're a whm, make sure the tank knows that if s/he doesn't voke, you won't heal them. Suicide isn't in the whm's job description. Don't just say it, stick by it.

Another one I like is making sure, as a war, that everybody knows that if I say zone, don't question it--run. If I tell a party to zone, it's my intention to hold aggro so that they can get away, even if it means dying. I only do that for good parties, though. Same principle as using Benediction in battle. I never Bene a bad party, because it's a suicide spell and that party won't help me recover my exp.

06-16-2004, 12:42 AM
Today was very annoying. For some reason, today there was exceptionally many people flags up at valkurm, and first parties I got in, there was no healer. :\ And then I waited again a LONG time and finally get invited to a party. Then I walk all the way to secret beach just to witness how everybody had to leave suddenly. Shitheads shouldn't invite people if they're leaving. :mad2:

Finally, I got in great party. Tank could even keep the monsters somewhat still, so that I had no troubles landing with my sneak attack. Finally got to level 20. :)

It feels like a heaven getting in a good party after being hours in very bad ones.

06-16-2004, 01:24 AM
when....you come to an area to party and after a half an hour of waiting to get an invite you decide to start your own party and absolutly no one will join unless they are the 6th person in. Lately I have given up on that and start right away inviting anyone that is close to the same level and then trying to fill spots. But still, even have black, white, tank and me, still get that 5th person saying send me a tell once you have the party all ready. WTF. Do people not like to pt. Not every time out are you going to get the ideal team. I am war/red and have been the tank, the puller and the main healer (yes the main healer with 30 mp) and I'm not bitchin because I done get to sit around on auto attack and not get to worry about a dam thing. Sorry, starting to rant. Just you cannot have a pt unless people join.

06-16-2004, 01:49 AM
when....you come to an area to party and after a half an hour of waiting to get an invite you decide to start your own party and absolutly no one will join unless they are the 6th person in. Lately I have given up on that and start right away inviting anyone that is close to the same level and then trying to fill spots. But still, even have black, white, tank and me, still get that 5th person saying send me a tell once you have the party all ready. WTF. Do people not like to pt. Not every time out are you going to get the ideal team. I am war/red and have been the tank, the puller and the main healer (yes the main healer with 30 mp) and I'm not bitchin because I done get to sit around on auto attack and not get to worry about a dam thing. Sorry, starting to rant. Just you cannot have a pt unless people join.

You shouldn't be in any group that forces you to be the main healer with red mage as your sub. That's rediculous.

But I understand what you mean. Nobody wants to wait around for a party so they just ask you to send them a tell when you have everyone else. But everyone tells you that so you never eactually get anyone.

06-16-2004, 03:39 AM
Well the thing is, they also got bad parties, its not that they dont like partying, but because how the #@%^ do they know that your party is any different? They can waste more time and exp and money on your party and get nothing out of it. WAR/RDM should not be healing primarily...and i advise a better sub on the side note ^^;.

Dont invite without /tell of course, i just decline immediately, thats rude. But its best to tell them your pt setup before so they know that you are making the effort..and therefore better pt usually. Now as for ideal parties...it has to at least have healer/tank. Later levels after 50, a party without a RDM or BRD usually isnt worth the time because you need alot of exp, and if your going to not bring something that speeds it up as big as a RDM or BRD, then your just screwing yourself over. Thats why most parties do not leave without at least one of them. The ideal party setup is going to be needed later...theres no substitute.

I search for RDM and BRD first, but i always see if there are tanks availible first, if there are i take them if they are rare, if its somewhat common i nab the refreshers first(most important), then the tank, and then the magic burster be it RDM, BLM, NIN, or DRK(preferably BLM), then a dmg dealer strong vs mobs we exp with, like with flies we take DRG, or bones we take MNK. Choice/skill is what determines exp lost in parties, 1000exp an hour, and also 5000 exp an hour. Thats why for optimal parties people with elaborate search comments and stuff get parties...but people should give time for the party to start, i can gladly wait one hour for the right party rather than go with some half assed one like WAR, WAR, DRK, DRG, WHM, WHM.

06-16-2004, 04:55 AM
Someone says they'll help me get my Utsusemi quest done then leaves right after we leave Norg. >.<

Anyone else want to help me? ^^ /tell Aliza ingame
Could also use.... 10x Rusty Subligars or 10x Rusty Leggings
Sorry for begging, but I did just blow 35K on freakin' Zinc Ores today :)


06-16-2004, 05:18 AM
Don't you just hate it when people post something that has nothing to do with the topic?

06-16-2004, 06:53 AM
Don't you hate it when some half-witted FFXI player like Zaphier misinterprets your post and things it will be funny to post something like that?

Rephrase my post and you have your precious post that 'has something to do with the topic'. "Don't you hate it when someone...etc"

Yeah, what?

06-16-2004, 08:17 AM
Now now lets not flame...

Anyway..i hate it when people have no patience, it takes time to get parties and time to get into swing...dont leave right off the bat, thats sutpid.

Del Murder
06-17-2004, 02:56 AM
Listen to lionx and don't insult eachother. If you think someone is posting off topic use the warn feature instead of making a comment about it.

06-27-2004, 06:55 AM
dont you hate it when you find out FFXI was 2 much money?