View Full Version : Kamen Rider 555(Faiz)

06-17-2004, 02:00 AM
Does anyone else watch this Japanese live-action sentai series? Has anyone seen any of the Kamen Riders? It aired last year and stopped after 50 episodes. I remember downloading a torrent of episode 36, so I didn't understand any of it, but still loved it. I recently got the box set and it's so heart-wrenching and great. Well, if you haven't seen it, I suggest that you watch it. If you're an anime fan, you'll love it more. It has such a good storyline. My only problem with it is the fakeness of the monsters. Bah, but it's okay.

06-17-2004, 02:05 AM
Once I get my cable modem, I'm going to start downloading that and some other sentai shows from TV-Nihon (all I get now is the live action Sailormoon). I've always wanted to see it.

It was in America as Masked Rider, right (of course, Kamen means mask). The only Kamen show I've seen is Kekko Kamen (Naked Mask) which is a hilarious anime.

06-17-2004, 08:55 PM
Kamen Rider Black RX (http://incolor.inebraska.com/stuart/riders/blackrx.htm) aired in America. Nothing like Kamen Rider 555. TV-Nihon doesn't have episode 1 of KR 555, though. You're gonna have to download and watch all of the episodes to somewhat understand it.

06-18-2004, 04:11 AM
I remember I used to see "Black Kamen Rider" when I was little, but I never liked it all that much...

I guess these live-action series are also called tokusatsu... I used to see lots of them when I was a child. My favourites were "Jiraya", "Flashman", "Jaspion" and "Cybercops"...