View Full Version : FF7 New And IMPROOVED?

FFanatic Of FFantasy
06-19-2004, 02:30 AM
Final Fantasy 7 is a classic! Its Da Bomb! Although I'm looking forward to Advent Children! :)
However who thinks Final Fantasy 7(The Game) should be introduced on newer consoles? such as PS2, XBOX or (cough) gamecube.(This mean better graphics) :moomba:

Also what improovements could you make to the game to make it better! :confused:

06-19-2004, 03:03 AM
I'd rather see an older game redone then VII rehashed. Or rather, just stick to newer games. Regardless, Square has already stated that any game that can still be played on a current console (PSX games can be played on PS2s, of course) wont be remade.

Kawaii Ryûkishi
06-19-2004, 03:17 AM
Since FFI was remade to match the visuals of the best-looking 2D FF game, I don't think it would be without reason to remake FFVII to match the visuals of the best-looking 3D FF game.

Del Murder
06-19-2004, 03:21 AM
Or maybe 2D again. That would be interesting. You could put it on Game Boy!

06-19-2004, 03:26 AM
i think there should be no remakes unless they let it retain the original feel which is hard! only ffI and resident evil I complete remakes were successful in my opinion.i,m concerned a remake with *better* graphics and *better* music quality will destroy the originals feel and make it a totally diff game. i actually cringe at the thought of ffVII with ps2/ps3 graphics. i like the voodoo doll effect lol and also want it to retain its manga/anime feel which advent children appears to have lost.

06-19-2004, 04:07 AM
I dread the thought of a remake of FFVII but only because I think that it's over-rated. I'm not trying to downplay its significance, it definitely made people pay attention to the FF name much more than any previous game, but it seems to me (as in, this is purely my opinion and I am not stating it as fact) that FFVII only made people get really into FFVII. The game has enough hype and fame. Why not push some of the other, less well known FF games? Why not actually release FFIII in America? Why not release the graphical update of FFIV in America? Why not give us Before Crisis on GBA? Why not...... oh never mind, I'm ranting again.

06-19-2004, 08:57 PM
I don't think we should be in a hurry to update FFVII. It may seem dated, but that's only because time has passed and later games have better graphics. I still think the graphics are servicable (of course I still enjoy games like FFVI). Plus you can play it on PS2 already, as long as you use PS1 save cards.

06-19-2004, 11:36 PM
I've said it once, and I'll say it again. Why remake FF7 when anybody can just go to the local video game store and pick up FF7 "Greatest Hits" and play it on their PSX - or even on their PS2?

06-20-2004, 06:35 PM
I dread the thought of a remake of FFVII but only because I think that it's over-rated. I'm not trying to downplay its significance, it definitely made people pay attention to the FF name much more than any previous game, but it seems to me (as in, this is purely my opinion and I am not stating it as fact) that FFVII only made people get really into FFVII. The game has enough hype and fame. Why not push some of the other, less well known FF games? Why not actually release FFIII in America? Why not release the graphical update of FFIV in America? Why not give us Before Crisis on GBA? Why not...... oh never mind, I'm ranting again.

though i'd hate to admit it,your right. Fants really sunk their teeth into VII,and never let go.Sure,they played the other games,but they just refuse/d to let anything beat ff VII's glory. Tis how i am :p Personaly,i want them to leave it how it is,until the PS games can no longer be played on a new, updated, consol. for the moment, PS2 takes care of playing the great game. By the way things have been going, there will be a new consol out in now time and we'll probably have a re-make. Whoop. Pretty Cloud and Zack and Aeris and all the rest in pretty graphics with pretty movies. Yippie doo da. But not now.Besides,it would ruin something of the game, i think

06-21-2004, 01:08 AM
since day one FFVII has amazed me in the fact that it looks like crap, but that same crappy look is what makes the game so good. the music is amazing, i always am happy to hear the same tunes every time i play...theyre little masterpeices. the feel of the game, the complex and unforgettable story line, the fact that i can play this everyday for the rest of my life.....that is what makes a good game. dont change a thing, cause all the games nowadays suck majorly....

06-21-2004, 08:18 AM
I agree with the above post. FFs post VII suck. They're too into graphics and all that. I know I really could give two poops about how a game looks. What makes the game is the story and characters. I don't want FFVII remade.

06-21-2004, 11:20 AM
he game is fine as it is :)

Loony BoB
06-21-2004, 12:25 PM
since day one FFVII has amazed me in the fact that it looks like crap, but that same crappy look is what makes the game so good. the music is amazing, i always am happy to hear the same tunes every time i play...theyre little masterpeices. the feel of the game, the complex and unforgettable story line, the fact that i can play this everyday for the rest of my life.....that is what makes a good game. dont change a thing, cause all the games nowadays suck majorly....
Yeah, I agree with that for the most part. And I really hate all the pretty-faced graphicised characters they put out now on.

