View Full Version : Rydia Question

06-17-2004, 07:56 AM
I had this debate the other night in my LS in FFXI, so I decided to ask you fine folks about it.

Okay, so we know Rydia spent some time in the Land of Summoned Monsters, in which time flows differently there. And we also know Rydia grew up as a result of that.

What has been debated to this day, though, is whether Rydia went through one of two changes when she grew up.

1. Did Rydia grow up naturally, litterally spending years in that place, aging both physically or mentally?

2. Or did Rydia's growth only sped up faster than normal, causing her to age within days, and still retain a childlike mentality?

In other words, is Rydia a child trapped in an adult's body, or is she mentally and physically a "true" adult (teenager, whatever)?

I believe she's a child trapped in an adult's body, based on things I noticed.

1. Her line "Time flows differently there, so I think my body aged a little" suggests to me that she was suprised that she grew up so fast.

2. She still acts like a child, needing attention from Cecil and the others, still possesing that childlike innocence (won't even curse ;) ), and showing no interest (or is she?) in Edge.

3. When Cecil and the others stop by the land of summons, time was normal for them.

So is there an official answer to this? Or is this one of those unexplained FF things? I'd hope I was correct, since the idea of Rydia being without her (human) friends for so many years, losing her childhood and living in seclusion from the outside world for so many years, is really sad in my book. And Rydia suffered enough already. :cry:

06-17-2004, 08:41 AM
I'm among those who think she actually spend years in the Land of the Summoned Monsters and grew up naturally. Sure, she can still be bratty at times, but I do not think she is that bad considering she had no human role model around while she grew up. Plus, it would explain how she managed to learn a few more black magic spells, lost the ability to use white magic over time, and acquire a few more summons.

As for why Cecil and friends don't age when they go there... time flows differently. Hours (days?) they might have spent in the caves and the Land of Summoned Monsters could have just been a minute in the outside world for all we know.

I think there's no real answer set in stone for that FFIV mystery. It's up to everyone's imagination, I'd say.

06-17-2004, 09:01 AM
Rydia bratty? No way, she's the purest, sweetest, most innocent girl in FF history. :love:

06-17-2004, 09:45 AM
It's never really stated how old she becomes, at least not that I'm aware of, so she could still be in her teen years, hence explaining her actions. When she says 'I think I've grown a little', it could just be a little joke. It's quite obvious she's grown, a lot, but she's at that age where a little time results in a lot of growth. Cecil and the others are fully grown, so whatever aging goes on there wouldnt be as obvious. It's never stated how long Cecil's entire adventure takes... it could have been a few months between the time they lost Rydia and the time they met her in the underground at least. So, if Cecil and co. only spent at most a day or two in the Land of Summons, the changes wouldnt be obvious, most especially because they're all fully grown. They dont suffer a lot of dramatic change at that age.

I agree with Takara, I believe in full mental and physical growth, but there is no way to find a definitive answer for it.

06-17-2004, 02:05 PM
I think she became an adult because she has evolved to a full-learned summoner. Something like the classes becoming beter in Final Fantasy I
That would be a good explination. Cause she certainly didn't spend years there.

Kawaii Ryűkishi
06-17-2004, 02:48 PM
Of course she spent years there. The plot point that time flows differently in the Village of Phantom Beasts exists solely to explain how she appeared to become an adult so quickly. A few days to Cecil and company was many years for her.

06-17-2004, 06:32 PM
She grew up normally, of couse. If she spent years in the Land Of Summoned Monsters, than she aged according to the time she spent there. It doesn't matter that the time flows differently, a year is still a year.

I felt that her character was more mature when she came back, more like a teenager... She was aware that Edge was interested in her, I guess that Rydia just thoght he was a jerk.

Like when Edge asked her to get out of the Big Whale because it would be "dangerous", and she said something like that: "Think it's a sweet thing to say hotshot?".... Yeah...

Azure Chrysanthemum
06-22-2004, 09:01 AM
Rydia is a bit more mature, yes, but being around the monsters who, judging by what they say, simply doted upon her, might have interfered with the emotional growth more than a little. I would say that she did spend years there though.

06-25-2004, 03:27 AM
ahh Rydia...i think i,m in love :love:

actually she really likes Edge but is unsure of herself. i,m sure they got together in the end.