View Full Version : Spiderman 2

The Puppy
07-05-2004, 01:06 AM
I got this yesterday 3jul for the X-box. This game rocks.
I had 50.00 to do the 3month blockbuster thing and they had 2 copys on the shelf. If the people who rented them have a 3month pass then So much for that idea. I went to Worst Buy with a 5.00 coupon. Whats with the 2 copies???
Anyway, Go get this game somehow. There is more stats than Vice City. It counts your jumps and steps taken. Must go save some more people from falling.


07-08-2004, 02:25 AM
I bought this game yesterday. Oh man, I LOVE IT. :love:

Saving people from falling is a pain though. I like it when you go to help someone, and it turns out to be a trap. Fighting 8 guys at once is hillarious. Unless they have big guns, then that sucks.

07-08-2004, 02:31 AM
i wanna play that game SOOOOOOO bad, i also wanna see the movie :P

07-12-2004, 12:06 AM
Ok so I got this game the other day, with the intent of just playing a couple of hours a day and taking my time over it. That plan failed quite drmatically.
It's just so damn addictive, I dunno what it's longevity will be like though, because much as there is to do, some of the challenges look just evil!
The control you have over your movement is unbelievable. When I played Spider-Man on the PSone I always pictured things I wished I could do, basically this game! The only changes I'd make (simple ones) would be the ability to shoot webs downwards, being able to simultaneously fire webs instead of one after the other, being able to climb webs, and the ability to use vertical poles. But to be honest the effort they've put in I think I'll live.
This is a benchmark for movie licenses, and games in general IMO.

By the way, how accurate is New York? A lot of touches like basketball courts, and the like seem to be missing, but is the actual layout and buildings right?

07-12-2004, 04:33 AM
As far as I know, the layout is pretty acurate. They even have the spot where the twin towers once stood.

I beat the game last night, and I'm still going since there is still so much to do. Some of the pizza missions are kinda hard, so are the daily bugle ones. But I just like swinging around and helping random people out. I love taking on huge mobs of gang members and not even taking a hit. :p

07-12-2004, 06:06 AM
What is it like GTA Vice City, where your in a real time world enviorment or somthing ? If thats the case, Ima buy it. :D

07-12-2004, 02:00 PM
It's exactly like GTA. People on the street talk to you, and you talk back. And "random" crimes happen all the time. Once you get into the game the crimes seem less random though.

07-12-2004, 07:47 PM
Yeah there aren't a massive variety of things to do, but pretty much everything is done either very well or amazingly. The learning curve is kind of... flexible. Basically whatever you like doing theres plenty of ways to test, improve and become more stylish at it. What starts as easy doesn't get that dull for me even though it's very repetitive because even after you've taken out Doc Ock and managed some of the ridiculous challenges there's still fun to be had finding cooler ways to take out a purse snatcher or finding new ways to move about the city.
I haven't even tried the Pizza Boy missions yet, I'm mainly just collecting points and trying the shorter challenges at the minute.

07-25-2004, 05:38 AM
I was addicted to the game the first week I bought it. It was way too easy though. >_>;; The only difficult thing was the last boss fight (and those stupid challenge things). Other than that, it was easy, but I liked it.

07-25-2004, 11:30 AM
Man, this game reminds me of City of Heroes MMORPG I played when it was released just recently.

07-25-2004, 11:46 AM
I was going to buy it, but I've reconsidered. Although the reviews I've read have been fairly positive, the game is apparently not as great as everyone says. Having said that, I am a big Spiderman fan, so I'll probably end up buying it anyway.

Chrono Duck
07-25-2004, 11:07 PM
This game is so awesome. It isn't like any of the other shitty movie tie-ins. I could swing through the city for hours and not get bored. I do with there were a few more extras, like different costumes, and the ability to play through the game as a villian, like the Green Goblin in the first game.

Spidey's retort against Mysterio is classic:

Possible spoiler (if you really give a shit about the story):

"Oh no...an secret elevator hidden behind a bookcase...Mysterio...you fiend..."

Az Lionheart
07-26-2004, 07:04 PM
i guess it is werth getting then

08-09-2004, 01:38 AM
I love the game but I do have some complaints like the crimes all so repitive (sp) and the combat the damn thieves always block my atks and dodge my webs so I ALWAYS have to counteratk but just go back to swinging around in the city makes it all better. Full score: 9.0/10.