View Full Version : I hate dunes

06-17-2004, 03:08 PM
This is a love/hate thread to certain locations; not similar at all with that previous topic I made.

I really, really hate dunes ( Valkurm). Only place at dunes I don't actually hate are the beaches and I'm glad that I'll go to Qufim now and won't have to camp in dunes for a while.

Also, what places you really love? Too early for me to say, since I haven't traveled that much. Heck, I'm lv. 20/9 and have never even visited Windurst. :)

Citizen Bleys
06-17-2004, 10:27 PM
I miss the Dunes. I hate Qufim.

06-17-2004, 11:41 PM
Yeah, now that I went to Qufim, I didn't like it a all; made me kinda miss dunes. lol ( see, this game has taught me to use "lol") Days were fine, but nights sucked. I thought it would be nice since people in my LS said so. Oh well, leveled two levels in few hours there. :)

06-18-2004, 12:52 AM
I hate Kazham because of all the Gob Trains, and I reaaaaally hate the Sea Serpant Grotto, especially since I'm trying to get my Utsusemi quest done and I can't seem to get through it without running out of Silence or getting lost and then argo'ed.

06-18-2004, 01:07 AM
Ya mean silent pots? :P

I dont particularly like Sea Serpent too, and Kazham, its like a maze i cant seem to go anywhere there. Other than that, Quicksands and Eldemine is something i dont like either...x-x

06-18-2004, 01:16 AM
I hate Qufim right now. I'm lv 21 which is fine in a party...during the day, but then you have the higher level people farming wights and stuff and always having to zone. Also by the time it gets better I'll have to leave because I won't get any exp, lol. From now on I'm going to insist that my pt stays at the pond where it seems a little more controled.

06-18-2004, 01:26 AM
The pond is evil i swear..

For a change of pace, i lvl 18-20 and possibly can til lvl 23 in Sauromage Champaign, hug the right wall from jeuno exit and go into a little nitch, if your the only pt there you can endlessly chain beetles for 100-240 easily.

At lvl 23ish you can try Qufim again, but this time you should be able to take on Wights with no problem for the most part, hence the fear of undead(unless its banshee) is mostly gone unless you link.

At 25 move to Battlia and chain IT, or Rolanberry for endless gob/quad kills. This is for people that want to avoid Kazham.

06-20-2004, 11:01 PM
Where *do* people like? It's always the same. I hate valkurm. I hate Qufim. I hate Garrilaige citadel. If people hate these places, why are the alternative areas empty. You hate valkurm, go to Buburimu - it's much better. People hate Qufim, but ignore Sauramague, Rolanberry and the other 20's zones. As I see it, people just hate levelling. People hate crappy players. FFXI thrust a bunch of people who would rather be alone into a situation where they have to PT to get by, and thus, any zone where partying is the norm is going to be unpopular. Noone hates the two beginner zones (outside town, and the crag zones), because people tend to solo there because pt'ing isn't profitable yet. When people say they hate X zone, I say they hate pt'ing, because they have to rely on others.

06-20-2004, 11:20 PM
People go to places they hate because that's where everyone else is. Valkurm is my best example. Everyone flocks to Valkurm, and almost nobody goes to Bubu. So though some people might prefer Bubu, it's much more difficult to find a group, and so they take their chances in Valkurm.

I also think that the reason people hate certain places is because not only does it draw them to the area, but it also draws a lot of people who have no clue what they're doing, specifically in Valkurm 'cause you're still relatively low leveled. When so many people gather in one area, you're bound to get stuck with at least one complete idiot in almost every party.

06-21-2004, 05:24 AM
Well some may hate partying, after all not everyone likes it obviously, hence they become BST and solo. But i generally like the parties with talking and chatter outside of battle and immense concentration and no-talk during battles and the grind to get Exp chain #5 or even 6 if we can. The point is that i dont think everyone hates partying...its just as Zaphier said, the mainstream places get too many people, and your going to get a dumbass eventually. This sorta evens out later on when places to level up are increased.

06-21-2004, 01:32 PM
Actually, I love leveling. Soloing is so damn boring.
I guess I just hate the places where you can get aggroed most easily and having to be very careful all the time.

I also wish that when there will be more players, people would start leveling in other places as well.

06-21-2004, 04:15 PM
Some people can be mean in the dunes, but others were nice. I'd enjoy it if my warrior level was higher! I NEED WIND CRYSTALS!!! :eek:

Citizen Bleys
06-21-2004, 06:43 PM
I love partying--when I get a good party. The problem is, places like Valkurm and Qufim are full of morons and it's impossible to get a party in the other places, even as a WHM. Even if I were to get a party in Sauro, they'd just tell me to come to Qufim.

I loved doing beetles in Sauro from levels 19-23. Loved it. I just wish that people would actually effing go there.

06-22-2004, 12:35 AM
Today, we actually went leveling to Rolanberry and Battalia Downs, and that was great. ( got my thief on lv. 28) I hope these places will fill up someday.

Kazham...I liked the first jungle, but 2nd one is awful.>< Those narrow roads makes it very difficult to come back to Kazham without dying. Not to mention that there seems to be very few good camps.

06-22-2004, 05:32 AM
Today, we actually went leveling to Rolanberry and Battalia Downs, and that was great. ( got my thief on lv. 28) I hope these places will fill up someday.

I loved doing beetles in Sauro from levels 19-23. Loved it. I just wish that people would actually effing go there.


Heres something i did notice, usually higher ranked people and people with advanced jobs(some) and sometimes japanese more often than not, are very willing to try new places to level. I remember 2 japanese, 2 rank 5 players, me and a new rank 2 THF went to Sauromange, and the THF was amazed at how good it was compare to Qufim where we got a link in less than 7 minutes there and died. So i think experienced players seem to know that its not that bad an idea to lvl there..? Dunno...could be just my server.

06-22-2004, 08:39 AM
There's only so many times you can take job classes through the popular leveling spots before you want to slit your wrists. If anyone ever suggests leveling in other places that I know are around our level. I jump at it.

Valkrum...Qufim -twitch- I hates them!

Citizen Bleys
06-22-2004, 10:19 AM
I still think Valkurm's awesome...all you have to do is stay with the good parties and leave the bad ones.

06-22-2004, 11:41 AM
Heres something i did notice, usually higher ranked people and people with advanced jobs(some) and sometimes japanese more often than not, are very willing to try new places to level.

That was true in this case. We were first leveling in Kazham's 2nd jungle. We needed to get out because trains were on move and bodies were everywhere, but we couldn't. Then one of our party members said that he'll get us out and asked us to wait. Soon he comes back with his lv. 75 samurai job, clears the way and takes us to level in those places! It was awesome.

He also said that people used to level at Battalia Downs before Kazham.

06-22-2004, 08:57 PM
Theres a reason, thats because there wasnt an expansion before and when there was kazham, most people didnt really care to get the keys...i remember when i actually made the effort to get it...there was alot less people back then...and it was actually not so bad, but now its like a hot place to go to for whatever reason so i never bothered too much about the place...even though i have kept it open in my options...