06-21-2004, 12:45 PM
They've already said that they won't, which is a shame. But hey, maybe they'll change their minds some day, say if AC is a big hit :D

I'd like to see it, even if it's just exactly the same but with higher definition character graphics. All the 'block hands' and whatnot are disturbing :p

06-21-2004, 02:55 PM
Regardless, Square has already stated that any game that can still be played on a current console (PSX games can be played on PS2s, of course) wont be remade.

I also have an email saved somewhere stating the exact same thing, I can attach it if I find it.

06-21-2004, 05:46 PM
I remember sittin in front of the tv waiting for commericals of FFVII to some one just so I could see the same scenes from the game over again. My dad bought me a playstation just so I could play this game. I played through the first 3 hours of the game and didnt have a memory card to save the game on. This game was a HUGE step forward in comparison to the previous FF games. I used to look at the screen and be amazed that those graphics were available in video games. nowadays I expect the games to look good. It doesnt have to, but noone is gonna release an rpg that aint "pretty". I still play this game, just to be reminded of how I felt back then. I wouldnt mind seein the graphics redone, but I dont think if they did, it would hold the same value to the people that waited for those stores to open so they could run in a grab the first copy off the shelf.

Leave they way it is. At least for now. I still like feelin like a kid when I play that game. To remake it would take that joy away from me.


06-21-2004, 06:10 PM
Preach it... :beer:

It'd be nice, but it wouldn't hold the same value like you said. The remakes of the originals were good, even though I had everyone of 'em. But trying to remake a classic just doesn't seem like it'd turn out the way we'd all want it too; someone would find something to complain about because it wasn't prefect or something like that.

06-21-2004, 08:05 PM
I agree with the above post. FFs post VII suck. They're too into graphics and all that. I know I really could give two poops about how a game looks. What makes the game is the story and characters.

Oh man, the irony......

When FFVII came out, people were all like "OMFG TEH GRAPHIX R GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!111". Then a little while (read, 2 months after its initial US release) later, people started complaining that it was all style and no substance. Pretty graphics and not much else. That it coulda easily been made as a 2D game. That it just didn't have that Final Fantasy feel to it, and shoulda been called something else, or not been made at all. People were saying things like "Square is selling out" and "This marks the end of the FF series, it's going to die in the next couple of years". In fact, just look at the back of your FFVII box. It proclaims that it's graphically leaps and bounds ahead of the competition.

06-21-2004, 08:13 PM
Plus, it was the first game Square did that had CG, so they were almost completely ignorant in how to do it. So it's no surprise that the graphics are getting better over time, it's because they have had experience with it. And saying every FF after VII was bad is a lie. FFVIII, despite its weak character development, was great. FFIX was rated high by almost every game magazine; great graphics, and good plot. FFX incredible graphics, many people still play it, that's way its always in the top 10 on GameFAQs. Saying Square is selling out for graphics only is a very hastey generalization, it's just that they have become more experience with CG, so they games are gonna look better. A game can still be incredible despite it having crappy/outstanding graphics.

People always find something to complain about, don't you agree?

06-21-2004, 11:11 PM
Thats the thing I don't liek the new games at all. Tactics were good and so was CC. But the main FFs since 7 have been lacking in story and a good plot.

06-22-2004, 01:17 AM
i was turned on to RPGs by FFVII, i actually never heard the hype before it came out...i went to toys r us and it was number one so i bought it. i was so happy with it i bought FFVIII, FFIX, and FFX. theyre all great, theres no doubt. but they never made me feel the same way FFVII did. theyre all great in there own way.

06-23-2004, 03:49 AM
Plus, it was the first game Square did that had CG, so they were almost completely ignorant in how to do it.

No it wasn't, they made Tobal No. 1 before they made FFVII. Tobal, however, had really insanely good graphics for a PS1 3D fighting game, especially when you consider that it was one of the first wave of PS1 titles.

06-23-2004, 06:09 AM
i actually enjoy the way ff7 is.. i dont want it remade, it would ruin the classic-ness of the game... everything is just perfect!

i could play ff7 over and over and never get bored with such a good game!

06-23-2004, 02:51 PM
No it wasn't, they made Tobal No. 1 before they made FFVII. Tobal, however, had really insanely good graphics for a PS1 3D fighting game, especially when you consider that it was one of the first wave of PS1 titles.

Touché! I guess I meant RPG. Should've been a bit more specific. :rolleyes2

06-23-2004, 06:55 PM
Why would genre matter when concerning CG experience? Also, Square made a game that was never released to the public before they did Tobal No. 1. It was made only for their high-end CG systems and used characters from FF6 made completely in 3D. I'm sure you can find screens of this somewhere, and the graphics on it were bangin'.